Again, these are intended to SHARE WITH THE OPEN PUBLIC what thinkers, activists, people involved in boards across this country, and those who write their opinions where it can be found - read & some bits quoted before.
The OPENNESS that is not a reality or available from neither Pacifica - the network top power org that oversees it's 5 radio stations in USA is disturbing -nor our local KPFK either.
considering that in all & continual ways the criticism made of any other commercial, governmental, or any Other organization or institution is that they are secretive, non-transparent, hiding information -
& denying realities and playing in the dark, away from being ACCOUNTABLE, RESPONSIBLE etc their members, their stake holders, their investors, and the interested "public" too.
And this is exactly what has and IS happening at all places that Pacifica/ KPFK etc. = all do this , regularly and always, all ways...still now.
So to have more of "the rest of us" share in KNOWing just a bit of what is said, written, thought and offered as suggestions about these failing entities, here are some quotes, with a bit of editing at times..
but also intended TO REVEAL AND MAKE TRANSPARENT more of what is thought, happening at the radio sites that we pay for, support, volunteer, offer all our sharing benefits & recommendations.
To not plagiarize or name or make any other person 'responsible' for what is written/copied here , please understand the reasons for Privacy and Courtesy...
and at the same time the need to MAKE KNOWN AND OPEN UP What Else is being said, thought, considered or acted upon....that is never ever repeated "on air" for Listeners, Members, Donors, Stakeholders, et. al. to also be equally included & involved.
Read and learn and then go to ask about anything that concerns you, the reader here, to discuss and demand more revelations from Your Own Radio Station , i.e. KPFK in Los Angeles.
"How do we make alternative media relevant…with these kind of premiums….?
Null is only 1,that is 1 promoter with premiums that is sold often and a lot at WBAI.
But has anyone listened to the
home-shopping, very commercialized exhortations by staff -
promoting dubious stuff for exorbitant prices (Christine's exuberant fake
claims and personalizing all promotional claims , to all "honey"s
maybe listening ) @ KPFK ?
And the station's eternally repeating these adverts in this long $$$$-
getting drive is exhausting to listen to, even 1 x . Anyone wonder is any
of those are even FDA ( or anywhere) verifiability tested or legitimately
approved ? Or been fairly priced, as is asked ?
The messages are clearly ageist,
fear-mongering of aging and any physical discomforts, & with
exaggerations that are focusing on "looksism" and the common
desire to return to that eternal desire to be younger, at last, or
to at least agree that "u Gotta LOOK Younger ! So Buy these ! ! !
As that being beautiful,
flaw-free, & younger are all that is therein emphasized. Very
commercial adverts.
For a
list of some of these strange claims & hijacking $$$ for that stuff,
see KPFK's website listing "premiums" - (aka sales gimmicks) to
raise their needed $$$.
and do Check out the "gobble" neck services & products, plus other
dubious "health" products claims made, ( sold) on KPFK
now. "
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"We notice now that more actual Names are being mentioned, more openly- rather than the usual vague mention of nebulous, un-named groups - with the harmful individuals never specifically identified.
Not that we, elsewhere than NY, know the his-stories or accounts of WBAI, but the same versions of persistent-old-programmers + PNB-ers + those recycling management-types and program-directors/manager types too, all want to stay currently prominent - and in the ltd. on-air-access POWER positions - forever.
So there is little interest of any managers to actually cultivate, to train, and recruit or find anyone else- who can perhaps better provide the holy Mission guidelines, like education instead of the prolific, extreme personal, biased, political Opinions.
That same system of patterns seems to cross all 5 stations across country. tho many are at the WBAI site. The caution of not daring to name Actual Persons - who have neglected their actual professional duties -
and then not becoming responsible for their actions & inadvertences - is a way to merely continue to duplicate same hiding / protecting/ avoiding of those who hurt the whole of Pacifica.
Just as all station stakeholders & donors are now paying for WBAI’s rent problems - so too each station apparently is infected. And loop holes are copied by the others – as in getting away with-Out being productive, nor effective, nor becoming financially stable. Most are just Wobbling to stay in place, barely.
So : all the loooong fund $$$ “drives” – drive away lots of listeners.
We may not know the people being described as harming the whole of Pacifica with their actions or lack of diligence -or those 'attacked' as they call it - or those "mis-understood" as those who protect-to-save their own like to say.
But the willingness to now, finally, to name actual names- wow !
this is also the way to ask them and their allies / cronies to stop protecting them, as those too will be called-out, openly. Maybe now ? As their PAST actions still reverberate throughout Pacifica today.
Sorta like criminals or sexual predators who now are identified - and then when out of hiding, there arrives more verifications of their greed, their poor decisions and harmful actions taken [and always, with denials]-
People must be now seen for what they have or not done well, and admitted as actually still being RESPONSIBLE, finally now. And so are in the open to everyone’s knowing - and then it is more difficult to just continue on with others too doing the same-old-same-old -
with the same-old-Pacifica-older-power-brokers continuing to do more - of the whole org's losing-more- as the same. Maybe."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"... the acrimony is attendant at every meeting and is ALWAYS terrible, the constant threats of sanctions and trials, etc. ....
your group uses was awful, unequally applied in a factional fashion and people who by any proper measure should have recused themselves in some matters, NEVER have.
You and your group are so bent on control at any cost, that even if you got your way, it would never be representative of the listeners and membership (you know/the actual owners of Pacifica) could never be properly served or even truly considered, much less consulted and heeded.
That's an utter and complete failure."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"but the clock is ticking...Immediate obvious change must start...
It is not clear how much change will start to repair the decades of damage ..?
We need to be very flexible....
I know I favor whole sale sacking...But that is my opinion.
I have had enough of the politically correct bullshit from those who practically nobody listening to them.
The drive time slots need the first massive change and that is especially true for the morning slots.
A burst of positive energy would do well but I know that any change will cause mini and macro jihads..So what?
These shows have collectively failed to strategize their existence and figure out how to monetize their support for decades."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
[google images, more !]
"...we seem always to end up with competing factions mostly struggling to push and pull Pacifica away from its founding purposes.
I'd like to see a practical solution to that problem, and a Pacifica aligned with its original purposes.....that will be hard.... bring in new people to advisory committees to propose new solutions and hope they are not already wedded to one side or the other....
....For Pacifica to survive as Pacifica, its programming must reflect the purposes outlined in its Articles of Incorporation; but the central problem is that most of the folks who have gotten together or might get together with the idea of creating a more interesting grid have aligned themselves with purposes that are not actually consistent with the purposes outlined in the organization's Articles of Incorporation. ...
This requires expertise, not popularity, and certainly not the popularity that comes from having been on the board before and having a recognizable name, which is why certain people get more votes than others.
...groups typically view Pacifica's broadcasting as a tool to be used by them in their greater political, cultural, economic, or social justice struggles....
? Will previous donors (who might be presumed to support the current grid) be offered a refund when the new grid is installed?....
.....programming power would still be vulnerable to capture by ideologues....
The Pacifica Bylaws only say that station programming should fulfill the purposes of the Foundation, be responsive to the diverse needs of the listeners (demographic) and communities (geographic) served by the station, and that station policies and procedures for making programming decisions and for program evaluation should be working in a fair, collaborative and respectful manner to provide quality programming. [Art. 7, Sec. 3(G)]
The Pacifica National Board has articulated in one or more resolutions its understanding that programming decisions would best be made by a local Program Director collaborating with a local Program Council that is advisory to station management....
whether we elect people or appoint them or allow them to appoint themselves, we seem always to end up with competing factions mostly struggling to push and pull Pacifica away from its founding purposes.
What's happened is that Pacifica governance consists primarily of two self-selected slates battling each other. So much for "democracy."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"also think that more transparency needs to be introduced into the system. Keeping people informed is real work. Maybe they could go on the radio and explain?....
Thus at Pacifica, the only people who vote are those who are committed activists or angry listeners, or in a few elections, those whose favorite programs are threatened by the cabal that has seized power....
Candidate statements are boilerplate and rarely say anything but the blandest criticisms or encomiums in order to gather the most votes. Just like in governmental elections. And there are few places that explain who these people are, individually....
anyone who follows the instructions and gets on the ballot eventually gets on the board. through attrition. And the politics of the boards change not via election but via attrition, which is ridiculous..
Why have a democracy when the losers can control conditions simply by twiddling their thumbs and waiting?....
.....people potentially getting on the board simply by voting for themselves as a write-in. ....
Things started to go wrong when the PNB started to select its own new members by creating "at large" seats and filling them....
Here is an old Salon link from 1999:
....a true democracy based on respect and common values & goals. a true democracy based on respect and common values & goals.....
we need talented and expert local and management including program management -- and they won't work for this kind of chaotic organization for long...."
- - - - - - YET, yep, ANOTHER too....
[=yep, goggle offers images ]
"why were not [some NY] Forum panels on the air live? Instead the awful Spriing fundraiser droned on and on and on and on. The quality of WBAI broadcasting is on the whole dreadful especially during fundraisers, The quality of management is awful and it shows in what is broadcast on the air."
WBAI and Pacifica have been saved from the greedy clutches of the Empire State Realty Trust. And the yearly Pacifica audits will actually be happening..
According to the latest report from our Interim Exe Director.
Now is the time to revamp WBAI so it is functional as opposed to dysfunctional and so instead of losing audience it is gaining audience.
This requires leadership skills and abilities both ideological and practical way beyond those of the present management team which clearly has to be replaced with skilled and able people
...all board members should be required to take some of this kind of training, ...there are other ways to learn about mass media nonprofits, and all the other relevant things I wish I had known when I was on the LSB.....
- - - - -
"It is repeated as if true: that "All listener-supporters carry weight "
[But not. yet, how we all wish this were true, but is not in our experiences over many many yrs !] .
How long is it going to take before they finally grasp the essence of what Lew Hill had in mind?
Fix this stagnation. Damn !!!
...but the doors are closed and the rubble is uninviting.... new visionaries are around, but the doors are closed and the rubble remaining is uninviting to listeners, as seen by audience outflow, loss
we ought to leave identity politics behind in picking a fit Executive Director for Pacifica.
What we need are people to apply who are extremely ready for the position based on their actual degree of appropriate knowledge and experience (not based on their ethnicity, gender or sexual identity).
Pacifica has suffered from toxic missed-leadership for a long, long time and deserves and desperately needs something better for a change.
the above writings, words, are intended to INFORM, give more expression than what is carefully controlled by self-serving programmers and their PD too.
Freedom is not very free if not open to many more than the limited elite, insiders, repeaters= those who are stuck-in-slots that are not changed nor innovative at any Pacifica station - and especially Not at our local KPFK.
And then the staff there wonder why the audiences stray and take their money away to other stations that are more "balanced" & multi-dimdimensional in creative thinking - those radio programs that are moderated not only to the 1 extreme [leftist only] part of political/social spectrum ?
Only the playing to the small social segment - meanwhile claiming they contain OPENness or Freedom or Inclusiveness - but do not. KPFK & connected radio stations are significantly imbalanced - which then leads to mind-less-ness...
That limited on-air info is NOT assisting us to be multi-cultural, open-minded, or understanding of any and all "others" that we may not directly experience daily etc.
The pre-dominant opinions, slants, spins & guests at KFPK are definitely not very diverse in their alliances or words/ answers, but instead, those voices are selectively chosen to be only the ones who appear to be "victims" or those maybe deemed 'rebels' or acting-out against anything established by others.
Where are the rest ?
Where is the actual diversity that would create EDUCATED factual information? [that is noted to be essential in Pacifica's original and holy "mission" but eliminated in actuality - programs & info are barely 'educational' -
but their on-air words, stories & narratives are spun to create only 1-sided views & opinions -- just like propaganda does also -- & sales messages also tend to be that way too.
Where is the will to be OPEN to more than 1 extreme side of any topic ? and then to instead of providing that same-old-1-regularly-repeated-version, give more varied versions : of the multiple problems, concerns, and current difficulties that we all experience - OUTSIDE of this 1-closed-world-
view- radio.
And now, especially now a days , when words, thoughts, news are heard from Pacifica airways as mostly always limited to promoting just 1 race, 1 political view/ slant, 1 non-religious-spiritual understanding, 1-biased-spin ONLY +
1-sided-stuck-in-1-spun-mind-set, we are listening elsewhere for reality-checks and fuller dimensions of what we want to KNOW more about.
and we listeners, donors, stakeholders need: a wider fuller, broader variety of what is 'news' or 'important to know" -
But KPFK is not: broad, not varied, not exploratory, not filling any gaps that we definitely must hear - in our desire / need to be Open-minded, Informed-citizens, Smart-folk.
Check the KPFK limited-selected programs.... and then wonder what is NOT BEING HEARD OR REVEALED on KPFK ?
a lot, that is also "Necessary to know and understand" and to be an informed, educated, public citizen.
Playing to the extreme and affirming Only 1 limited version of reality is not fair, not just, not good-enough.
[from google images, of course !]
enough of criticisms. Nothing seems to change at a stuck-in-old-lefty-mud and older-only-same-voices are heard on this non-progressing station...
"progressive" means moving forward, not staying in the same limited programming, same programmers repeating their same msgs and views, and the same repetitive ways of raising monies for maintenance +
[and loans, lawsuits, attys, and big mistakes - ie. WBAI's recent lawsuit costs !]
enough to show what is being said elsewhere and re-shared here, reported without having to comment on comments made elsewhere, copied FYI here.
(c) mj 2018
any organization with a budget can be labeled a business because it needs to
pay expenses and salaries, but that does not mean that profit making be the
dominant ideology of what it does..
So far, Pacifica has
functioned without ads. That is good. It would lose all it
purpose if it took adds because it needs to be critical of the commercial and
corporate organizations in the country that form the basis of many social
problems." -
- a questioning
reply here:is "non-commercial" describe
the same as "non-profit" as is Pacifica's
corporation operations?
"non-commercial" claims are dubious, misleading and a spin -
done to idealize what is actual, factual, and happens at each radio station's
'fund $$$ drives".
all the rest of the many daily programs -- that have a
"guest",that is interviewed, & thus promoted...or is holding an
external event / media product ...
or on-air that person presents their own
biased/personal viewpoint or issues -- are called
"non-commercial" while transacting their business on these radio
In other prior times it was
called "payola" = the act of trading favors..."
- - - - - - ANOTHER |
"We notice now that more actual Names are being mentioned, more openly- rather than the usual vague mention of nebulous, un-named groups - with the harmful individuals never specifically identified.
Not that we, elsewhere than NY, know the his-stories or accounts of WBAI, but the same versions of persistent-old-programmers + PNB-ers + those recycling management-types and program-directors/manager types too, all want to stay currently prominent - and in the ltd. on-air-access POWER positions - forever.
So there is little interest of any managers to actually cultivate, to train, and recruit or find anyone else- who can perhaps better provide the holy Mission guidelines, like education instead of the prolific, extreme personal, biased, political Opinions.
That same system of patterns seems to cross all 5 stations across country. tho many are at the WBAI site. The caution of not daring to name Actual Persons - who have neglected their actual professional duties -
and then not becoming responsible for their actions & inadvertences - is a way to merely continue to duplicate same hiding / protecting/ avoiding of those who hurt the whole of Pacifica.
Just as all station stakeholders & donors are now paying for WBAI’s rent problems - so too each station apparently is infected. And loop holes are copied by the others – as in getting away with-Out being productive, nor effective, nor becoming financially stable. Most are just Wobbling to stay in place, barely.
So : all the loooong fund $$$ “drives” – drive away lots of listeners.
We may not know the people being described as harming the whole of Pacifica with their actions or lack of diligence -or those 'attacked' as they call it - or those "mis-understood" as those who protect-to-save their own like to say.
But the willingness to now, finally, to name actual names- wow !
this is also the way to ask them and their allies / cronies to stop protecting them, as those too will be called-out, openly. Maybe now ? As their PAST actions still reverberate throughout Pacifica today.
Sorta like criminals or sexual predators who now are identified - and then when out of hiding, there arrives more verifications of their greed, their poor decisions and harmful actions taken [and always, with denials]-
People must be now seen for what they have or not done well, and admitted as actually still being RESPONSIBLE, finally now. And so are in the open to everyone’s knowing - and then it is more difficult to just continue on with others too doing the same-old-same-old -
with the same-old-Pacifica-older-power-brokers continuing to do more - of the whole org's losing-more- as the same. Maybe."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"... the acrimony is attendant at every meeting and is ALWAYS terrible, the constant threats of sanctions and trials, etc. ....
your group uses was awful, unequally applied in a factional fashion and people who by any proper measure should have recused themselves in some matters, NEVER have.
You and your group are so bent on control at any cost, that even if you got your way, it would never be representative of the listeners and membership (you know/the actual owners of Pacifica) could never be properly served or even truly considered, much less consulted and heeded.
That's an utter and complete failure."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"but the clock is ticking...Immediate obvious change must start...
It is not clear how much change will start to repair the decades of damage ..?
We need to be very flexible....
I know I favor whole sale sacking...But that is my opinion.
I have had enough of the politically correct bullshit from those who practically nobody listening to them.
The drive time slots need the first massive change and that is especially true for the morning slots.
A burst of positive energy would do well but I know that any change will cause mini and macro jihads..So what?
These shows have collectively failed to strategize their existence and figure out how to monetize their support for decades."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"...we seem always to end up with competing factions mostly struggling to push and pull Pacifica away from its founding purposes.
I'd like to see a practical solution to that problem, and a Pacifica aligned with its original purposes.....that will be hard.... bring in new people to advisory committees to propose new solutions and hope they are not already wedded to one side or the other....
....For Pacifica to survive as Pacifica, its programming must reflect the purposes outlined in its Articles of Incorporation; but the central problem is that most of the folks who have gotten together or might get together with the idea of creating a more interesting grid have aligned themselves with purposes that are not actually consistent with the purposes outlined in the organization's Articles of Incorporation. ...
This requires expertise, not popularity, and certainly not the popularity that comes from having been on the board before and having a recognizable name, which is why certain people get more votes than others.
...groups typically view Pacifica's broadcasting as a tool to be used by them in their greater political, cultural, economic, or social justice struggles....
? Will previous donors (who might be presumed to support the current grid) be offered a refund when the new grid is installed?....
.....programming power would still be vulnerable to capture by ideologues....
The Pacifica Bylaws only say that station programming should fulfill the purposes of the Foundation, be responsive to the diverse needs of the listeners (demographic) and communities (geographic) served by the station, and that station policies and procedures for making programming decisions and for program evaluation should be working in a fair, collaborative and respectful manner to provide quality programming. [Art. 7, Sec. 3(G)]
The Pacifica National Board has articulated in one or more resolutions its understanding that programming decisions would best be made by a local Program Director collaborating with a local Program Council that is advisory to station management....
whether we elect people or appoint them or allow them to appoint themselves, we seem always to end up with competing factions mostly struggling to push and pull Pacifica away from its founding purposes.
What's happened is that Pacifica governance consists primarily of two self-selected slates battling each other. So much for "democracy."
- - - - - - ANOTHER
"also think that more transparency needs to be introduced into the system. Keeping people informed is real work. Maybe they could go on the radio and explain?....
Thus at Pacifica, the only people who vote are those who are committed activists or angry listeners, or in a few elections, those whose favorite programs are threatened by the cabal that has seized power....
Candidate statements are boilerplate and rarely say anything but the blandest criticisms or encomiums in order to gather the most votes. Just like in governmental elections. And there are few places that explain who these people are, individually....
anyone who follows the instructions and gets on the ballot eventually gets on the board. through attrition. And the politics of the boards change not via election but via attrition, which is ridiculous..
Why have a democracy when the losers can control conditions simply by twiddling their thumbs and waiting?....
.....people potentially getting on the board simply by voting for themselves as a write-in. ....
Things started to go wrong when the PNB started to select its own new members by creating "at large" seats and filling them....
Here is an old Salon link from 1999:
....a true democracy based on respect and common values & goals. a true democracy based on respect and common values & goals.....
we need talented and expert local and management including program management -- and they won't work for this kind of chaotic organization for long...."
- - - - - - YET, yep, ANOTHER too....
"why were not [some NY] Forum panels on the air live? Instead the awful Spriing fundraiser droned on and on and on and on. The quality of WBAI broadcasting is on the whole dreadful especially during fundraisers, The quality of management is awful and it shows in what is broadcast on the air."
WBAI and Pacifica have been saved from the greedy clutches of the Empire State Realty Trust. And the yearly Pacifica audits will actually be happening..
According to the latest report from our Interim Exe Director.
Now is the time to revamp WBAI so it is functional as opposed to dysfunctional and so instead of losing audience it is gaining audience.
This requires leadership skills and abilities both ideological and practical way beyond those of the present management team which clearly has to be replaced with skilled and able people
...all board members should be required to take some of this kind of training, ...there are other ways to learn about mass media nonprofits, and all the other relevant things I wish I had known when I was on the LSB.....
- - - - -
"It is repeated as if true: that "All listener-supporters carry weight "
[But not. yet, how we all wish this were true, but is not in our experiences over many many yrs !] .
How long is it going to take before they finally grasp the essence of what Lew Hill had in mind?
Fix this stagnation. Damn !!!
...but the doors are closed and the rubble is uninviting.... new visionaries are around, but the doors are closed and the rubble remaining is uninviting to listeners, as seen by audience outflow, loss
we ought to leave identity politics behind in picking a fit Executive Director for Pacifica.
What we need are people to apply who are extremely ready for the position based on their actual degree of appropriate knowledge and experience (not based on their ethnicity, gender or sexual identity).
Pacifica has suffered from toxic missed-leadership for a long, long time and deserves and desperately needs something better for a change.
the above writings, words, are intended to INFORM, give more expression than what is carefully controlled by self-serving programmers and their PD too.
Freedom is not very free if not open to many more than the limited elite, insiders, repeaters= those who are stuck-in-slots that are not changed nor innovative at any Pacifica station - and especially Not at our local KPFK.
And then the staff there wonder why the audiences stray and take their money away to other stations that are more "balanced" & multi-dimdimensional in creative thinking - those radio programs that are moderated not only to the 1 extreme [leftist only] part of political/social spectrum ?
Only the playing to the small social segment - meanwhile claiming they contain OPENness or Freedom or Inclusiveness - but do not. KPFK & connected radio stations are significantly imbalanced - which then leads to mind-less-ness...
That limited on-air info is NOT assisting us to be multi-cultural, open-minded, or understanding of any and all "others" that we may not directly experience daily etc.
The pre-dominant opinions, slants, spins & guests at KFPK are definitely not very diverse in their alliances or words/ answers, but instead, those voices are selectively chosen to be only the ones who appear to be "victims" or those maybe deemed 'rebels' or acting-out against anything established by others.
Where are the rest ?
Where is the actual diversity that would create EDUCATED factual information? [that is noted to be essential in Pacifica's original and holy "mission" but eliminated in actuality - programs & info are barely 'educational' -
but their on-air words, stories & narratives are spun to create only 1-sided views & opinions -- just like propaganda does also -- & sales messages also tend to be that way too.
Where is the will to be OPEN to more than 1 extreme side of any topic ? and then to instead of providing that same-old-1-regularly-repeated-version, give more varied versions : of the multiple problems, concerns, and current difficulties that we all experience - OUTSIDE of this 1-closed-world-
view- radio.
And now, especially now a days , when words, thoughts, news are heard from Pacifica airways as mostly always limited to promoting just 1 race, 1 political view/ slant, 1 non-religious-spiritual understanding, 1-biased-spin ONLY +
1-sided-stuck-in-1-spun-mind-set, we are listening elsewhere for reality-checks and fuller dimensions of what we want to KNOW more about.
and we listeners, donors, stakeholders need: a wider fuller, broader variety of what is 'news' or 'important to know" -
But KPFK is not: broad, not varied, not exploratory, not filling any gaps that we definitely must hear - in our desire / need to be Open-minded, Informed-citizens, Smart-folk.
Check the KPFK limited-selected programs.... and then wonder what is NOT BEING HEARD OR REVEALED on KPFK ?
a lot, that is also "Necessary to know and understand" and to be an informed, educated, public citizen.
Playing to the extreme and affirming Only 1 limited version of reality is not fair, not just, not good-enough.
enough of criticisms. Nothing seems to change at a stuck-in-old-lefty-mud and older-only-same-voices are heard on this non-progressing station...
"progressive" means moving forward, not staying in the same limited programming, same programmers repeating their same msgs and views, and the same repetitive ways of raising monies for maintenance +
[and loans, lawsuits, attys, and big mistakes - ie. WBAI's recent lawsuit costs !]
enough to show what is being said elsewhere and re-shared here, reported without having to comment on comments made elsewhere, copied FYI here.
(c) mj 2018
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Please share your comments or concerns clearly, concisely and courteously here. No cursing, venting, raging or trolling [bullying, hating, mean attacks et al ] allowed. These comments can inform and the rest of us and; who care about improving KPFK.Plse Use your best word skills to communicate and be informative or questioning or making yourself helpful & understood. thank youl