But the words that are mainly focused on WBAI are easily transferred to KPFK instead, because tho there was no rent to pay, as KPFK owned [past tense ? ] their building, the lack of enough good programming, professional, & responsible management has left the flailing
whole, Pacifica, always defensively claiming it's purity while reverting to begging for months on end for "More Money!!!"...
and another month of May was dull, repetitive and unbearable for the continual strange, UN-believable 'premium's' being 'offered' for much cash - all under the auspices of needing to pay....whatever else than maintenance & staff and those usual obligations, now.
So because so many others write publicly, some quotes describing their ideas, concerns and
wishful-thinking too are listed below, to help KFPK donors, stakeholders, listeners, members also be INCLUDED in the otherwise-hidden-secreted lists that these folk use to vent their own view to each other, not in an open publication available to all 'the rest of us'.
[a visual of how it "could be" but is not at KPFK nor any other Pacifica station either]
here goes :
"Good article, [ on WBAI elsewhere- as almost all, except not-paying rent & causing huge debt, loans, $$$ crises to all 5 radio stations - pertains equally to KPFK too ] and good strategy.
However, [writer was] as a former PNB and LSB member, you certainly know that the problem we have is not a lack of good strategies, but of good management.
What have you been doing to improve WBAI's/ [KPFK 's] management, to staff it with people professional and intelligent enough to find and use these opportunities. There is no lack of ways to improve WBAI's/ [KPFK 's] performance and broadcasting quality, there is just a very great lack of talent to do so.
What is your responsibility for the current state in which we find ourselves? Posting opportunities is diverting readers from the real issues: what are you doing to remedy the neglect, and worse, of the PNB and the local station management? "
Lewis Hill, from “The Theory of Listener-Sponsored Radio” (1951)
“This is the first problem it sets out to solve-to give the genuine artist and thinker a possible, even a desirable, place to work in radio.”....”When we have a radio station fully supported by subscribers who have not responded to a special gift offer, who are not participating in a lottery, who have not ventured an investment at 3 per cent, but who use this means of supporting values that seem to them of basic and lasting importance-then we will have more than a subscription roster.”
"The two parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a 'gentleman's agreement' of non-recognition, no matter how we vote ..
"May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties.” - quoted as from W.E.B. DuBois
"On Government by organized mob: We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. — FDR, 1936 "
- - - -
"the lawsuit brought against Pacifica for WBAI transmitter rents, license
fees, and related costs, and to pay and/or escrow other Pacifica expenses..."
"there is a morality in transparency, that we have a right to know what those who wish to control our lives are doing in secret. The right to know what our ..."nonprofit corporation that we fund and are stakeholder-members of ...are doing in our name?..or on our behalf .?..or to our detriments our moral right "
... It turns out "some $639,000 in Pacifica's Special “restricted funds“ has been raided, for over a period " of some undefined # of years, " from that separate" restricted " money - that once held about $1,100,000. "
"Restricted funds" are donations given to Pacifica that can ****only be spent for certain restricted and limited purposes or projects**** deemed or agreed to by those donors. The restrictions are placed there specifically by the donor.
Those monies are NOT to be accessible for any other uses ! The Rules don’t include using the money to pay the light bills or any misc / maintenance or such other uses or costs. .
Basically the pot was raided because there were too many people assuming they had the rivht to raid $$$for whatever purpose They alone deemed as "important" that was not according to donors giving plan at all.
the auditor who just wrapped up the 2016 audit (which covers the period from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016), regaled the financially qualified members of the audit committee that stealing this money is ...not legal, not right"
much is often written about WBAI - but pertains to more of the 5 stations, including KPFK = o this was written on wbai-nowthen.blogspot.com by 'Indigopirate' =
"There is a longstanding observation that leftists and progressives are, sadly, far more devoted to their Positions than to actually accomplishing anything.
Positions, you see, are All Important.
They shape everything, determine everything, and are powerfully magically irrelevant and confined to the dustbins of thought from which they first arose and will be forevermore consigned....proof that they matter (if only to themselves and an exceedingly small Circle of Friends..."
- - - --
re info avalable about what is happening to OUR RADIO STATION behind closed....everything !
& also see wbai-nowthen.blogspot.com - the June 5 posting -
"for pages & more pages, a long, entire list of what those doing the choosing are : looking-for-[=wishes] - that are written somewhere else too by Pacifica's current Interim Exe Director, Tom Livingston, being also paid extra for this search and work than for other duties [it's been told ]:
[ the announcement]
" Pacifica's ED job application is Friday, June 15, and here is what they are looking for.
"Women, people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBT candidates are strongly encouraged to apply." It should go without saying that Pacifica seeks a person of unquestionable professionalism, skill and experience—someone who understands Lew Hill's original concept and is willing to adhere to a policy of open- mindedness, honesty and service to the listener-supporters.
These are qualities that have been missing for several years. The above quote suggests the very kind of preference Pacifica needs to abandon.
Gender, sexual persuasion, ethnic origin, age and physical fitness ought not in any way be among the determining factors. Look back a few years and you will see how detrimental such selectivity has been to WBAI. [& KPFK]
Diversity is essential, but it must be reflected as broadly as possible and that can only be done if hiring decisions are unencumbered by personal agendas.
The common denominator has to be ... for a higher intellectual level. The hired applicant should bring a stack of pink slips," &verifiable proof of prior experiences in chaotic progressive extreme-liberal-rigidified-attempts to be relevant to 'others" too ".
[ the list of desires ends with] :
"For more information contact Livingston Associates at 410 243 1974."
"Yes, everything must indeed change, so why not begin by enforcing a policy of honesty?
Do it yourself. As Everyone else can do it."
- - - -
"Repetiton : can be rebellious acting-out. in anger or they say it is a sign of just being numb, dumb, uninterested, or not-caring. like just copy&paste vs. writing with intelligence and attention.
Repetition : It is so much Easier to be Repetitive than to be creative, vital, or thought-full. So that is why programs lose audiences. The same old same old is repeated with similar guests, saying same old versions of their propaganda, their own spins, & their own self-serving roles.
why change when the PD or GM doesnt care enough to notice or want to Improve what is put on-air ? It is so much easier to turn away, let the same repeaters repeat the same programs for years, decades, for-never-to-stop because no one cares-enough to STOP the dullness !
If any organization is tolerant of everything [ anything ], & be so liberalized to that extreme, then it will never move from that whiny position taken, decay, die and be 'un-funded', broke. soon.
it will stand-up & be worth nothing. "
"Yes, [to KPFK LSB person] and you are just pretending or "acting" as the "chairperson " ? And just send repeated same identical msg everywhere & here ?
And yet you are also Responsible: for how you and all other LSB people Never ever act as actual Representatives to the stakeholders, of at least all KPFK members... or else who is ?
Even when we do attend LSB meetings - as mere "public members " - with our less than 2 min for comment in 4 hr meetings - there are no LSB responses, no further concerns nor acknowledgements, & no interest has ever been given nor shown to us = the KPFK public
non-LSB/staff members. . we allI know. Been there. Done that.
You in LSB all apparently only listen to your own selected members. Period.
LSB people Never have any community meetings, town hall type, to give us feedback, or to listen ro our concerns, and answer OUR questions.
There is No email access or members displayed on KPFK's website either. Why are all LSB members Hidden? Thus cleverly unknowable to members? & act so as incommunicados ? And then you continue to advertise yourself boldly here ? CAB [community action group ] is not that substitute. LSB has its separate responsibilities to all KPFK members.
There has always and Is a big disconnect between what is claimed LSB people do as board members - to act for our station's benefits, growth, improvements, funding, maybe ?
& to also Represent members, (instead of their own selves and their own cronies, & special, biased interests).
And is it possible you have no know-how as to how to get off these lists ?
Other than to just easily Re-send the Same (& in bold exclamations, of course ) the same msg 4 - 5 times, already??... is this is a sign of competence to be what ? Huh ?
written by "Another Verrrry long-time KPFK contributor"
Remember, these are not intended to identify, plagiarize or disrespect any person, but to keep on QUESTIONING and being OPEN reporting here what is being said, written, thought and because others are still NOT BEING TRANSPARENT to all who contribute in so many ways to the livelihood of "our radio station. "
(c) btt 2018
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