Has anyone noticed that if Our Radio Station's - KPFK - radio broadcasts are 'turned on' all one has heard during 31 days of May 2019 are the proliferation of repeated sales messages = that continue 24/7 - hrs/days ?
Those desperate and dreary fear-mongering messages come with the urge plea to send in More More More Money, Subscriptions, Donations, Pledges, and Cash - credit cards will be accepted immediately !
[find the link of your choice of how to order items/services that cost 3-4X any ordinary price, even on the sellers' own website or elsewhere too ] Here are just a few listed:
All those on-air 'pitches', are really :
advertising promotions,
sales manipulations,
guests selling their own products and services
maybe even a few testimonials thrown in - for better selling effects
and the program host continually admiring their guests & stuff sold.
This is clear and obviously SELLING stuff, and with repeated exaggerated claims of 'amazing !!!' and "fabulous"... This is "The greatest "and "no where else can you buy this"...
Plus ....more exhortations, exclamations, & enthusiastic, breathless SALES pitches of their having, promoting, publicizing : "The Best, The Most, The Greatest...." Yes !!!! And all & any other verbal superlatives -
but - [NONE to be factually believed, but researched further at least and not be lured into BUYING whatever is said 'to support KPFK' at any price advertised.
Notice ? There is No honest mention is made if the merchandise/ services are partially paid for with the high-price asked for or if the PROMOTION & PUBLICITY & visibility [audio-bility] is of more value than the stuff being traded as a "premium".
No mention, of course, is made if those products/services are also given as 'samples' or gifts to the staff at the station, or their cronies, LSB members, or valued friends. Are they ever ?
Like maybe, as has been stated elsewhere, there is a distribution of FREE hand outs - like theater tickets, travel trips, movie tickets, all kinds of health-healing services, lectures, and events.
Plus products given to staff or management, of course ! But never admitted.
That is 'regular ' business practices, and KPFK is not different than any other business, tho the claims of purity and honesty because of their 'non-profit' legal corporate status makes that implication - as it is said repeatedly, and purposely.
...but, yet, we hear same repeat 'audio clip' over and over on-air. As those "gifts" -also called "premiums" -are just a generous return on the $$$$$ donations sent in to the station. Not as a fair trade or exchange. But just as an 'extra thank you "gift" for you ' - What a LIE !
Some of these purchases are recordings [ some saved from the prior month-long - too long - so called: 'fund drives']. Repeated same 'premiums' from where everyone [with a free on-air access but claimed to be 'volunteer' programs] is forced to do their share of getting money in - to 'save and maintain the radio station ....
oh, and also not stated any more but still legally indebted and paying up = $$$$ to pay the WBAI - NY Pacifica - catastrophe = of their manager not paying rent when due. And then Pacifica being sued, losing in court, and all their 5 radio stations nationwide continue paying up the $$$Millions due - plus interest, attorney & court fees, et al.
Interestingly, if the Spanish time period every weekday evening were able to elicit any donor funds of value, they would be pleading in Spanish. But are not ? Instead we hear repeated commercials, infomercials of the same-old-same-old staff gushing enthusiastically - with false claims for magical medical cures and instant healings.
Do : Listen in ! Hear any of these infomercials during all fund drives. Ever ask why ? Maybe it would be worth to = Call the station and ask why this block of Spanish-language programs [ or are they the only ones ?] are exempt from getting-money-in duties .
818 - 985 - 2711 weekdays 9am - 5 pm
Interesting to learn that the Program Director has duties related to "premiums" :
as in Aug 2018's notice at :
: " *Participates in the development of strategies and plans for on-air fundraising, in collaboration with staff.
* Participates in the evaluation and approval of all premiums offered by the station.
* Meets with donors as needed."
[note that the current KPFK website lists same PD that has been 'intermittent' there for many years, and no new names are listed nor information about hiring process or it's development to find a new PD]
"Interim Program Director Alan Minsky |
Ext 202 pd@kpfk.org |
On-air programming and content" |
There are also other sites provide their own views, not so different than ours. If of interest, listed here for your convenience:
"last modified on 24 November 2018"
and KPFK finances also written about on a PDF here:
Audit of CPB Grants Awarded to Pacifica Foundation Radio Stations ...
......deduct the costs of high-value premiums from membership revenue for all five stations; ..... KPFK... TOTAL. Schedule A, Source of Income: 2
another informative opinion here:
EVERYONE must be exhausted, relieved that another of those strenuous, continuous sales sessions are over for..... only a short while. But a breather before another 1/4 of each year + extra days and events and special needs returns to turn many donors and stakeholders away. Having given,a nd given and given and given more already...
which means those who have been LOYAL and GENEROUS already - cannot, do not - continue:
in the same addictive, habitual Game of "rescue us ! save us ! Give us money!" for on-air extended periods - and with someone assuming that there is no-end to it's members', listeners' tolerance - for this exploitative style of pretense ... that this is a 'fair trade' or exchange.
And that the infomercials, commercials, sales stories are not [free or exchanged ] advertising and promotions and publicity, not for KPFK, but for the 'premium' sellers instead.
theselling.com - google images credited
Those ARE : [ tho un-admitted ] Promotions, Publicity, Sampling presentations, & Infomercials. Yes. Also too much gushing admirations are expressed as if genuine and authentic. Selling is being done - over what is being advertised on KPFK's 'non-profit-ted' and The American People's Airwaves.
This finally must be changed into a different business model. Claiming an antiquated to those times ideals - the 1959 'mission' is used as the excuse - to be stuck in only 1 mode of maintaining KPFK on air is not working well.....
but it is the only one in which the management & staff are pretending they 'can do' and thus they assume they are not ACCOUNTABLE - for what they continue to use - over and over - and fail to improve.
EVERYONE must be exhausted, relieved that another of those strenuous, continuous sales sessions are over for..... only a short while. But a breather before another 1/4 of each year + extra days and events and special needs returns to turn many donors and stakeholders away. Having given,a nd given and given and given more already...
which means those who have been LOYAL and GENEROUS already - cannot, do not - continue:
in the same addictive, habitual Game of "rescue us ! save us ! Give us money!" for on-air extended periods - and with someone assuming that there is no-end to it's members', listeners' tolerance - for this exploitative style of pretense ... that this is a 'fair trade' or exchange.
And that the infomercials, commercials, sales stories are not [free or exchanged ] advertising and promotions and publicity, not for KPFK, but for the 'premium' sellers instead.
Those ARE : [ tho un-admitted ] Promotions, Publicity, Sampling presentations, & Infomercials. Yes. Also too much gushing admirations are expressed as if genuine and authentic. Selling is being done - over what is being advertised on KPFK's 'non-profit-ted' and The American People's Airwaves.
This finally must be changed into a different business model. Claiming an antiquated to those times ideals - the 1959 'mission' is used as the excuse - to be stuck in only 1 mode of maintaining KPFK on air is not working well.....
but it is the only one in which the management & staff are pretending they 'can do' and thus they assume they are not ACCOUNTABLE - for what they continue to use - over and over - and fail to improve.
(C) BTT 2019
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