No intention is made to interpret or agree to anything below.
No copyright can be claimed as those are email groups or web blog sites from which these opinions, rants, complaints, have been copied here.
When a source is pertinent or important to be made known, it is so added clearly.
The purpose of SHARING WORDS THAT MAY BE RELEVANT but mostly hidden by those few who can join a Pacifica Yahoo group [ that mostly rant, opine, attack, demean, criticize each other and everyone else too...] or are comments on a public-visible blog that chooses to limit themselves to NY - as if that radio station were more important or financially viable than the other 4 ....
the 4 OTHER Pacifica radio stations that are now & will continue to be indebted/ pay for the NY radio station's managements serious failures to maintain proper ethical required business practices, i.e. pay rent due as contracted...then to have a law suit that awards ESBT million or such amounts that is to be paid by ALLLLLLL THE STAKEHOLDERS included at any/all Pacifica Radio Foundation's radio stations.
that means all future, present & past donors have & must pay back what NYers have done badly and with no admission of WHO, WHEN, HOW, AND WHAT WAS ACTUALLY DONE that created that financial disaster yet !!!!
Unless some reader here knows more and can let"all the rest of us" know too, please, we are still very curious and feel demeaned, neglected and ignored when we ASK to have no replies of any factual, detailed consequence and NO APOLOGIES or even adequate excuses written to be revealed also here.
KPFK stakeholders have paid for and will continue to pay for that debt. but ARE NEVER INFORMED - not on-air, not in any emails to station's subscribers or previous donors, or made PUBLIC what happened ? why ? how ? and why does the silent denial continue.
Why does every other station [4] also continue to COLLUDE, ENABLE, and help hide the facts ? FACTS, not general nebulous tid bits of non-accountable statements like "the past is in the past and not important to us now " theme == so continually parroted...anywhere we can find.
so the copied excerpted comments that may have some relevance to what is still affecting KPFK, [and other stations, not "sisters", but brothers or siblings ? ] as the whole system is DOMINATED BY MALES who claim to be feminists or female-friendly, while always demeaning female voices, dismissing women's concerns, ignoring women's questions, and pretending to be fair and balanced . NOT.
Notice the names and % of male General Managers across time & country. Notice who predominates the Program Director positions by gender too. Notice also how very long the men stay in those few positions of any POWER ? For how many years, once placed, obtained, they do not relinquish their high status and pay positions.
We recently re-searched what is included at this often-used site and found this:
check on this :
- there is minimal and very nebulous information on this site, surprisingly.
There is No history of KPFK's current or past development, problems, nor lists their personnel and even Amy Goodman's "Democracy NOW ! " is not noted there any more.... it is so sparse and cleaned out by whoever controls the wikipedia pages [ lots of males who want to control, delete, "revert" any other inclusionary factual writings even tho they admit, when asked, they are not "official monitors" of wikipedia's, they just take control ! ]
so there is only bits of old stuff that we have read before -but lots more that was written there before is now gone !!
then check out the 'parent' = some more is written/allowed here :
Oh, at least Democracy Now & Amy is admitted here ...etc. w/ a few other famous recognized names included, of course.....the name-dropping-associating is also a way to give fame, credence and uplift to any person/ site by claiming associations with those who have established a 'name' or reputation, as if...
the one desiring that higher status is same - which is also a form of "UNFAIR & un-real ASSOCIATING", or "selective-name-association" to enhance their own, or FALSE Claims to also be famous... and so on....
This site here= is listed under heading : "further reading" sites on pacifica wikipedia , not nowhere on KPFK's wikipedia page. !!! also 1 pacifica blog and only 3 book listings are in this category. Apparently there ARE NO other blogs pertaining to KPFK ? ? ? ?
[google images describes in art, not just words ]
read or skim or glimpse at what others may think or at least write :
[sarcasm ?? ]
"We'll form a committee to develop guidelines to design the plan to develop a way to analyze the survey." re rethink.....a new survey =" "
july 29 another's comment: " The PNB may be "responsible" but in effect the four directors from WBAI sitting on the PNB hold the ultimate power to direct/redirect WBAI's path, just as every station's directors have the power to examine the behavior of their own station's employees. They are strangely silent, however, unless I've missed something. "
so on the subject of the Pacifica board failing to conserve the corporate assets, has anyone addressed the similarities between the KPFK and the WBCQ logo / trade dress?
"The question is, how did we get to 125 Plus people?
Answer: hiring, approving, protecting GMs and PDs with no sense of how to build an audience, how to use social media to build an audience, how to evaluate programmers for the ability to reach and retain an audience, how to keep the books, how not to keep the books, , and with not much sense of anything else except self preservation in the politics of their stations. "
"But when you're spend 18 years broadcasting utter garbage, none of your listeners are going to be quality intellects. WBAI [and KPFK, +3 radio stations + more ] is the Charter School of drabness: conspiracy theory is presented as fact, and charlatans have shows just to make a quick buck. Garbage in/Garbage Out."
"You might be able to find good people at an intelligent radio station, but WBAI [nor KPFK either ] isn't the place for that."
THIS IS 7/25 comment elsewhere :
"There was, as if to illustrate the point, a sad rambling typically meandering discussion a couple of months or so ago about the definition and ‘deep meaning’ of the word and the concept of ‘strategic’. This pointless exercise was conducted by the Pacifica National Board Strategic Planning Committee, which committee was unable to grapple with the concept of the meaning of the word ‘strategic’...."
In the 1977-78's ....@ all [Pacifica stations that follow a certain sameness and repetition - so it may not be different at all the Pacifica stations with KPFK included....] that have their PNB connected at the mindset "The staff formed a union and occupied the station. After about a month the police were called in.
"In the aftermath the station became narrowly focused on a ‘correct’ political line, whereas previously, while the greater part of staff were always on and/or toward the left, the principle of fair confrontation and difference of opinions had prevailed.
"Most critically, then there was a profound shift in the internal culture. The principal criterion for access to air had long been ‘Does this person do good radio?’
"Radio was seen as an art form where talent, where quality were paramount, whether in a free form program, a music program, a program for children, or public affairs and political reportage.
BUT !!! - " then that criterion was abandoned . In the ....transfigured Pacifica only one thing mattered, really… was the program .... "
- - - - - - - - -
[ another's comment was added ]
" some selected standard by a few who chose to stay at Pacifica forever holding their positions close to their [power-needy]-chests. Those are NOT the many stakeholders, not the many members, not the majority paying donors/ listeners, either. Just those self-selecting each other repeatedly in revolving doors at LSB's, then at PNB's and on their chosen committees, et al. "
- - - - - - -
"that THEN inevitably leads to a sharp degradation in quality,"
"Hence the situation of the last decades in which the only way to stay on air has been by hawking miracle cures, a few old archived programs from the earliest years, and public charity.... The simple truth is that the institution lacks artistic or intellectual integrity in any sense. Lacks vision. Lacks direction.
It also lacks, for all those reasons, any listeners..."
- - - - -
"NPR guy accepted to go to NY's WBAI's lowered standards there instead....
because of "after allegations of “inappropriate conduct," ...then he said "sad that my reputation may be damaged, despite the fact that I have not done anything """that I know of """ that could have led to this situation,” "
[ what DID he mean or actually say? he doesn't know what he could have done or did do ? Is this called gobble-doey-gook ? ]
- - - -
"the general manager of the NY station,...defended the NPR-fired guy, to be hiring on the basis of reaching a larger audience. He said: “You know at WBAI, I don’t think we have 5,000 people listening for the whole week,” he told the Columbia Journalism Review. "
[ = wow, admissions finally ! ]
and :a female producer at NY's WBAI said re their core listeners =. “I don’t believe for one second our audiences of beleaguered, impoverished, discriminated communities, who we should be representing the voices of...
[ an akward saying of 'whom we should be representing' ? OR [Is that's the focus & then source of NY-WBAI's funds too ? double wow - ow ! ]
"Currently producers at NY are not paid for their work"
so.... are the goodies thus obtained by all those producers, programmers is never, never, never revealed or admitted nor acknowledged ?...
Why are those same voices, same views, same programmer- those who keep and hold tight for decades, years and forever to their ON AIR ACCESS SPOTS at any/ all Pacific "non-profit" corporation, never shifted off for OTHER hosts/ programmer's ? No answer is ever honestly given nor is question asked either, openly. Hmmmmm...
never wonder why they cling and refuse to share their special status spots ? because they are such do-gooders? ....]]
"Or because these producers/program-hosts with guests assume that they are "changing the world" in a better way than anyone else could ? "
another copied bit of info here :
"it would be useful to obtain Arbitron's in order to validate any claims of audience but having studies the ACTUAL Numbers for many years, over 25,
& "that any claims that audience was growing - as often, easily claimed anyhow by any producer - may be so but needs to be scaled to other measurements, i.e the metrics of streaming data and money raised.
"All the drive time audiences are simply a constant embarrassing fact and are among many of the FACTS that must be changed for survival."To have a morning drive show that consistently does not build a audience to when Democracy Now starts, which also only reinforces itself and does not perform fiscally they way it used to, compounds the problems."From what some say: 300 to 1,000 is probably the low and maximum of the Numbers @ WBAI-NY, at least and who knows any actual numbers elsewhere ? ."we do not know what people who are given shows at prime time are instructed by management and programming staff before they are given these slots."Anybody familiar with what happens in the drive time slots at all/any Pacifica stations [specifiably WBAI in NY or even LA's KPFK] we know this is going to happen one way or another and requires constant and careful sculpting to insure that more audiences are actually growing."Producers can claim that their audiences are" growing and are amazingly large." but there is no evidence, numbers, confirmations or hard facts to back those easy-to-voice self-serving CLAIMS [only]."If the entire grid is devoid of basics like traffic management , sensible forward promotion,etc. and a reasonable understanding that in drive time they are aiming at people either coming or leaving from work, the abysmal results are inevitable."It is in the purview of management and programming to take leadership to alter this but it is also in the purview of producers to query and question their effectiveness in doing a host of things like as a start GET people to listen to them to start with."The reason why the usual bullshit does not work anymore is that we have the factual reality of fiscal collapse.
"1-The loss of WBAI due to our inability to pay the rent"2-The laying off of the bulk of the paid staff because we could nit raise enough money to pay for them'"3-The monthly inability for years to pay our fair share of central services that created the fiscal weakness nationally that LED to our inability to maintain our audits in a timely fashion to get CPB money"4-The utter irresponsibility of local and national governance and management and producers to query why we are getting so low a number of people to actually listen to us.
NOTE THIS !!!*******
"This LED to KPFK being denied CPB [corp public broadcasting] funding due to their average of 700 an hour....
"and this may then say that such a problem may hurt WBAI and any other station....when we have to confront the Numbers game with the CPB. ... it is reasonable to have each show have at least several thousand people listening to it per hour..yes.
"Because that listener-ship will reflect itself in the actual Numbers of people donating per hour..people will walk with their money. Regardless of how hard it is and all the problems that exist with the many years of lack of money which have impacted on the quality of premiums delivery and have personally spend many hours working on that myself with others."But, the basic facts start with ****lack of people listening ****to contact.
This includes every producer / programmer - who enters these discussions and refuses to think about ...unless great changes are made to everything else on air that audience will simply turn back to NPR .. instead
"after all why listen to the completely unprofessional structuring of much of the day time programming that goes on..that only thinks about its own or or factional buddies when any promotion goes on or ignores the fact that radio audience is mobile and any one or all will change the channel if a person just blathers on for many minutes and then does so without if-ing the station several times in a fifteen minute period."
The above non-edited, modified words, thoughts, rants, bit & pieces were found elsewhere are here for exposure, revelations, discussion... more openly than is otherwise, elsewhere allowed:
KPFK management, staff act as do all in Pacifica radio community who act/ talk/ even write but then w/o accountability.
Many donors now do not trust their hard-earned $$$$ to go to a locked-box-where only those un-named, unverifiable-people whose resumes may not include honest, valid credentials for those loyal to the idea of what originated the radio 'mission' to be making major decisions for mutli-millioned Pacfica's operations.
Who is to know . ?????."""""
(c) mjK 2018 [ a collective effort to produce/ write/ share here ]
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