Pacifica's bylaw states:
[emphasis are added here only, not in original]
“All Members shall
have all rights granted to them by law or by these Bylaws, including without
limit the right to vote… on the sale, exchange, transfer or disposition of all
or substantially all of the Foundation's assets; on the sale, exchange,
transfer or disposition of any of the Foundation's broadcast licenses; on any
merger, its principal terms and any amendment of its principal terms; on any
election to dissolve the Foundation."
Below this are comments made to question and wonder about what was written as emails between the new interim Executive Director of Pacifica = Tom Livingston ...and a KPFK [prior] LSB member & financial committee chair.
The intention here is to open up what is being said and what is not - and to QUESTION further what assumptions are made or left unsaid, that are not openly admitted...yet.
Our comments, questions are
in red or blue, the quotes in black.
“That means using a sale or swap of a radio license as
possible means of paying back the loan is outside of the scope of the PNB to
promise and, without being a lawyer, appears illegal.
"The public looks forward
to seeing the documents to see exactly what is promised to pay back the loan,
if anything.
“Pacifca's rules are used to keep certain people in power”
Really ? like
whom ? those self-nominated to PNB from ea local LSB or selected by their own
allies to a higher position of POWER…
The only one known to m0st donors, other than a
shifting around name of an INTERIM exe. director that is heard from in press
releases or an occasional letter to long-timers group emails ?
Those in power seem to deny this prize or don’t
shine a light on how it is used, other than in PNB meetings that are then
secreted somewhere at Pacifica HQ ?
“CA state law requires Pacifica have an audit committee. (There is
one but is non-functional.)”
what & where are they and who are they ?
Most people have never heard of this group and
what they do or who they report to ?
Why is this a new bit of info now suddenly
appearing – surprisingly ?
"Tom Livingston [current i? ED] said in a public email, “The decision to seek a loan to address the
ESRT judgment....
[-that court-ordered Pacifica Radio
Fdtn is to pay-the-bills - for what is now the Yuge debt = to being paid – by
loans, mortgages, & the indebtedness of all radio stations - instead of the
one locale @ WBAI, whose leasing was the problem then &there, only… ] ...was made prior to the
start of my time at Pacifica. "
"All of the policy decisions regarding the
agreements were made by the PNB.”
[still another interim ?] Exe Director’s words indicate that this Director
person – [as we read: he was just recently hired for $10,000/mo pay + fees for
extra work too ] is also now dis-claiming
his part of the financial agreements - in which he actively & recently
negotiated the results.
thus he is claiming at least he is not responsible ! …for the extreme
$$$$ amounts that everyone else is & will be paying for many years = for that
disastrous ESRT lease fiasco .
That was the one was
agreed to & signed by some dumb or ignorant people who were then in POWER
& are still not named now? so no one is accountable? still now ?
refers to indicating that “ was not my
decision” ?
to the high-priced long-lease that was and became an enormous burden
on ‘everyone else’ ….
who thought they were paying just to keep their own
local Pacifica radio station on-air. Not so.
beware of being mis-informed or lied to ? Your Payments made are not going to
what is announced on air or you were told, or thought .
said in a public email, “I believe I speak for the board that it is the strong hope that by improving
Pacifica's programming and operating practices the organization can generate sufficient
resources to be both sustainable and service the debt.”
words emphasized above – as "HOPES" are not realities, actualities, plans or more
than mere fantasy wishes and imaginings.
Often held so as to
have something positive in thoughts at least, if not able to have in real life.
wish/hope that there would be “improving” in programming & operating
practices is vague enough to sound like a confirmation, when words are used to
mislead and say nothing specific enough to grab on to.
How and who would have
the power and abilities to do that “improving” may not be the iED himself, alone or even with PNB in their shown divisiveness.
the PNB - that before did not do their own job of “improving” the whole $$$$itutation that has arisen, that is
apparently still causing the org's failing, falling, self- destructing – even all the while
“Hoping," with the much wishing and talking and writing.
no one in Power-positions or with authority to Improve & make changes maybe not be DOING, nor Acting, nor
seeking other professionals, nor hiring experts …
or even, finally, cleaning out those regulars, always same ones there,
who are treading in place – staff & programmers- stuck in muddied swamps
still, now.
signed a $3.7 million loan, with all of Pacifica’s real estate assets, including
everything inside the buildings, plus KPFK’s transmitter and the Pacifica Radio
Archives, both irreplaceable, only on a “strong hope” ?”
is more than a question but a confrontation and demand to explain how much was
put at stake and in danger to pacify those involved in that $$$ judgment for
WBAI’s mis-judgments.
Again, notice the “hope” word noted as not being the same
as: any plans of helpful actions being created - or even the actual Changing of
the Guards - change of the old same-people-recycling-&-revolving-thru-same-doors
at Pacifica – most repeatedly.
repeating their angry, factionalized versions of a social-image bias and extreme slants included too. No
one else but those who already agree with those political, societal views need
attend to Pacifica or join its crew… the one
sailing into ….oh no....... !
there ! only to find,yep, they Are in those quagmires, those dark bogs, the sticky
morasses & dank, dark holes
[financially too ] - & to be clogged up in where they already
are: stuck, in those stinky, immobilizing
places - as all had already feared - to be stuck - in there...and couldn't.....
We like to define and notice how words are used - often as pivoting points to divert and point-away.
Or words are used as if holding pretend-positions - to then make claims - that are more vague, unclear and not real.
Words used most often as diversions. Ways to avoid.
Ways to hide. Ways to distract. Ways to not tell truth.
Ways to not be open nor transparent.
Words are often stated as allusions, illusions, implications - but are not heard nor read as those words are actually defined in any reality or an honorable, reliable dictionary.
Words are the slick, slanting, shifty way so many businesses, corporations [yes, KPFK is a non-profit Corporation, still one of them] , politicians, religious speakers and many others use for their own purposes, designs.
And most of those utterances are intentionally not giving many if any actual facts - or information - but passing out rhetoric rants or "please-feel-good-from-these-words-and-reward-me" speeches or flatteries.
Qualifying word inserts are tricky too - such as "I think"..."we hope"..."maybe"..."probably"...we assume"...They said..."their attorney claims..." and so on & on...clever inserts to cover-up or shift what else is being said then.
OWCH ! words are like sharp knives that cut many ways and can be misused as weapons, as helpful tools, as stabbing weapons, as cutting up truths into slivers of mistrusting misleading sentences...and more.
(c) mjm 2018
parts written by us in red/blue above only