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(c) mm 2019
Some few programs on KPFK that seem to continue on and may be of interest/ value, to others who are newer listeners than we are. Longer ago, this radio broadcast educational and activist event information that was relevant to majority lives, less extreme and less racial, and less victims-only-need-be-included.
The quality of reproduced lectures, conferences, and even guests of dedicated more inclusive programmers insured that KPFK was relevant to many lives and spiritual expressions were discussed and revealed here.
No longer. Gone. Lost. Not replaced. Sad.
Of course, CHANGES ARE HAPPENING = faster, more frequently, much more divisively and in extreme political 'party' alliances mostly. The prior variety of Moderate, Independent, Agnostic presentations on air...where the Listener-Learner listened attentively - to gain alternate information and viewpoints, from 'mass media' audio.
That was when we, listeners, members WANTED to hear all played there.
But then, we were listening to new voices, then-new emergences : without being negatively barraged, hounded, pressured thru angry outbursts or repetitive elevations of anyone who was poor or a 'victim' .
Stories were told, information shared, without forcing us, listeners, stake-holders coerced into agreement with the 'few-er' extremists that were heard, then.
Maybe the same story was heard 1-2. Tho the repeated-copied-plagiarized messages were then, not repeatedly played on air, , nor were the shouts coming form radio as angrily, righteously, nor as disturbingly slanted as happens often, too often, now.
This is not a screed to "go back to better times". This is a lament for an origination that repeats it's idealistic 1959 mission statement, and it has kept the same call letters - but majority of programs have reverted + downwardly spiraled - into being merely a politically stuck, another media machine, a repetitive-limited source:
that is no longer 'educational', with the prior many view points, groups, varieties of thinking folk talking and playing lots of global ethnic music.
Some good and very old, now called "ancient" programs are repeated, mostly at late night hours, replaying what was earlier heard fresh, new, and exciting on KPFK at any hour, daytime too. Now, old recordings are replayed because there is a dearth/ death of that creative energy that existed and was audio'd on Pacficia stations.
ohhhh... what happened ?
Oh, yes ! most of the music is still global, varied and mostly of unusual origins and good quality.
While most programmers sound as if they are stuck-in-place, hoping to be KPFK's permanent fixtures, for reasons never admitted, on Our Radio Station's airwaves. So those sameoldsameold people holding on-air-slots for themselves alone - to mostly spin their biases and vent their anger...
and to then propagandize their own particular version they chose - of what they hope/ claim to be 'everywhere' as The Reality'. Not. they hope to convince 'the rest of us. They don't.
Claims made, but Without evidences, proofs, documentations, verifications, validity
or reliable references. et al
credit: via google
As occasionally we find gems tho seldom now, since listening to KPFK has become depressing, difficult, dangerous. And if we do, we try to find maybe later, on line,
who was that? as often names are muttered, low tone, unintelligible on air -
that cannot be recognized.
So we do the work: try to research : find out who that weird guest was ?
want to know those names that are unclearly quickly said ? when rapidly uttered on air then listeners are being forced to search that program further on KPFK's website, on internet - maybe... to be able to find, read or check out further their book or other articles, always elsewhere? as sometimes done with other media too.
But wait ! there are no program notes for what just happened on that program on KPFK's website ! what ? most other radio stations do immediately offer text or guest names, contacts, their art products listed, their website contacts.
Not at KPFK. Check that out. Find No Thing !
Blank program listings, with no current, or even recent pertinent info listed ! none ! huh ?
maybe no one else cares to follow up or find out ?
so thanks to most of us, being computer users with internet access ! to become informed, clear and further educate ourselves with what may be of interest, outrage, strange, new heard on radio [or other media too .
But what do we exchange - and trade or pay unknowingly - to hear radio and then to clarify, elaborate by using internet to find what we listened but did not hear clearly enough. If we bother. If we have the time, interest, take our personal efforts to learn more. Our extra work.
so back to our theme here:
which is to acknowledge a few KPFK programs that recently were actually attentively heard...
[tho most people can only attend to 1 thing at a time = partially hear any pgm - when honestly admitted....when they are doing more than 1 task at a time, so most listeners' attention must become divided/ diverted...
and then again, they return to listening to that radio,too . and then they revert back to complete tasks at hand, and so on....back and forth, tho we don't notice this process. it so happens to human attention.]
these 4 programs have been hear-able and provide educational, current information of value with much less of the biases and problems listed an complained of here, repeatedly, and again.
listed here Not in order of importance but as heard chronologically :
programmer: Mitch Jeserich

tho this program is re-broadcast from Berkeley, KPFA to KPFK : usually at 10 am weekdays. So it is not a KPFK originating program, but still heard here, it comes with many historical and academics providing educational information from their university studies & jobs there.
2. A good interview-current news events discussed program - with varied, well selected guests are used to discussed very current events
is Ian Masters :
his program is:
this program is on KPFK = 5 pm weekdays and 11 am Sunday.
He is less what the KPFK & all Pacifica have elsewhere have unfortunately reverted to
but Ian Masters maintains a reality-focus, excellent interviewing & discussing skills with his knowledgeable selected guests.
These are actually information, educational, and relevant to today's real occurrences programs. To be checked out for a quick listen and find more reliable, honest views and expositions of whatever is occurring in political or related threads to weave a coherent story - to be evaluated further, of course.
but back to lament, the un-hear-ability of the majority of other programs heard any other times on KPFK =
as most other programmers continue regularly shouting, commercializing whatever they can, take advantage of their power-access of having a programming position on air -then using it for their own angry rants,...
or in malicious tones oppose anyone else... but promote their own extreme political positions...
or exhibit their pandering to any or all victims-only...
as if - to be anti-anything-everything that previously was labeled as "establishment" or defined as as an 'institution ... or any aspect of what is otherwise called "government" ... regulatory mechanisms, non-revolutionary or disruptive groups are distrusted and maligned, of course...
and also any one or group that has been officially set up to manage the resources of any region/ country/ locale's business for redistribution, and safety...
as any publicly officiated are....
plus, of course ! - so easy to criticize and to find fault or oppose whatever [that the majority of any nation consider their voted-in leaders. or militia-held or ruler-dominated rulers & owners] than to be able to do or even solve the problems that can be criticized from afar. .
while all airing on KPFK keep taking federal monies - when they can - the Federal Govt's grants of $1,000,000 - but only, if they pass their yearly audits, that is.
Grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting - or KPFK can, as they have, lose it when they don't keep up with regularly required business audits, correctly. duh....
so easy to just hate them that pays ya ? huh ?
all the while, regularly, and often : this station is accepting donations from perhaps not-so- other "non"-profit funds only... but may be making trades and getting services, alliances, benefits - with Commercial events or publishers, et al.
Having financially beneficial agreements with other money-makers, no matter that they advertise themselves as being holier-than-us-folk - many appear to be profit makers and rule loop-hole-takers....but still, no one at Pacifica or KPFK are never admitting those questionable exchanges - all those that are not legally 'free' donations, or trades with quiet, hidden advantages to Both. hmmm..
ever wonder about how that works or fits in to the prized "mission statement" often used as fake advertising.
yep, those self-serving programs and programmers and the staff that colludes in that pretend-we-are-not-gaining-only-serving-LIE are above described - those are the many, if varied, programmers that anyone can hear...
or else must tune out on KPFK most times.unless we do tune in to find one of these very few ethical, honester selected programs here listed -
as these few here listed are more educational, more balanced, more factually informative -and not acting as propaganda for the far left or any far-extreme group's biases, promotions, sales...
how else to admit that KPFK is mostly attracting Only - those listeners who want to explode anger, act-out in small groups and to enjoy by just rebelling , resisting, refusing and rejecting - all whatever get that hard-to-have: the image of being 1-up to others who are 'other' .
And even all the while - at same time -these angry rebels are secretly & un-admittedly, benefiting from those same 'institutions' and government programs.
While getting advantages from those same resourceful businesses, programs, funding sources.- all the while hating on them - and maligning all those who do work in other than so-called-'non profit'-claimed business organizations - ohhh... except for when some few are "liked" for benefits they receive - by those who don't work in them.
Some of those same hated, criticized institutions are also same ones to which many KPFK readers here may also belong to, subscribe, benefit and enjoy- as they also may be those who exhibit more ethical attitudes and behaviors =
in other visible, actual, ways.....instead of merely uttering on-air words -
the ones heard and screamed on 'our, The American Public's, free airwaves - all that belong to all the USA citizens' - and is used by KPFK too, of course.
3. a person playing very old recordings that cover alternative health, 'spiritual' [often means meditation or eastern religions philosophies....
and some alternative-political lectures [often from a few repeated resources i.e. Sounds True, Alternative Radio, Thomas Hartman, etc. ]
Mon-Thurs - in the 12M to 6am nighttime for those who can listen in those hours, to make KPFK a 24/7 hr broadcast station.
Roy's "Something's Happening" program covers a variety of topics for the sleep little, sleepless, night workers, truck drivers, etc. too.
![]() |
a former volunteer, then a host of his own late-night show, this dedicated man provides a service to KPFK and it's listeners -by replaying mostly older-recordings of prior programs from 60's, 70's and some current radio personalities too. |
this programmer also offers a subscription that lists what is forthcoming in that week's programs, to select listening times and what's already been broadcast can be found online, at his site.
4.This is the service that is:
for all that was 'missed' and maybe of interest can be reheard, but not recorded' from the KPFK radio archives by time & date slot, on a computer, via internet.
Know the day, time and then check if the sounds seem to be playing what was wanted, or seek out the correct date/clock-time, because many -not all ? - programs can be re-heard later, for a select period of time.
This is a helpful service, but only if a KPFK member / listener knows what was when.
So while other recordings can be purchased from the KPFK Radio Archives - a library of older recordings, saved and later sold as mdse, and they describe themselves as :
"The Pacifica Radio Archives appraise, collect, organize, describe, and preserve the creative work generated by or produced in association with Pacifica Radio, and we make it available for research and reference use."
yet again, returning to our serious concerns - while above is the pointing to our preferred and only a few programs/resources found honest and valuable at KPFK above, those few we can value and recommend , the rest of what is heard on 90.7 FM unfortunately is:
what may be due to the direction that maybe the same in all of Pacifica -
with it's self-selected cronies, who then become stuck-in-there-forever-never-moving general managers, program directors, hosts, programmers, and all who keep the negativity and maligning going on and on....
notice this = once any programmer has obtained an on-air or staff slot, they will or have NEVER EVER move away or on, but stay forever, and will NOT share the space with newcomers, but keeping only for themselves that on-air space, as if "permanently-here-till-I-die" ...
= thus insuring their own spins, biases, whims, friends & cronies & influencers & promotion-commercial-'guests' are repeaters and also gain special access to Our Station's air waves / events - and holding on to all accesses.
Some gain followers, others get clients for their private contract work, many get tickets, or samples or gifts or what is never-ever-said-aloud to the KPFK paying public -members. We would immediately stop all checks from payment and report these hypocritical 'corruptions'
to any media regulators or inform everyone thru social media sources. Easy.
But so hidden is this process, and as it also happens so much at any - every other media - radio, TV , entertainment, news sources, et al. that it is considered " oh, so common, it is not worth talking about, as everybody else is doing it too, ...."
and they [almost] also all are. sadly. quietly. secretly. beneficially.
So closed is that hidden-from-view or non-improvement system, as can easily be noted, as heard on air too -so that each programmer can't ever claim to be fair- [ how? to whom? ] or show their information as being "balanced"-as in egalitarian-generous-good-sharing-honest- providing more than just "1" side of any topic. etc -
as if....they actually were who they Want To Be : folk with just 'good will' & good intentions, of course !
Even while choosing their different 'guests' - it is totally obvious that both host & guest do mostly all : self-serving [ but not admitted] PROMOTIONAL, P.R., ADVERTS, COMMERCIALS and announcements. These are all intended to be SELLING the guest, the event, the products, the mdse,the music played - the whatever is being lauded and applauded, there then.
And no one admits or ever even mentions the old phrase that describes a technique used long in radio & elsewhere " payola " a shunned, denied, ignored word, act, concept, as if .... of course not ! no one ever would think or say that is done, not on KPFK ? huh?
yes. there is their paybacks - all carefully hidden behind Oz's curtain, besides their personal freebee's [tasting and gulping what can be had that is also being Sold on the programs].
Yes. but it can be heard at KPFK allll the time, denied but notably done. Every show !
also dictionary defined as :
"the practice of bribing someone to use their influence or position to promote a particular product or interest."
as in : "if a record company spends enough money on payola, it can make any record [or person or mdse ] a hit"
"or make that whatever is displayed/ discussed as famous, as "sold !, ", as a must-see-buy.....whatever."
with more definitions, explanations found there by anyone in USA, or elsewhere too.
(c) mm 2019
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