We too have noticed and reflected that we do more than report the few available actuals, facts,
changes that occur at PACIFICA or KPFK , our main focus here.
We are repeated requesting, demanding, ASKing Openly and Publicly for TRANSPARENCY + HONEST + INGEGRITY + ACCOUNTABILITY + RESPONSIBILITY + and more Professional- & well-experienced management.
Especially when it comes to monies $$$$$$$ – the main substance requested for 5/8 of the whole year’s focus on KPFK - also more casually euphemism-called “fund drives”.
We reflected on our own words here – we are criticizing while asking-for More than has been or maybe ‘can-be’ done at a million-dollar FM Radio station – located on radio dial at 90.7 in Los Angeles. And then we noticed the very few available Investor-Stakeholder sources of information of how OUR RADIO STATION is being controlled, mortgaged, run or managed, not all by local bosses, but by Boards – Local or National.
LSB= local station board members – who are unknowns and only Selected by a very few who are required to fulfill the required minimum # of votes, and then make decisions with No Other Vetting, Proof of expertise, stability or skills, or prior work for a large [tho called ‘non-profit’
by legal papers] Corporation.
Also we know of no LSB member that reports back or holds even local or station meetings to who they Claim, falsely. to "represent" or get feedback as to what LSB's do or that person is doing, or not.
From those 24 or so dis-agreeing people they self-or-crony-nominate 4 to become part of the PNB – Pacifica National Board - those then Elevated into more powerful positions that make decisions that affect all 5 stations plus more.
Again there is no vetting, qualifying criteria [or written so in bylaws ? = those the ruling ‘laws’ that interior are suppose to be followed & obeyed within all Pacifica stations & doings]. It has often been commented elsewhere that those venerable “bylaws” are ignored, by-passed, denied, and re-interpreted by demanding individuals and warring factions within the PNB - and within any radio station’s LSB too.
So as INVESTORS, large or standard payers to KPFK , becoming thus STAKEHOLDERS, donors, money-and-time-and-more CONTRIBUTORS to KPFK ’s maintenance, there is almost no or slanted tidbits of information shared or released, by anyone who Knows Most or in In Charge of OUR RADIO STATION.
There are some email groups that bicker, rant, criticize a lot, [critical attacks, critical long essays and harangues, critical of each other most frequently, critical of anyone outside of those who considered themselves as ‘essentials’].
And almost all the PROGRAMS heard on Pacifica and KPFK are also CRITICAL – of government, of anyone the liberalized left righteously claims is different than their chosen view or group. Programs rant and acclaim those VICTIMS they chose and ignore others, selectively insuring that ‘their own’ gets heard on-air access while others, less relatable are then ignored and not on-air, at all.
The government and all officials therein are obviously the worst – the most greedy, grabby, evil, thieves and elite that are to be demolished, voted out until the next set gets the same demeaning treatment via all Pacifica people & programs. The USA voted the republican form of Government - however it happens which may or not be revealed only 20+ years later, not before – must be BAD, cheating, corrupt, and not “one of us” per the KPFK determined view and attacks.
There are a few ‘other nations’ that are sort of allowable, because they are known “victims” of USA govt allies, like Palestine, claimed to be right, innocents, deserving – as other nationals elsewhere are not…not given broadcast air time support and admiration. Many people’s are displaced, moved aside, taken out, removed and replaced and other tribes/ ethnic groups/ political parties/ dissenting nationalists, et al exist and want to be heard too. However, there are the favorites we all hear mainly and repeatedly on OUR RADIO STATIONs.
Maybe occasionally another regional group, political attempt to be Chiefs, Presidents, Reclaimers of lands, and such exist, simultaneously…but they may have a 1x or 0x opportunity to have their side known to KPFK or Pacifica listeners.
The very SELECTIVE SLANTS, BIASES, CHOSEN ‘VICTIMS’ that are exposed and given that precious on Radio news exposure – as any other media offers often to their own chosen ones – are very limited and selective, and must be poor, downtrodden, rebels, so-called tho not really ‘voiceless’ so heard less often by mass corporate media.
[Note: KPFK is also a corporation, but non-profit seems to indemnify and make innocent what happens there, as no visible Cash Trades is known to be done there…maybe. Much pride and repeated !!! over & Over = bragging is done on-air about this being ‘non-commercial’, tho what is actually “commercial” defined is not admitted either ] commercial means: "concerned with or engaged in commerce." so what is all the money we send in called instead? a trade ?
do we just give-away : a free- wheeling gift, present, donations?- but absolutely with no strings attached- our merely passing on of hard-earned-monies ?
Do we really dare TRUST that dysfunctioning systems that have not done proper each station audits... not on time as required by laws, & not abided by Corporation for Public Broadcasting to receive in turn $1M / yr ? Or to end up paying for NY expensive leases we who INVEST & pay for KPFK's survival here in LA ? or whatever other financial disabling shenanigans that are never revealed because of shame and wanting to continue being an empowered PNB person? huh?
That any other available sources of news, revelations of how KPFK or Pacifica operates and what is owed, what is owned, what is traded, how it is managed, who is more in Power & in charge than the PNB group that are the “directors” – directing how & by what means besides an occasional group vote – is SECRET, NOT KNOWN, NOT REVEALED and hard to decipher or find.
The negative criticism of all the ‘others’ – those not chosen to have KPFKers support and sympathize and drum [loudly & repeatedly] Up into audio-volume-Sounds & View – those negatives predominate the airwaves. So only a selective audience listens. Those who also resent not having more and not feeling life has been fair to them and it must be the fault of the pre-dominantly * USA government * & those officials, workers, agencies, anything tainted by the USA American taint/ symbols.
Not just the general ANTI-WAR protests and actions are at KPFK. That was the emphasis from the Original Mission in 1959. But later, it was Not just the claimed “JUSTICE” for every poor person, even if not USAmerican, not those who have made claims they have not paid-for or
even ‘deserve’ for any reason other than they want More…of course ….
It is the repeated demands that anyone ‘else’, [any ‘others’, outside the USAmerican main-stream, majority, norm, prior taxpayers & builders of whatever USAmerica has become by now….that dominate at KPFK and Pacifica stations.
There are so many ! So varied people’s on this earth anywhere else and inside these USA borders too that must be SAVED and rescued !!! by those who seem-to ‘care’ and be ‘active’ – to speak in their names and then get prestige and feel-good from being NEGATIVE & CRITICAL of any-everyone who is not then:
a poorer, minority, protestor, less-powerful, and different [sometimes disabled by physical or other means to get MORE, sometimes by being born in a country, region where less is available and sometimes being brought-up/ raised in cultures that are ‘different’ than the USA’s majority = that were Christians, mostly tho not only lighter-toned-skin-colors, called “whites” tho that is not their skin hue actually, and some ‘pinkish’ and spotted tones are visible. ===
and all “OTHERS” – the world’s dominant people’s of hues –like what is labeled: browns, beiges – or even darker brown-bluish-unnamed skin tones, or even ‘yellowish’, “brownish’, and all the subtle differences of what is called Color - or then labeled as RACE that are not the predominantly European heritaged one.
Oh….this must be then negatively attacked as, Not Allowed ! as this must be ["bad, insulting, demeaning, not-allowed "] " RACISM !!!" – to even mention that differences Are Seen and Admmitted ! No No NO !!!! not allowed by politically-correct people at KPFK , especially ! What KPFK adherents ‘see’ only can be named and allowed, no others – views, words, experiences,
labels, definitions.
Per the ordinary defining abilities of the Oxford dictionary :
The word critical means [emphases added by us here -- and Definitions here to help us all realize how we misuse or exaggerate Our Own Versions of this commonly uttered word ! ] : “ adjective “ [thus is it not a verb ! ? tho common use does so ? ]
“Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements”
[ as in ‘I was very critical of the previous regime’ ]
“ Expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of
literature, music, or art.
as critical (of a text) incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis and commentary.”
[as in ‘a critical edition of a Bach sonata’ ]
“Involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to
form a judgement.” [ ‘professors often find it difficult to encourage critical thinking amongst
their students’]
critical (of a situation or problem) having the potential to become disastrous; at a point of crisis. [‘the floodwaters had not receded and the situation was still critical’ ]
critical = “ Extremely ill and at risk of death.” [[ ill & death being seen negatively by many in society ]] [‘she was critical but stable in Hospital’]
as in: “Having a decisive or crucial importance in the success, failure, or existence of something.” [‘temperature is a critical factor -- ‘getting banks lending again was critical to any recovery’ --in combination ‘time-critical tasks’] . = [end of dictionary quotes here ]
Repeat the idea being dis-cussed here : KPFK & all it’s adherents, followers, staff, management, emphases, issues, topics, and strong biases are NEGATIVELY CRITICAL mostly…
With music being the main relief and alternative to all the heavy anger, resentments, outrages, furies, insults, attacks, discounts, demeaning and negative words and sounds sounded Loudly, Repeatedly on KPFK . and Pacifica stations. Their claim to fame and identity is to be the ones who voice most and most often the ANGER and OUTRAGE that some others may agree to feel but have no radio-access-on-air-power.
So when we wonder here why we are tending to also be critical, to demand Better and More from all and anything involved where we have INVESTED OUR MONIES, OUR TIME, OUR ATTENTION, OUR LISTENING and wanting to learn, we also are Negative more than complimentary.
Sadly. Surprisingly too.
We would prefer to be commending and admiring and praising. But because there is less of the Negative CONTAGION that emerges from air-talk and public-interest-programming at Pacifica’s on-air-programs, and even the news of what has happened or can occur at where we have INVESTED OUR TIME, MONEY, ENERGIES AND HOPES too…
[like the recent financial judgment against WBAI, for which KPFK ’S PROPERTY WAS OFFERED UP AS COLLATLERAL TO A $$$$ LOAN to help out the network and it’s ignorant-lease-signing-officios who signed Empire State Building Trust for excessive rents they knew they Could Not Ever repay or continue to honor their signed lease ! – a sign made visible because it was in federal court and exposed ! or we, nor you, would have known the shenanigans, mis-management, excessive debt taken, and maybe even fraudulent dealings or corruptions yet un-admitted by WBAI & PNB & prior Executive Directors too – as we do now, because it Had To Be Made Public by that same USAmerican government courts.] duh…..
Now….we would like to be more fair, balanced, equalized to the negative-positive poles and all in between, as between black & white ends, extremes, there are many variations of rainbows too…. If only…. there were more positive results and less secretive-hidden-shameful doings at OUR RADIO STATION. It is not ‘theirs’, those who claim “power” and ability to decide, sign leases, spend our invested monies, chose programmers of their own slanted preferences, and do continual ‘money-begging-demanding-tiresome ‘fund-drives’ =[driving-us and most paid up listeners, prior donors -away].
That would be nice to be able to find and know and hear more positive aspects to what we have been so devoted and loyal, this far. But it does not seem to be improving, after this last revealed fiasco with WBAI’s extreme huge = YUGE debt that all other 4 stations had to also fund, or mortgage themselves to get loan money, or be forever after indebted until death = The-End: to all the absurdities that have been accomplished in recent Many Years ! not months, not recently, but for a long time, before ....Now, when we pay, for what ? Whom? Why ?
Admitting that we too, writing, reviewing, revealing also here, as there are only 2 other internet souces giving any information relevant to Pacifica and /or KPFK [ which are :Pacificainexile.org and http://wbai-nowthen.blogspot.com/, == and then us. here. ] dealings, doings, fiascos, and changes therein.
While all those who paid their dues, their gifts, donations, estate gifts, and more in volunteering time at stations, at LSBs and at paid-for-events that give a part of entry-fee to that Pacifica station – all of us WANT TO BE AND KNOW THERE IS MORE POSITIVES than we have heard, known, so far. maybe later ? maybe…. nothing visible in any real factual, actual horizons or audio-waves…yet.
© bbt
NOTE A WAY TO FIND OUT WHAT IS CLAIMED TO BE 'HOW IT MUST BE AT PACIFICA PER ONE OF THEIR 'BYLAWS' : [see Pacifica.org for all the bylaws somewhere there ]
The PACIFICA bylaws say:
"Article Three, Members of the Foundation, Section 5: Rights =
All Members shall have all rights granted to them by law or by these
Bylaws, including without limit the right to vote, on the terms and in the
manner set forth in these Bylaws, on the election and removal of
Delegates; on the sale, exchange, transfer or disposition of all or
substantially all of the Foundation's assets; on the sale, exchange,
transfer or disposition of any of the Foundation's broadcast licenses; on
any merger, its principal terms and any amendment of its principal terms;
on any election to dissolve the Foundation; on any amendment to these
Bylaws for which Member approval is required or permitted as set forth in
Section 1(B) of Article 17 of these Bylaws; and on any amendment to the
Articles of Incorporation. "
[emphasis italics added here only]
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