Sonali on KPFK talking with Bill Crosier interim Exe Director of Pacifica Jan 5 2018
this short interview can also be heard again on: or KPFK Archives
and “”
look there for text if any or pod-casts
Interview was conducted on-air = Jan 5, 2018 @ 8:25 am – 8:40am Friday morning on Sonali’s radio hr program.
Note the reduced rapid discussion of basics that are better explained by print that may be in other printed articles, as well.
We don't know when the decisions were made to NOW EXPOSE AND ADMIT TO ANY OTHER OUTSIDE MEDIA.
[other than those many only-internal emails to closed Pacifica groups -or at PNB or LSB meetings. And if there were any public groups, town halls, we did not hear or know of any so far.]
IF…any other radio hosts have been revealing info, that could be easily be missed unless any listeners were deafened listening to any Pacifica radio station 24/7-to then go bonkers thru all else those feisty tidbits that might also be filtered.
These words below have been sorta “typed up” as they were so rapidly uttered on air,
w/o many explained details or solid info given,with a few breaths being taken that made a few points audible and thus notable.
It maybe that Crosier is being interviewed in many places and thru other external medias that has not been revealed nor admitted nor promoted openly ?
We, urban workers, all have ltd time and energy to listen, attend to what happens out of our necessary worlds.
This was typed, and now shared : TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF EACH, ALL Pacifica's RADIO STATIONS= those who have DONATED, thus BECOME STAKEHOLDERS [and are thus the ‘investors’ w/o any documentation.]
Those who have no‘voice’ or say about what happens to their hard earned funds,‘gifted’ for the various & dubious-valued “premiums” hawked by on-air hosts.
Also, reader, you may want to searchand see more media articles, interviews, any exposures of what has FINALLY NOW BEEN REVEALED - in WSJ, Common dreams, Bay area nsprs & websites.
[tho many seem slanted towards defending and promoting KPFA mostly, while baring noticing what any of the other 4 stations are about or doing -or how they are affected by this $$$$ catastrophe ]
"they have not yet seized our assets...
signal[swamping?] swapping – coverage area traded w/exchanging signal swaps… we have broker looking in this
no pain free out of this, we have additional debt
ESRT took us to court and won...they can seize assets but would take 1 yr to finalize, after FCC would approve it first so it could be challenged ...
we need $$$ sooner from loan in interim... to paid by signal swap... but we have NOT YET MADE DECISION ON OW TO GET FUNDS...
we have poor credit to get good rate on loan
have interest-share-rates [?]
we have 2 diff loans looking at thru PNB,
we may sign written agreement so they don’t seize assets or take bigger loan [takes couple months to get] to pay all other debts too
we eventually have to pay interest & loan of both
KPFK owns bldg in Studio City, talk of mortgaging to pay loans but that would add to our monthly expenses !!!
our credit is bad, we have lots of debt, so difficult to get good loan
initial loan w/ KPFK bldg as collateral, but bigger loan so would use all other lands too too not just KPFK’s
stations having to take up this burden, 4 other stations, problem was generated by just 1 station in network
WBAI has helped out other stations in past
debt was approved not by WBAI but Pacifica’s GM in past, tho it may have been inadver-tently [not realized how steep or how deep debt it involved ???}
NY stations hurts that high rent obligated to pay filing for bankruptcy may help Pacifica’s controlling it’s debts tho PNB voted against it
many opinions on this…[Bill] thinks we should have done Chap 11 already to prevent
ESRT seizing assets in 4 mo, tho have many yrs to pay off ALL OTHER DEBTS [?}
all PNB said [agreed ????] to file bankruptcy to protect our assets & continue operating.. we can file Chap 11 immediately but has expenses also, that we also have to pay
Board decided to get loans to pay judgements and then late figure out how to pay all other loans too.
Pacifica has lucrative licenses, signals in huge areas, KPFK 112 [voltage or ?] signal power
except KFPA may be best financial station
[is this a fact or a version ???? no # or facts have been clearly revealing this]
why so few listeners in all ? [Bill says]- all have reduced listeners, even tho we have archives that is not listened to nor used enough.
we need more pgms, better pgms, some shows not doing what they should and are not being supported, so need to be replaced - we need more good programming , for other time slots not doing well and promoting them better, ways low cost to promote them, get younger listeners too [not listening to any radio either ]
are we alienating listeners with so much fund raising ? they complain regularly &
when shows pre-empted we lose listeners…like there are 140 days of fund drives next yr == that drives yng listener off, ...
KPFK fund drive pgms are sometimes interesting on their own and they have many planed fund driving days, but it may not bring in enough money
re governance: other organizations have more fund raising done by boards… yet some of our board members do not raise much or get major donors..we need to figure out to how to change our governance
there is a tremendous amt of infighting !!! public members are turned off to watch or hear that fighting !!
we need to have demands for meetings w/ high standards of purity, "we cut off nose to
spite face" = we need to produce good radio so people support us…Pacifica now needs us
now, with more issues with president in WH… we need board members, every one, to help get funds ! open meetings are web-streamed and can be listened to on KNXT, audio archives are listened to later when broadcast live – people don’t listen, – people fight over little details, little contentions, 3-5 yrs of meetings every week, and cant get thru this is not way to solve problems
there's too much complaining and blaming and finding faults so not completing agendas
Pacifica radio network should be a household name but it isn’t. a completely different
model of broadcasting than others, so valuable…we hope Pacifica will emerge out of crisis, both $ and political.
"American needs Pacifica"
Let’s hope to talk again… hope process will work. we need to pay of loans."
end of quotes from Sonali's program.
see articles printed elsewhere too
(c) mm
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