all names and identifications are deliberately HERE - avoided, hidden and removed to not create more anger, conflicts, accusations, or retaliations - (for exposing what was written in some 'public' if limited forums and groups).
the pertinent information here is edited, copied, quoted and provided HERE for 1 purpose only:
"Quote marks" to separate or limit thoughts are eliminated for convenience....any person who assumes they KNOW who wrote what may easily be mistaken too....
to EXPOSE, REVEAL, MAKE TRANSPARENT AND OPEN all that is thought, said, written and then hidden or denied so many Pacifica loyalists.
These people have long dedicated much time, work, caring and attention to keeping all the IDEALS and original claims made when this non-pro- fitted corporation was initiated...and then....all shifted, spun, changed and was made different...anyhow.
Most do nor did not have evil nor avaricious demands - intending to destroy the radio stations under Pacifica's umbrella. But occasionally a few people have filtered in... and got stuck persistently 'inside' - in any position possible.
They stayed 'in' in order to subvert, control or confuse what the "Pacifica Mission" and work has been intended to be about - forever.
Or as long as the corporation can continue....
Yes, a few have come thru looking for opportunities to take CONTROL... or to take ADVANTAGE for their own small group....
& to try to subvert what all was accomplished and dedicated by many others ...and try to TAKE the financials, the land ownership, the precious licenses, the working transmitters [ all & any resources held by this corporation].
And too many also tried to become "The Power-full" top level deciders = as in management, and on boards -in local LSBs or PNB - [Pacifica Nat'l board= those selected from each of the local boards -& thus combined to run the basic whole org.]
Most, who. yes, did disrupt, mis-direct, create chaos and misery and provoke much anger revolts, protests, shouting matches, everywhere, on and off air waves, et al.
They obviously have FAILED TO totally reduce Pacifica to the ashes that could have resulted from it's demise, it's total end.
A small # of determined to WIN manipulators can create havoc and ruin any group's best intention and workers who want to create cooperation, coordination, togetherness.
Yep, it happens, anywhere and especially notable at any Pacifica event.
Still, after how many years that it all begun ? 1949 ?
and with the many attempts to change, to correct, to direct, to OWN, to take over..or to do anything to selfishly TAKE whatever the broadcasting air-waves - this MEDIA on radio - that is so effective and continuous - they could not.
But.....The 'others' would also persist, and fight back, revolt and attack those who thought to steal and lie...
and that same dramatic scene still continues to date, right NOW !
Many 'older-times & very dedicated people' -
all those who worked ...& fought during long days & years....
to keep the basic message integral and going on.....
are always to be honored and appreciated.
Even if they at times sounded-off... and were disliked, despised, or eliminated ...and still, most people returned.
Some to help - and some to continue their own controlling games to win for themselves. Those who sought to 'Win for the Whole' -that is: the concept, the dedicated Intent - and to help broadcast & hear those less mass-media-popular messages [as those heard within the diverse programming on 5+ radio stations across the USA].
So occasionally some words are relevant, again, and yet these can reveal more again.... and some are also then copied, edited for clarity or pointedness and focus.... and shared here.
The intention here now is to COMMUNICATE CLEARLY =
(without self-advantage or personal-desires
or clever-spins-prejudices being included...
because those slants divert and distort. )
What affects KPFK comes from it's being part of the whole =
Pacifica - and all that is therein contained and related - to tell more Truth[s] and Share more versions of Realit[ies].... while aired from in that shaky entity.
Notice: the presumption-assumption-or-authoritative-claim: of There is "only" 1 truth, 1 reality, 1 factual story and 1 authority - who knows-it-all -- but tells little of what the claimer Claims -- is not part of this world. That version is not natural, not scientific, not open nor transparent and not in any state of questioning nor wonder - nor awe either. Those claims are made if not in error then in trying to Own It All, Control Every thing or person or resource, [ or reduce some insecurity and fear lodged somewhere interiorly ? ]
And that intent is there Still now.
The most recent financial disaster is the yuge [huge] $$$$$$$$$$ debt owed by NY's WBAI to their transmitter landowner. A debt that accured after years of neglect, denial, false assumptions and not-taking-due-diligence - nor giving attention to financial details.
Millions are due and to be repaid.
But by whom and how much by each?
And that comes out of no where else - right ? -
but had donated, given, shared $$$$$ FOR:
and no one paid their hard-earning$$$$ for these or any legal fees, debts, mismanaged-not-paid contracts....
nor for not having the required up-to-date AUDITS either....
[as any and all businesses, corporations, et al must do to be legitimate & legal too.]
That the Corporation for Pubic Broadcasting required up to date audits to keep giving the federal dollars = $1M grants/ yr - was ignored, and Not Done. A few pushed, insisted, attempted continual reminding ....
and pushing for what should/could have been done by those elected/paid a staff or contracted to insure that Pacifica and all it's subsidiaries are being legitimate and honorable [as all pretend to be, but obviously are not ! ]
Here are offerings of other smart people's words and thoughts,
to be reflected upon, considered and appreciated, if of value to you, this reader:
No one's name or ID is hopefully made visible, deliberately.
But credit is given to those to whom it is due, respectfully and appreciatively.
Quotes bits & pieces are for revealing more credible information - below:
secrecy rules are used by those who want to hide, manipulate, cheat and get-more from those who are not-in-the-know...we dont like that way.
" I’d appreciate any feedback, but will distribute the above more widely very soon unless I see some attempt by the PNB to do something other than move towards a sale or swap of WBAI. "
" Everything in your excellent letter seems sensible to me as written, but it ignores the reality that a majority of Pacifica's management, staff, governance, and membership has apparently convinced itself that the Foundation's purpose is to be a voice for the voiceless and a propaganda vehicle for the progressive left perspective or some set of even narrower ideologies.
" Unless there is recognition and acknowledgement that Pacifica and especially WBAI have betrayed the original purposes of the Pacifica Foundation, even a comprehensive retooling of WBAI will result in programming and/or presentation unable to draw a large enough audience in the New York area to sustain the station.
" WBAI will need to fairly host challenging and controversial opinions from the left, right, and center within an exciting and listenable matrix of art, culture, and learning if it is to shed its earned reputation as an irrelevant and untrustworthy mouthpiece of narrow left extremism.
" Station staff who, with their words, with their attitudes, or even with their choice of bumper music seem intolerant of or unwelcoming to listeners or volunteers with opposing tastes and perspectives must be firmly purged.
" There must be specific buy-in to the deliberate abandonment of current doctrine in favor of a return to the original Mission of Pacifica or else, in my opinion, the end result will be just another fruitless attempt to preach to a tiny choir.
" Key to WBAI's successful re-emergence may be a competent and qualified News Department that openly hold itself to the highest ethical standards of fair and balanced journalism, drawing upon international sources that currently receive little or no attention in U.S. media.
Q: " Someone questioned: " So who and how many are actually in AUTHORITY to take financial actions... when that dead red line emerges ?
" simple 1-person majority of PNB in quorum ?
" By name too and which specific positions ? Vagueness elicits just more confusion. "
[then an an educated comprehensive response was given - by one who has taken time and work to be more educated that most who blow-hard on any Pacifica problems, changes, issues or programs:]
" the statement "On the national level" .... the PNB Board is the decision-maker; the management are the implementers" is accurate.
" Pacifica's interim Executive Director, Bill Crosier is the Foundation's Chief Executive Officer and responsible for its business operations under the direction of the PNB.
" If the PNB has already granted the iED specific authorities by resolution, then he can act as authorized, provided that the PNB had the authority delegated.
" The PNB can grant authority to initiate legal filings or even to finalize negotiations or contracts .... but the PNB can not authorize the i-ED to sell, exchange, transfer or dispose of "all or substantially all of the Foundation's assets" ...
.... or to sell, exchange, transfer or dispose of "any of the Foundation's broadcast licenses" unless such an action has received approval of the membership by membership vote.
Q, " The Q is meant as a serious one, not maligning anyone.... " who ever does dare to ask or insist on 'drug testing' when signs seem apparent ? "
" A. Pacifica is not likely to ever require drug testing of employees, as this would violate their privacy rights.
" Q. and for what appears to be irrational, illogical, unreasonable Behaviors that then affect the org. more more, seriously ...not just words written, or uttered in conflct-full LSB / PNB meetings... but where there are more consequences.
" A. LSB and PNB Members are not Pacifica employees subject to management supervision.....
.... however the PNB and Delegates may discipline their members under the Rules of Order.
By statute, membership corporations do have a right to revoke a membership (which would remove a member from all governance offices), subject to due process notice and the right of appeal.
" One opinion is that this is a management-only authority, similar to the legal authority to ban individuals from local or national premises.
" Q. If it is assumed in some freedom-claiming denials that no one in a position of power of any kind - at any station - may not be addicted or addled, then that is fake-innocence and a deliberate-denial and dysfunctional attitude toward the whole organization. Until something else bad happens....
" A. Broadcast stations must comply with the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. It is my opinion that somebody must be in charge and responsible for regulatory compliance for each FCC licensee at all times.
" The Chief Operator for FCC purposes is not necessarily the same person as the Station General Manager, who has general responsibility for the safety of the premises and the compliance of the business with local ordinances.
" Q. Are there by-laws/ rules or authority or enforcement on such dangers to Pacifica - or any station ?
" A. Of course there are. Businesses are covered by all sorts of laws even if they have no organizational bylaws or internal rules.
" This is being asked in genuine concern and wonder that this is not addressed ...or is it ? ever ? never ?
" A. Pacifica protects itself from insane or intoxicated employees and visitors in the same manner as any other business.
" Most of the persons on the premises of any Pacifica facility at any time are under the supervision of a salaried employee who reports through a chain of command to a unit manager who reports to the "Executive Director" who reports to the Board of Directors.
[& notice what differences in authority there are to Interim vs. permanent GMs]
" Unit managers typically have authority to fire, suspend, discipline, or ban problem individuals, which includes the authority to declare a person in trespass and have them arrested if they refuse to leave.
" The rights and duties of Pacifica employees are outlined in an Employee Handbook (which includes a section on drugs) and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of Pacifica volunteers may be outlined in a Volunteer Handbook (which many volunteers never see),
" ...and additional protections may be secured in a union contract or other agreement, but the ability of a business to protect itself from problem employees, volunteers, and visitors
" (as well as the responsibility of the business to protect employees, volunteers, and visitors from illegal discrimination and physical threat) are fairly extensively covered by federal and state legal statutes.
" Though I am not an attorney and this message should not be construed as legal advice.
" Q. iGM [interim Gen'l Mgr] does not have any authorities that are reserved in bylaws to the Delegates or the Membership.
" We can't be sure - absent a comprehensive report out - but it appears likely that the PNB has granted some temporary authorities in closed session to the iED,
" so that he has the flexibility to respond rapidly and appropriately to anticipated efforts by the Empire State Realty Trust to collect on their court judgement.-- "
now everyone ELSE can know this too or argue .ha !
[someone wrote re: not naming the Mgrs she had accused & criticized]:
“if we write about people, i prefer to name a real person,because otherwise i and others might get confused...”
" Former KPFK General Manager Eva Georgia had prior experience managing a community radio station in South Africa, and had received broadcast management training through a program sponsored by the Soros-funded Open Society Institute.
" Former KPFK General Manager Sean Heitkemper had prior experience managing a local jazz station, and had extensive broadcasting experience prior to his transition into management there.
" Similarly, former KPFK General Manager Bernard Duncan had years of experience as a broadcaster at Radio New Zealand and then management experience as Executive Director of NZ on Air.
" By contrast, Duane Bradley at KPFT, Berthold Reimers at WBAI, and Leslie Radford at KPFK were each hired without previous broadcast management experience.
" That said, if when someone else wrote, "We need to start with a qualified radio manager. We've never actually tried that" the "we" in his claim was a reference to himself and some random acquaintance rather than to Pacifica or KPFT or WBAI, then the misleading statement, though thereby irrelevant, might technically be true.
" Q is meant as a serious one, not maligning anyone.... who ever does dare to ask or insist on 'drug testing' when signs seem apparent ?
" A. Pacifica is not likely to ever require drug testing of employees, as this would violate their privacy rights.
" Q. and for what appears to be irrational, illogical, unreasonable Behaviors that then affect the org. more more, seriously ...not just words written, or uttered in conflct-full LSB / PNB meetings... but where there are more consequences.
" A. LSB and PNB Members are not Pacifica employees subject to management supervision, however the PNB and Delegates may discipline their members under the Rules of Order.
" By statute, membership corporations do have a right to revoke a membership (which would remove a member from all governance offices), subject to due process notice and the right of appeal.
" One opinion is that this is a management-only authority, similar to the legal authority to ban individuals from local or national premises.
" Q. If it is assumed in some freedom-claiming denials that no one in a position of power of any kind - at any station - may not be addicted or addled, then that is fake-innocence and a deliberate-denial and dysfunctional attitude toward the whole organization. Until something else bad happens....
" A. Broadcast stations must comply with the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. It is my opinion that somebody must be in charge and responsible for regulatory compliance for each FCC licensee at all times.
" The Chief Operator for FCC purposes is not necessarily the same person as the Station General Manager, who has general responsibility for the safety of the premises and the compliance of the business with local ordinances.
" Q. Are there by-laws/ rules or authority or enforcement on such dangers to Pacifica - or any station ?
" A. Of course there are. Businesses are covered by all sorts of laws even if they have no organizational bylaws or internal rules.
" Q. This is being asked in genuine concern and wonder that this is not addressed ...or is it ? ever ? never ?
" A. Pacifica protects itself from insane or intoxicated employees and visitors in the same manner as any other business.
" Most of the persons on the premises of any Pacifica facility at any time are under the supervision of a salaried employee who reports through a chain of command to a unit manager who reports to the Executive Director who reports to the Board of Directors.
" Unit managers typically have authority to fire, suspend, discipline, or ban problem individuals, which includes the authority to declare a person in trespass and have them arrested if they refuse to leave.
" The rights and duties of Pacifica employees are outlined in an Employee Handbook (which includes a section on drugs)
" and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of Pacifica volunteers may be outlined in a Volunteer Handbook (which many volunteers never see),
" ...and additional protections may be secured in a union contract or other agreement, but the ability of a business to protect itself from problem employees, volunteers, and visitors (as well as the responsibility of the business to protect employees, volunteers, and visitors from illegal discrimination and physical threat) are fairly extensively covered by federal and state legal statutes.
" Though I am not an attorney and this message should not be construed as legal advice. "
a pix of some unidentifiable group of lawyers, smiling like wolves and foxes, BUT:
no person here is to be assumed one known or connected to this blog! please !
[end of quotes offered for info only, not for arguments, attacks, mis-use]
(c) bye 2017
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