"It would be prudent to make that option available to the membership…”
Q: But: what constitutes that “membership” ?
and who as listeners without donations that 1 yr or how many years ago would be excluded ?
words like “members” “directors” and vague references are made about what by-laws say that most readers have Never Ever read nor would search thru for a particular reference..
Please Define, simply, clearly, for everyone to remember, record and use appropriately after. thanks ]“the internal mis-identification of the Pacifica project as one of community radio rather than of public educational broadcasting”
[ is a major problem, but definitions are again not clear, specific, detailed enough to Identify which is which and which is not-enough so. Words are so easily understood by the writer to mean 1 thing and they assume others, of course, agree & will know what is being said. Not.
We have written with no responses to that issue of where & how is Educational emphasis clearly stated in The (holy) Mission then is a major or frequent factor in any broadcast programs.
Anything can be mis-labeled as ‘educational’ assuming others do not know what
programmer knows and they are then ‘educating’ The Rest Of Us about their biases, prejudices, political slants and anecdotal findings. hmm
Note: boldings and emphases are here to make easy skim-reading for pertinent topics. Tho the writers of these words & thoughts are not named here, it is not to plagiarize but to further expose their publicly written views more widely, thru this blog-site too.
It is the clear, bold writing of what is not always read, heard, agreed with, or even acknowledged with replies, elsewhere, that we copy-paste here for further viewing and to INFORM anyone involved with KPFK and Pacifica to also 'be in the limited know" that is possible.
This is not revealing anything confidential, nor needing to be hidden further, as much else continues to be, as has always been at this over-cautiously-secretive organization.
"Also notice that Board decisions are based on insider politics and personal agendas not on sound business practises ….the PNB making no decisions or bad decisions, which includes decisions based only on insider factional power plays….the CPB funds, ....
Pacifica lost them starting in 2013 for failure to properly notice its meetings to the public, which are also FCC rule PNB for the last year has also violated those same CPB/FCC rules by having multiple closed meetings dealing with public matters, as shown by a leak of closed session motions passed.
After that Pacifica failed to comply with its audits and that has been the reason for the loss of CPB funds ever since. Further, KPFK lost its CPB funding by either 2012 or 2013 because of low listenership and low donations. CPB gave KPFK three years to fix it and they didn’t. KPFK will not be eligible even if the audits could get done.
It’s possible the open meetings violations would disqualify Pacifica even if the audits are completed the CFO has quit and the auditor said he will not do the FY2017 audit. You need both to do an audit and they are not easy to get at Pacifica.
The due date for the FY2017 audit and Form 990 to the IRS are due August, 15, 2018. Pacifica’s expenses are greater than its revenue and has been for years.
KPFK has budgeted 140 fund drive days this year. It still owes about $200k in central services from 2015.
The PD gives out programs to board members’ friends and keeps his job. While the iED signed a $3.7 million loan, with all of Pacifica’s real estate assets, including everything inside the buildings, plus KPFK’s transmitter and the Pacifica Radio Archives, both irreplaceable
[this needs to be confirmed as accurately stated ]
Pacifica is woefully understaffed in all its areas of operations, especially those that could help grow revenue. To get a development director or national program director – or even something as basic as business managers at two of the stations – would cost as much as they would likely bring in. And there’s no money to float those jobs until they do bring in funds."
".... nothing replaces the production of complete and unaltered, unredacted documents in a situation like this. [to iED} You work for the listeners. Not the other way around and certainly not for your or anyone else’s enrichment. In addition, please provide a complete breakdown of the costs of all the loan(s), and full details as to the pledging, collateralizing, or the putting at risk of loss of any and all Pacifica assets as a result of these recent actions trumpeted in the [see where OUTSIDE this may have appeared ?] April 5 press release. "
"So, ordering people about what they should and should not do and expecting it to help is the old, usual Pacifica way - by having competing groups trying to dominate the PNB and the LSBs is the commonly used Pacifica way…..
Transparency. I think you and the PNB are making a great mistake and expand distrust among the membership because you are not releasing documents about the settlements. You are denying to members of the organization the right to view and copy documents that affect the organizations future….
This is secrecy and not transparency. Lots of people in and around Pacifica are offended by secrecy. Your administration should be changing that tendency to hide things and promoting openness at all levels."
* * * * * * * * * * *
Pacifica Bylaws, Article Twelve, Corporate Records, Report and Seal,
Section 4: Members: Inspection Rights
Members of the Foundation shall have the following inspection rights, but only for a purpose reasonably related to such person's interests as a Member of the Foundation, and subject to the Foundation's right to provide a reasonable alternative method for achieving the Member's articulated purpose:
A. To inspect and copy the record of all Members' names, addresses and voting rights, at reasonable times, upon five (5) business days' prior written demand on the Foundation, which demand shall state the purpose for which the inspection rights are requested.
( read the clauses) Where the Foundation reasonably believes that the information will be used for an improper purpose, or where the Foundation provides a reasonable alternative to achieve the Member's articulated purpose, the Foundation may deny the Member access to its membership list and information;
B. To inspect at any reasonable time the books, records, or minutes of proceedings of the Members or of the Board or committees of the Board, upon written demand on the Foundation by the Member, for a purpose reasonably related to such person's interests as a Member, provided, however, that said Member will not be permitted to review sealed Minutes from closed meetings; and
C. To inspect and review copies of reports filed by the Foundation with the Attorney General consistent with Section 6324 of the California Corporations Code…..
(c) bt 2018 only words not quoted in black above, but those written to explain what this post is all about.
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