Please just click at link below, or go there regularly, to update for valuable data and INFORMATION available no where else on web - about the financial travails and disputes and problems that have emerged for KPFK - and it's land property ownership to back up debts incurred at NY's WBAI....
Finances, that have apparently for years been mis-handled, overlooked, problems denied and / or not having any professionally business oversight... and all that has come to a recently Court Award of millions owed by WBAI, and with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ loans using KPFK's property and more as collateral mortgage.
This is totally unacceptable to any Stakeholders/ Donors/ Members/ Investors in KPFK, in the past or now !
But as a done-deal by a Court Awarded settlement, KPFK is paying for what it's listeners, community, volunteers, even management had nothing to do with, before ...but now, do.
Sad, scary. Bad.
so see
for all articles since Dec 28, 2017 onward - for more details and explanations of how this financial mis-manangement[s] has affected all 5 + Pacifica radio stations, not just the WBAI part.
Note that the Pacifica National Board," PNB" , is made up of selected, chosen LSB - local board members of ea. station: brief vote, and then these folks are without vetting or question as to their expertise asked to manage any foundation or radio station's financial or managerial affairs ?
These are then the apparently "main deciders" with that authority for all 'the rest of any members' [donors, stakeholders, investors, funders et al ] .
... and along with an INTERIM general Manager - who may be doing his 'best' - but who apparently is also in conflict with many & various factions with their differing solutions choosing what may prevent total catastrophe. maybe.
Anyone can call, write, go to their local radio station =
to demand information and answers to any questions,
whether welcomed there or not.
Note that it is all the $$$$ fund-raised - & coming up more fund-raising - that is being wasted.
Plus all any $$$ that is still being spent - not on any radio stations' improvements - nor even on technical equipment, nor on property maintenance nor even on their basic same-old-same-old 'programs'' maintenance. Nor on staff salaries or management pay. No. Not for what is assumed needs to be paid with members' earnings and sharings.
[Because no one ever wants to give up their own Program - tho they are mostly payola'd - by having that special ACCESS, which is also POWER, to use their on-air promos/ slants/ guests/ events/ PR/ et al. They claim they do not get "paid" as in cash or a revealed-trade-favor = but that is not all that goes on behind those scenes..never admitted nor mentioned, of course ! ]
So each 'volunteer' [they are really a promoter, and are not volunteering - but they are more keeping a hold on to their assumed-property-status.... as each 'programer', as staff or volunteer, still rigidly retains their broadcast spaces - and all continue on for years, yet without any real. independent, valid, reliable evaluations or show any improved changes !
Pacifica stations apparently operate in this closed, stuck-in-stone, for each individual 'program' person's feifdom- manner and Anywhere in this USA !
so in LA write or call :
tel. 1 818 985 2711 day time hours 9am -5 pm x 0
and ask for The General Manager
[ a new one coming as on KPFK website:
"Anyel Zuberi Fields to be Next KPFK General Manager" ...
even tho he has been there in that position before now - as 'interim' GM then...
and no actual, factual evidences of better qualifications have been provided, no evaluations or proofs of improved expertise, ..nor has any professional vetting has been stated about any GM selected to run the show, even as .."a nice guy" seems to not be enough...
while no qualifications are ever revealed or even noted to us, as members, donors, Stakeholders, investors to KPFK or any Pacifica radio station, we are not involved nor participating, as some wish or maybe are assumed to be ...OK policy, pattern as is ? huh ? ]
or ask to speak directly to the Program Director
[tho the KPFK i-PD is also "interim =-temporarily, while still stuck there for many years] .
Changes or improvements are apparently difficult with the same people in POWER POSITIONS. As they continue retaining, repeating and slanting to their own views, their own limitations, their particular talents-- but not showing progress or even attempting to experiment-allow-for-IMPROVEMENTS there.
Wonder why ?
[so trying to find the station's link for staff or management on KPFK's website? it is difficult - when links are hidden behind other 'words' members' waste time to search out simple things like, "what is location ?" huh ? ]
see "" to then find their location ? who would have thought to find it there ? anyone ? logically ?
link on more... to this : ""
and only then, maybe, find how to to locate YOUR radio station...duh...
a travesty to have to flail about to find this basic simple info !
(c) 2018 bbt
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