But only if it is NOT SPAM, nor an ADVERTISEMENT disguised as a comment, nor ANY DISCOURTEOUS OR MANIPULATIVE USE of this site.
All, any of those comments will be Instantly deleted and reported to the Google parent of blogspot for further investigation.
The dismaying difference between the on-air-radio presentation of what KPFK mis-represents to be as a member non-profit-member-paid 'good' organization...but when there are any attempts to contact some staff there, there is no sound at all replying.
What is wrong ? Follow up emails are sent and still, nothing comes back to indicate that "anyone there is Home" !
Strangely, the KPFK website lists only 1 email contacts for staff - from Donors, Stake-holders, Members - those same people that are continually pressured and coerced to send in More Money!
with month-long 'fund raiser periods'.
Yes, at least 3x a year these month long dreary pleas for more of others' hard-earned dollars and then in between short spurts of same begging and fake-exaggerations of 'premiums' being SOLD =
[tho claimed it is a 'gift' but if paid for with extra cash compared to the value of any such stuff, that is a for-sale-merchandise ]
...as well as very obviously being a big promotion for the person / company/ lecturer/ author/ or whomever 'provides' that premium - that gets 'advertised' repeatedly - often sold in more than 1 'fund drive' too.
To deny what is publicity, promotion, excessively enthusiastically claimed as soooooo good, superior, special, unavailable [tho they are available at providers' website or even Amazon ]
is to LIE to members just to get money from them. Sad.
Then, of course, the claims are "we have to do this, only this way" as if there were no better and improved ways to solicit money from KPFK listeners.
Strangely, it is not only the premiums that are extreme exaggerated positively described, but the station's program is as well, and as its claimed 'integrity' also.
Clearly- things are Not as claimed. No innovative ways to pay for KPFK's sustaining while losing audience numbers in Nielsen's count ?
Compared to other FM radio stations who apparently do raise funds from their listeners in a 1 week time period ?
What is going on ?
No replies, responses are ever received when attempting to communicate with Our Radio Station.
The KPFK website lists only 2 email addresses, with no names attached and there is no replies ever received from either one of these - check this with the website under Staff and contacts section:
'comments@kpfk.org' and 'pd@kpfk.org'
The 1st comments is listed under the General Manager's name, and the 'pd' is listed under the Program Director's name. Neither are working - the emails, for surely the staff must be present at station and working.
Tho listener-members have taken time to write their sincere concerns or questions and then even written 3x follow-ups asking if email was received, no answer at all. Silent denial. Or are the donors and stake-holders of KPFK [ =paid up members ] are being ignored?
the usual excuse is that there is 'no time' to do all the work or respond. huh ? how could that be?/
There are many long loyal volunteers who could be trusted to at least filter and select out or to write 10 words to 'reply' and indicate someone inside cares about 'communications'. As claimed.
i.e. when money is wanted and when services are needed, by - for the radio station's staff.
The more relevant emails, questions, suggestions can be summarized to then get some response that can be provided to the interested and activist members.
This is not a new problem, as this has been reported, complained to GM while inside station volunteering many years ago as well. Nothing happens. The INSULAR and, ISOLATED, =
secretive and unresponsive attitudes continues to date.
Below is just 1 example - 1 email' recently provided to use to expose here. The writer asked to not be named, as they are concerned about some retaliation from those enabling this dis-functioning staff at "their radio station" .
Also, if any member calls the front desk receptionist at station [ 818 985 2711 ] and leaves a short verbal msg - written on those 1/8 page message papers - that also gets no better response, never has,
ever before either.
If any stake-holder calls to leave a voice mail at any extension stated in recording, nothing more happens.
It has been heard that the receptionists carefully complain back, when asked, because they are scapegoated later - by those callers who have become angry and unhappy - at being so obviously ignored, rejected, and denied any access to rest of the staff.
Callers who feel frustrated and helpless to access any of the paid staff at KPFK then may vent on any person they might reach - which is only the front desk receptionist, again.
At " ext. 0" of business phone #.

[quote edited only to excise names or for clarity ]
"Re: https://www.kpfk.org/on-air/stephanie-miller/
Dear Zuberi, [ the general manager who is listed next to 'comments' email address]
repeat: glad to be finding a new program of interest lately,
[as most are stuck in mud at station repeating sameoldsameold ]
[as most are stuck in mud at station repeating sameoldsameold ]
Miller, so we checked on line for her qualifications. We found her at above link -
that did
not state if she was also [ at same time] doing a show on KFI ?
We also looked at her own website and KPFK was not even listed there.
We also looked at her own website and KPFK was not even listed there.
it OK to do multiple shows in various places and that not be revealed,
admitted ? It so appears..... this pgm host is doing a KPFK show - or are they different
places/ broadcasts on different topics, different guests ? Or are they repeated same shows in 2 or more places ?
Is that legit ? Especially if not admitted, stated anywhere ?
Is that legit ? Especially if not admitted, stated anywhere ?
of writing her directly and being ignored, it might be helpful for
whomever does the TECHNICAL work and insures that the KPFK programs are
audible, intelligible and listen-able,
is not noticing how difficult it is, regularly, to hear whatever she has to say. Often impossible.
is not noticing how difficult it is, regularly, to hear whatever she has to say. Often impossible.
Has anyone noticed how rapidly
she & guests speak ? so that = it would require listeners' intense solo attention to
be able to catch what is being said....or make sense of quick mutterings with sounds not words intruding to non-formed-full sentences mostly, [as heard on air].
Do listen from outside station = to find how often she
& guests Over-talk each other so what is said,and laughed at, cannot
be heard by on-air donors/stakeholders ... so most is not-intelligible, while the
in-station crew seem to be having a good time- but only amongst themselves.
Listeners mostly cannot.
Listeners mostly cannot.
Did anyone else notice ? The continual nervous sounds that might be 'giggling' or attempts to elicit listeners' smiles is not working, at all.
anyone outside is listening to KPFK pgms - while DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE BUT ONLY SOLID
LISTENING time - as in : doing no other tasks, or driving, or working, or even menial tasks that
take minimal attn, maybe then ?
Maybe then, parts of the garbled hour can be understood. maybe.
Maybe then, parts of the garbled hour can be understood. maybe.
Only then can the
rapid-fired talk & inter-talk + interruptions + attempts at laughter =
when maybe discussing
pertinent-to-current-events -those that seem of interest if only they could be
HEARD CLEARLY, is lost on 'the rest of us ' listening to KPFK.
Then, maybe, we could receive information / data / revelations - to then be better informed and become thought-full, active, & responsive about those topics, after
listening.. . but not. now.
But remember, most of us cannot just do nothing else but listen to
radio for any period of time. duh...
Maybe those who are 'in' or inside studio/ station just
don't realize the effect on LISTENERS ? members who are anywhere & or of any kind = all
those who WANT TO HEAR what is said...
else our option is :
that we then immediately turn to Another Station for rest of the day -
after having that bad experience of trying and failing to 'get' what seems to be offered for us.
that we then immediately turn to Another Station for rest of the day -
after having that bad experience of trying and failing to 'get' what seems to be offered for us.
Of course, we are assuming that , if no one there cares how it sounds to us, then why
do we strain and try to catch the gobbled words and un-share-able laughter + as all that seems unattached to anything thus heard. tid-bits of words, but no full sentences, or maybe these are not even uttered ?
at KPFK who do programs: as this particular one- have a host & guests who are quick, 'manic,' are "in the room"' - and thus also visually seeing & connecting with each
other - there... can it be that they may not be aware of the effect when that banter is 'on air' ?
these concerns are of no interest to you or Stephani, then the email writer and we are again, making good efforts, wasting our time, work, efforts and good-intentions - to communicate.
[ But if, you & others there, are assuming that this
is a complaint from '1 individual only',
vs. it being feedback from 1 person, representing many others too, = is the 1 who does the work+ gives the time provided freely + makes the effort + takes the trouble to INFORM YOU -
and is Requesting Improvements - yet, is irrelevant. ]
vs. it being feedback from 1 person, representing many others too, = is the 1 who does the work+ gives the time provided freely + makes the effort + takes the trouble to INFORM YOU -
and is Requesting Improvements - yet, is irrelevant. ]
Or if anyone at KPFK station realizes that this is just ' 1 is Representative of
100 + 246 others " too - writing for those who don't bother + who easily just turn away + and those don't donate or care enough
to write you
[or even those who wont make efforts it takes to even search out to find even where to write you !] -then all is already lost. Finished.
[or even those who wont make efforts it takes to even search out to find even where to write you !] -then all is already lost. Finished.
As noted: KPFK - is reported to have continually lowered audiences, as us, the donors have already noticed... in the few stats made visible on line. Then if there is only a 1-way communication allowed to insulate and separate out anyone 'outside' the dark halls/rooms there, there is danger.
We are only "spoken to" = words, sounds, go 1 way out, but no way in -
thus we can have no discussion or answers to questions or suggestions -
a closed loop at station - nothing else available from 'in' there.
We are only "spoken to" = words, sounds, go 1 way out, but no way in -
thus we can have no discussion or answers to questions or suggestions -
a closed loop at station - nothing else available from 'in' there.
While all other radio stations at least have automated replies, provide a a 'ticket #" indicating the email is being appropriately forwarded to correct person-dept.
And when phone-called, someone at other radio stations are customer-friendly and courteously responsive, as a matter of 'good business practices' of course.
To claim KPFK cannot afford better that avoidance of feedback or questions or suggestions :
is to deny that many volunteers often have for years before worked the front-desk-phones -
for free and done it well.
And when phone-called, someone at other radio stations are customer-friendly and courteously responsive, as a matter of 'good business practices' of course.
To claim KPFK cannot afford better that avoidance of feedback or questions or suggestions :
is to deny that many volunteers often have for years before worked the front-desk-phones -
for free and done it well.
PLEASE REPLY to this email.
Or get an assistant who can answer this in your name and with your input too...
even if short and courteous, some communication 2-ways is necessary to keep us connected.
Or get an assistant who can answer this in your name and with your input too...
even if short and courteous, some communication 2-ways is necessary to keep us connected.
Only then there can be honest communications happening. So instead of avoiding us, your donors, respect us too. Since otherwise, we may only be able to resort instead of doing further , elsewhere, more writing - if your distancing and hiding away gives us even more concerns & complaints.
Donors, stakeholders are stuck =being only outside KPFK - except for paying for it.
We have concerns about the station-staff's : lack of responsibility,
Donors, stakeholders are stuck =being only outside KPFK - except for paying for it.
We have concerns about the station-staff's : lack of responsibility,
+ lack of accountability and
[as has already been long noted, & written about, for yrs before now, too ].
The LSB members who do not 'represent' anyone but their few cronies, are not responsive, not listed on KPFK's website to be contacted and do not answer members' attempts to contact if found.
Never have. Still selected LSB people act on their own and do not have a constituency or anyone to report to or be accountable to either.
A dangerous and insular system all over Pacifica & KPFK. Nothing new to that dysfunctional & mis-labeled titles = 'board member' or 'accountable' station staff either.
It appears that there is an old custom of hiding and avoiding contact,so that there is no need 'to know' about member concerns - hoping they will never be exposed/ reported...
[as has already been long noted, & written about, for yrs before now, too ].
The LSB members who do not 'represent' anyone but their few cronies, are not responsive, not listed on KPFK's website to be contacted and do not answer members' attempts to contact if found.
Never have. Still selected LSB people act on their own and do not have a constituency or anyone to report to or be accountable to either.
A dangerous and insular system all over Pacifica & KPFK. Nothing new to that dysfunctional & mis-labeled titles = 'board member' or 'accountable' station staff either.
It appears that there is an old custom of hiding and avoiding contact,so that there is no need 'to know' about member concerns - hoping they will never be exposed/ reported...
[end of stakeholder's email- that was sent 3x with no indication of anyone :
being 'home' at KPFK - to date]
being 'home' at KPFK - to date]

credited to - google images - Slideshare
(c) jk 2019
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