If not interesting, ignore and find more interesting topics to read and engage with than is wobbling KPFK now - debilitated and still hiding facts & all info of their being forced to repay a Million$++ debt/ loan created by the NY radio station's mis-bad-business practices -
not paying rent to EBST and having a court judgment imposed on all who are /have been paying into Pacifica - the top tier of this so-called 'non-profit' corporation. ha ! what a game of words and loopholes included in that 'non-profit' that is continually exclaimed to try...
to prove...innocence, not being 'commercialized' and whatever else helps this system get $$$ and not pay taxes and get donations that are then 'tax exempt' by donors too ! what a scheme !
and not just done here at Pacifica but is same loophole legal ploy used by many, many other organizations with high-pay employees or hiring for the sake of having image of being a 'non- profit business' to get funds, grants, gifts, etc.
[google holes explain it well ]
alll w/o stating what they Are: a business, making money to spend and pay a few employees and continue on for centuries under the guise of being a special kind of corporation - while doing almost all other commercialized businesses/ corporations do daily too...
oh well, as all manipulators of any businesses or politics or religions too DO: find ways to get away with what benefits them and theirs while pretending / framing themselves as 'innocents' + "do good only - we are sooo generous & kind, et al " and ' don't blame us for anything, as we are "only non-profit' and not greedy, at all !" ..
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..yuk - another Game People Play to get goodies for themselves !
Jara Handala has left a new comment on the post "What next, PNB? 7-23-2018":
"1 of 2
"The website now carries a statement by First Secretary Kobren – telling the faithful, "[t]he PNB met in closed session on July 26, 2018 to carry out Pacifica’s Conflict of Interest policy (Pacifica Bylaw Article 13) regarding a contract with a Director and voted to deem that it is in the best interest to [sic] of the Foundation nonetheless to enter into the contract" (all links below).
"Which begs the questions, which director? what contract? and how did people vote? (The First Secretary's report does not say whether section 3 of that article had been complied with, that
"[t]he minutes of the Board or committee meeting shall reflect: (D) that the Conflict of Interest was disclosed; (E) the Board or committee's decision regarding the Conflict of Interest, including a statement that the Interested Person was not present during the final discussion and vote;
... " and (F) that the Interested Person abstained from voting".)"It is worth noting, re the So cal loan, that Doug & his associates disclosed in their FY2016 auditor's report that "the Foundation obtained a loan in the amount of $500,000 ('Supporters Loan') from various benefactors of the Foundation (Board members and other individuals).
"The purpose of this loan is to cover restoration and moving expenses related to the relocation of the WBAI transmitter from the Empire State Building to 4 Times Square" (note 17, page 19). So "Board members", even in the plural – something NEVER disclosed by Pacifica.
"Pacifica's publicly available statements, even in speeches by directors & delegates, have been CAREFUL to never speak of a director being a provider of the money (& recipient of the interest from Pacifica members), let alone directors in the plural.
All that has ever been said is that director Jan Goodman is to be congratulated for helping arrange the loan. (Smiley face, for those who appreciate such things.) So possible conflict of interest?
"I have not seen mention of this impertinence in either the calendar or closed session reports. Incidentally, director Grace Aaron, in an email to me Friday (Pacific Time, a discrete quantity, unlike Pacifica Time, with its quantum intermediateness), spoke of "[t]he 'Supporters' Loan' of about $530,000" –
"... this is the first time I've seen a figure other than '$500k' or 'c. $500k', & that includes the latest auditor's report."Regarding this loan, directors Chris Cory & Carole Travis declared at the KPFA LSB, Saturday 16 June (1:28:31), there is NO confidentiality clause in this contract. So why not clear the air by publishing it?
No-brainer, yes?
"And for the Pacifica info gatekeepers it is indeed a no-brainer: without irresistible pressure why would it even cross their minds to adhere to the Pacifica principles of transparency & accountability? Are you crazy?
"So in a double sense the gatekeepers are part of The Resistance: that against Trump, & that against their fellow Pacifica office-holders, the other members, the other listeners, Pacifica staff, & all those Pacifica does business with, both now & in the future.
and 2nd part here:
Jara Handala has left a new comment on the post "What next, PNB? 7-23-2018":
"2 of 2
"And, as I have said before, note that this loan, contrary to directors' statements to the PNB & the Californian LSB's, had nothing to do with ESRT, either the October 2017 court judgment or the March 2018 settlement to get out of the contract. It was required because of Pacifica's chronic cash flow, its inability to cough up $340k for removals from the Empire State Building (director Grace's figure).
"That piled on top of currently having net liabilities of c. $10m (one would be surprised if it was anything else); that for a c. $10.5m a year operation (income, with expenses $2m higher – as per FY2016); operating without station budgets or any financial control other than what's in the bank that day – all that countered by a sole force, the alert gaze of the Acting Chief Financial Officer (unqualified), Major Tom, [iED] who in a month's time hopes to be on a real Pacific beach, in Acapulco, despite floating in a most peculiar way since leaving Pacifica.
"And pause for one moment . . . into this tornado FJC agreed to throw its clients' money, $3.265m (revised down from $3.7m), repayable in full in 32 months' time, c. 31 March 2021
. Not in 2022. Not in 2023. Not in 2024.
"Drilled into our heads has to be this reality: FJC bears a fiduciary duty towards its clients – it has none towards Pacifica. "An individual in whom another has placed the utmost trust and confidence to manage and protect property or money [...]
"The relationship wherein one person has an obligation to act for another's benefit."
(But, hey, it's just a word, right? In Pacifical and words have a different worth.)"Pacifica's secrecy culture is alive & well. Pacifica just keeps on digging."https://www.youtube.com/watch?
[end of quotes from that source noted above]
another person's words below :
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "A West Coast view of WBAI":
"Focus people. We need to focus on the real problem here. The inept, incompetent out of control GM who has taken the money saved from the ESRT deal and gave a chunk of it to L______. I keep thinking there must be a conspiracy but he just isn't that smart. I will check with Brady.
Maybe I am just not connecting all the dots. ###
and yet another person's words below - apparently a reply to offensive intentions & writing:
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "A West Coast view of WBAI":
"what a mean, demeaning and offensive reply above this - intended to deter any other opinions or thoughts that do not please I________ ????? "why do some people enjoy reacting so negatively when they don't happen to agree or like someone else's views, comments or questions ?
Is that commentator 'I________' the main 1 higher authority here ?
"Or is he assuming that his bad sad life can be easily projected on anyone in any digital platform – that negativity projected on others, instead of dealing with his own angers himself ?
"Why are attacks on any commentators [not corporations, systems, policies etc] so easily posted ? - not just here?
"That any person is assuming their ‘be-mad-be-mean’ power to then vent their own personal anger - while hiding behind a digital screen is cruel , but common.
"And since when is any person/ question required to do a Wikipedia search before asking – as if not allowed to be question anything - here or anywhere ?
"While knowing that Wikipedia has easy access info - but is also not all accurate, unprejudiced nor balanced & and is used by many to promote themselves only. Is C____ a famous person with a Wikipedia page that everyone must read before asking about him ? who decides that rule ?
"Maybe I____ has an investment to claim control and punishment powers over any posts he doesn’t like here, or any that offends him - or he mistakenly assumes refer to him personally. Or is this person just being over-defensive? Is Claiming Ownership-control over content in this site by reprimanding others ?
"How arrogant to tell-off another & to try to humiliate some other poster here. Really? Sad" ###
and yet another person's words below =
"________is located on the West Coast, but he tunes in to WBAI via the stream. I don't know if he uses his computer directly—I listen to the other Pacifica stations through Alexa. That works very well although the erratic volume shifts often make WBAI even more un-listenable.
"I am not sure how well known the problems Pacifica's other four stations are to BAI listeners, but I think many in this area are beginning to see the current mess as system-wide."GM_____@ WBAI airs Margaret Prescod here, but I believe her NY listener-ship is quite low. We are in the middle of another fund drive now and this morning they rebroadcast for the umpteenth time Prescod's pitch for a Robeson set.
"It is hopelessly outdated, so we hear her once again claim that she only has 15 sets left, that she had to fight fiercely to get these copies, etc. The one-hour plea (with WBAI's pledge number dubbed in) is at least a couple of years old.
"This kind of thing is rampant, no effort is made to bring it into the present, so it is a very obvious instance of deception."They have several weeks between fund drives, but there is no sign of any preparation—they just throw this stuff on the air, and then they wonder why nobody is biting. " ###
and yet another person's words below about WBAI having had equipment stolen a while back:
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "What next, PNB? 7-23-2018":
"Lets follow the equipment trail. The story that the equipment went into storage and was lost due to non-payment of storage fees. Where is the paper work [GM] @ WBAI NY] Mr. R____?
"Having the studio's equipment returned would improve the sound of inept on-air talent, not the content, its a place to start.
"BTW does Pacifica still have a D&0 policy? How will Mr. R_____ look in orange? Working on answers. " ###
and yet another person's words below=
Chris Albertson has left a new comment on the post "What next, PNB? 7-23-2018":
"WBAI Manager B R_______ consistently lied about the actual amount owed to the ESRT people (and others), embroidering the facts to cover up for his own inept management. Had he done the right thing and laid the facts on the table, rescue efforts would have been set in motion long before they did.
"much time was wasted because of this and R_____ became untouchable when the majority faction (C______, et al) saw a possibility for a takeover.
To accomplish that, they needed to crash the station. One way to facilitate that was to make it virtually un-listenable, so the programming became deplorable and the content tainted by black street-level racism."There is, of course, much more to this, but what I describe forms the essence of this latest assault from within.
"Much money is unaccounted for, virtually nothing has been spent on improving WBAI in any way If one were to seriously scrutinize the pledge situation, I would be very surprised if criminality charges didn't surface. " ###
another person's words below :
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "Has Reimers called Cosby yet?":
".... I don’t believe R_____/ WBAIs/ Pacifica’s thinking may be accurately characterized as strategic. To my mind, and in my observation, it’s simply tactical, often a grasping at semi-random straws, which Pacificans, within the private, closed, secretive delusional walled worlds tend to think of as ‘strategic’.
"There was, as if to illustrate the point, a sad rambling typically meandering discussion a couple of months or so ago about the definition and ‘deep meaning’ of the word and the concept of ‘strategic’. This pointless exercise was conducted by the Pacifica National Board Strategic Planning Committee, which committee was unable to grapple with the concept of the meaning of the word ‘strategic’.
There was a sharp divide in the long history of Pacifica which occurred some time in the 1970s.
"In the case of WBAI it was clearly visible in the form of ‘The Crisis’ of late 1976/early 1977. The board, which had come to be dominated by Percy Sutton’s people, attempted to redirect the station from the original foundational goals and ideals to a quasi-commercial sound, left/‘progressive’/‘community focused which – coincidentally – would fit perfectly with Suttom’s people then thriving Inner City Broadcasting empire."The staff formed a union and occupied the station.
"After about a month the police were called in."In the aftermath the station became narrowly focused on a ‘correct’ political line, whereas previously, while the greater part of staff were always on and/or toward the left, the principle of fair confrontation and difference of opinions had prevailed.
"Most critically, I would argue, there was a profound shift in the internal culture. The principal criterion for access to air had long been ‘Does this person do good radio?’
"Radio was seen as an art form where talent, where quality were paramount, whether in a free form program, a music program, a program for children, or public affairs and political reportage."That criterion was abandoned. In the transformed/transfigured WBAI/ Pacifica only one thing mattered, really… was the program ‘correct’.
"It’s hardly news that that inevitably leads to a sharp degradation in quality, which is, I would argue, the core problem for WBAI/ Pacifica in the time since.
"Hence the situation of the last decades in which the only way to stay on air has been by hawking miracle cures, a few old archived programs from the earliest years, and public charity.
..."The simple truth is that the institution lacks artistic or intellectual integrity in any sense. Lacks vision. Lacks direction. It also lacks, for all those reasons, any listeners, delusional thinking of talentless mediocrities notwithstanding." ###
another person's words below :
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "A West Coast view of WBAI":
"Well, way over here in the other Pacific [not Pacifica's] coast - in Los Angeles - there were many years of continual and incredible Gary Null products, thoughts, promotions and expensive stuff of any color SOLD, pretending to be a "gift" aka "premium" when it was cash to the station and to pay Null for merchandise from him & his company.
"Because every volunteer at any time received as many calls complaining about "why didn't I get my premium after I sent in my $$$ donation Last Year ? " that the unpaid volunteer could not answer nor get mailed out either, it was a shameful place to answer phone "pledges".
"For many years, Roy Tuckman [programmer] loved and applauded and played Gary Null, promoting and thus advertising his credibility, as a host of a 4 nites 6 hr each show.
"So 1 whole night of 6 hrs was often,basically, dedicated to his 'friend' and whom Roy promoted [and probably rec'd some samples too ] with enthusiasm and to get funds to support KPFK.
"Anything was, is done to get $$$ and then as explained in various places, including here, that there are no laws or by-laws broken, so why worry? why question what is done to get money "when we need it so badly !!!" =exclaimed by anyone near Pacifica = regularly.
"All that is written about WBAI applies to KPFK in LA too - except the rent not being paid and the debt and court and financial crises that cut across alllllllll 5 ? radio stations nationwide to repay .
"And this WBAI blog focuses on their own and since it is too painful, boring, and shameful to listen to KPFK anyhow, and much worse at it's long, exhausting "fund drive" begging, exhorting, advertising, promoting weird stuff and dubious services with lots of fake promises too... to know if Null is out of LA or continues in any way there too.
"Warning was given that another long fund drive will begin Aug 1, 2018 - yet again at KPFK. as 'Never enough' is the motto. "Maybe someone else can stand to listen and know about Null's inclusion or expulsion or why it came about in LA ? did it ?
"All the suggestions, rants, bickering and demeaning other Pacifica loyalists that occur, nothing seems to make the whole shebang better, or more transparent, or more honest and to stop make Fake promises - and fake assumptions too.then claimed those are "facts". Not.
"LA is being brought into this conversation here because there is no equivalent commentary taking place about KPFK that is found.
"Even tho there is 1 site dedicated to KPFK and it's dis-ingenuousness [problems]. " ###
and yet, yep, another person's words below=
Jara Handala has left a new comment on the post "Has Reimers called Cosby yet?":
"Correction, & 'whoops!' =the cost of the ESRT settlement has been disclosed – but not by Pacifica.
The figure is in the latest auditor's report, that for fiscal year 2016: "approximately $3.5 million" (note 9 of the financial statements, p.12 – given the way such reports are written, the figure appears three more times: n17 (p.19), n19 (p.20), n24 (p.22)).
" The auditors are required to disclose material post-balance sheet facts, so those after 30 September 2016 – in contrast to the Pacifica info gatekeepers who are not required to disclose material facts at any time: that can only come with political pressure, including their replacement.
" It wasn't for the settlement, to pay ESRT: Pacifica needed an extra c. $340k cash (director Grace Aaron's figure), & needed it quick, to pay a one-off expense, because it has so little cash to hand & presumably no on-demand credit facility.
"As I said in that comment, "[i]t is important to note that no Foundation staff member or director has even intimated that Pacifica's chronic cashflow problem forced the sale of Nakapon".[property in Berkley]
(c) btt 2018 [ a collective effort to inform and transparent-ize KPFK too]
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