The amazing lack of exposure, of who, when, why, and how that debt was incurred, then Empire State Building Trust took WBAI /Pacifica to court and it was judged that repaying had to be made...then the national board [PNB] and some from KPFK worked to create a "loan" with land properties used as collateral to that loan, to possible...the VACANCY OF PAYMENTS DUE FOR RENT FOR WBAI - NOT KPFK, KPFA, KPFT, KPFW
SEE MORE HERE about what IS PACIFICA, anyhow ?
then notice that their headings / tab are few and their info is antiquated...
re "financials" last heading is "2016" .... long ago before all the ESBT court judgments were settled and indebtedness of all stations having to pay for 1 station's ineptness !
It has been rumored that a "new" Pacifica Radio Foundation website has been made but the old one does NOT reference, hint or show a link to it. Strange behaviors and not responsible to all listeners or those who donate, volunteer or care to find out where/to whom their monies have been "entrusted" - now No Longer Trusted ! no !
some his-story is here, tho the writers may be biased, slanted and loyal too :
No person's name is attached to the above link and who, when, why and with what purpose that website exists is not usual....vague acts without responsibility of a human being.
then there is the ever-present Wikipedia - who we should realize is not as neutral, balanced, unbiased nor free from internal-conflict-control-fistifights too, so not all valid information is posted there because some take control to "revert" whatever they don't like [delete info that is verifiable elsewhere] demanding that they "only print what has been established " by other opinionated-commercial-publicly-viewed publications.... which limits what can be put on Wikipedia - as the controllers [most male and conflicts verified by other on Internet articles including Wales' dismay] .
so anyhow, with the limitations recognized: for fun and realizing the spun bits within is
then to know who is who, acting as if in Power at Pacifica Fdtn are these: PNB 'directors' -
with Nat'l Board members listed therein - tho this list may Not be up to date, as it was read elsewhere that J Alexander has left, but that needs to be researched to state it.
Our 4 FROM : KPFK Los Angeles are =
Grace Aaron / Jonathan Alexander / Jan Goodman, Vice Chair / Mansoor Sabbagh
4 from ea of 5 stations nationwide.+ 2 from "Affiliates"... the meeting place is Berkley [? ] or by phone, emails or digitally vs. in person ???? Note that there is no "chair" person ID'd there.
KPFK is soliciting applications / they have 'search committees' too for 2 openings:
"seeking applications for KPFK - Program Director & the position of Morning Assistant Producer" - as these positions have been monopolized/ occupied for many years by same person who finally may be [?] replaced ? the details for these positions are on Pacifica's site.
It has been commented elsewhere that the KPFK red/black logo is also being used by another media company, identical one, tho no mention if any copyright or legal ownership is claimed by KPFK or the artist who competed to get it used. It is not known if artist was paid or worked, as usual, for free/ as voluntary gift ?
then for AUDIOS available - later - on various committees & meetings, see dates listed : listings are there FYI
so below are some copied with permission comments that are pertinent to KPFK for being indebted and owned by Pacifica Radio Foundation and it's obligations, financial & otherwise.
Note: the holy "mission" that is continually forever lauded. quoted, elevated ideals but NOT FOLLOWED OR COMPLETED most ways, are also listed prominently at all Pacifica lists.
Like any manifesto, religious bible or holy scriptures, words are uttered as if to pacify for all that is not followed, not remembered, not applicable to those involved in that group. hmmmmmm
"Can it really be reality that the Pacifica By-Laws [ do we each need to Pacifica's see website to their bylaws] state:
That clearly and or even Fairly, Equitably, or Ethically these laws insures that 1 of 5 radio stations across the USA – can and will forever BURDEN all of the others in 1 felled-swoop ?
That 1 action or a set of a few bad moves,as maybe ‘inadvertent’ financial non-responsible actions, and non-payment of $$$ due…. can then ruin the whole rest of the set that is listed as “under the Pacifica Umbrella” like a leaky, worn-away, damaged umbrella that does not protect those it is Supposed to protect ?
The question somehow remains unclear and blame is avoided, repeatedly. Can it be that some by-law written [when was that put in ? and by whom ?
and with what wrong assumptions oh-so-long-before?] so that turns out to allow UNETHICAL actions and bad-business-attitudes and arrogant ACTS are unprofessional & yet taken ?
by a few in 1 station’s management [without any care or consideration for any other stations, of course ] but...then becomes the BURDEN and OBLIGATION of everyone / all to repay and make reparations ?
Can it be true that those same by-laws exist right now?
Those rules are left in place ? as if the non-rental-payment and/or whatever someone who was also paid to represent WBAI - were just a 1-"outliar..."
= [a liar and manipulator? as noted obviously, only now] so they could sign or not-pay-documented debts that then crumbles Everyone Else – who not only did not know, or realize they each & all Pacifica station members – are then obliged to PAY with their own hard-fund-raised-little donations?
where has the action 'bad actions' be delineated clearly and described, defined, admitted and where has it been re-posted so it is not just an "oh, i missed it, the 1 time it was written for the paying Pacifican public"- or never re-mentioned?
Well, way over here in the other Pacific [not Pacifica's] coast - in Los Angeles - vs. NY's station who created the whole network huge debt that all are now worried may not be paid or on time....
Because every volunteer at any time received as many calls complaining about "why didn't I get my premium after I sent in my $$$ donation Last Year ? " that the unpaid volunteer could not answer nor get mailed out either, it was a shameful place to answer phone "pledges".
For many years, Roy Tuckman loved and applauded and played Gary Null, promoting and thus advertising his credibility, as a host of a 4 nites 6 hr each show.
So 1 whole night of 6 hrs was often,basically, dedicated to his 'friend' and whom Roy promoted [and probably rec'd some samples too ] with enthusiasm and to get funds to support KPFK.
Anything was, is done to get $$$ and then as explained in various places, including here, that there are no laws or by-laws broken, so why worry? why question what is done to get money "when we need it so badly !!!" =exclaimed by anyone near Pacifica = regularly.
All that is written about WBAI applies to KPFK in LA too - except the rent not being paid and the debt and court and financial crises that cut across alllllllll 5 ? radio stations nationwide to repay .
And this WBAI blog focuses on their own and since it is too painful, boring, and shameful to listen to KPFK anyhow, and much worse at it's long, exhausting "fund drive" begging, exhorting, advertising, promoting weird stuff and dubious services with lots of fake promises too... to know if Null is out of LA or continues in any way there too.
Warning was given that another 1 month [or longer ?] will begin Aug 1, 2018 - yet again at KPFK. 'Never enough' is the motto.
Maybe someone else can stand to listen and know about Null's inclusion or expulsion or why it came about in LA ?
did it ?
All the suggestions, rants, bickering and demeaning other Pacifica loyalists that occur, nothing seems to make the whole shebang better, or more transparent, or more honest and to stop make Fake promises - and fake assumptions too.then claimed those are "facts". Not.
LA is being brought into this conversation here because there is no equivalent commentary taking place about KPFK that is found.
Even tho there is ONLY this 1 site dedicated to KPFK and it's dis-ingenuousness [problems].
---------------------------another quote/ comment retrieved to expose problems ----------------
a NY radio person - dedicated to Pacifica wrote: "I am not sure how well known the problems Pacifica's other 4 stations are to WBAI listeners, but I think many in this area are beginning to see the current mess as system-wide."
And he should know well - the closed-mindedness, the only-us-are-important limited viewpoints, the selfish focus on what is a gain/loss to NY and that Pacifica station, etc.
It appears that each location is solely focused on Their Own Only radio station, it's problems,debts, programs and pretending they are separately & independent - until it emerges when WBAI creates a debt by non-payment of rents due to their landowners and every other station is then/ now INDEBTED too, as if it is "Pacifica, the foundation" that is responsible...for each person on staff at Any 1 of 5 radio stations nationwide?

The strange set up that has been revealed, only thru the recent catastrophic financial chaos created, yes, thru NY's WBAI management, not the Pacifica board or as any public person can tell : no one is being held/ named as RESPONSIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE, or asked for any retribution, apology or public disclosure of 'what exactly did happen, when, whom,, why ? "
only vague press releases with a few relevant hints are public for all the USA Pacifica paid-up donors & STAKEHOLDERS [INVESTORS without stock certificates to show any contribution, ownership or alliance to their radio station or it's "Umbrella" corporation - labelled as "non-profit".
[google offers images ]
Note also that all NGO's and non-profits are also paying good salaries, using monies raised however they get their cash/ gifts/ donations/ funds... and while paying NO TAXES or being financially responsible to anyone ! these radio stations using All-Americans'-Public-Airwaves [as do for profit stations too ] are hiding all the TRADES, Exchanges of goods & services they use and receive, with no visible nor Transparent Accounting given - to stakeholders or listeners or any public view.
just a few more posts will be on this site and then it will close down and be silent, finally !
The dis-illusionments, dismay, dis-agreements so prevalent at any place where we seek to find INFORMATION, DATA, FACTS, or what is worth reporting here to to KPFK people has become so Mean, Trolling, demeaning of each other, especially males to females notably, and not worth the search or participation at wherever such tid bits may, or not, be found.
the work involved requires some participation and the more recent cruel, angry, mean and 1-downing our reporters for asking questions then means it is just NOT WORTH IT.
We still have a few quotes, comments, interesting bit of info included re-posts to share here, but our stored bit will then be depleted and we will exit this scene.
not sadly, but because it is Wise to know when to Quit ! to 'jump off a failing, sinking ship', to
leave a hurtful, damaging mob or group, to be free from the strain, stresses and ugliness that continue - always - to PRE-DOMINATE the ways Pacifica people most act out.
Not every single person is so bad, so defensive, mean, punishing, shaming, blaming. But those who do not act-out their own emotional problems in digital, in meetings, in stations are FEWer, not the majority- as has actually been noted repeated experienced for many, many years.
So any reader here can find out or participate for themselves, if they want to immerse into murky, dangerous, mean waters at : a Yahoo group - find it with caution -
PacificaRadioWaves [ask to join if curious ] for a " discussion group" that barely discusses but more so rants - and occasionally drops a bit of info that was unknown before, to then be used elsewhere too... like here.
we did it. Now finished with them. A few more quotes will be offered up here that we have saved for this purpose, then no more.
(c) btt 2018 [ part of a collective ]
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