These are selected parts are from Nov 2017 -and are relevant to KPFK equally, even when describing WBAI, since what others are saying, now to each other, also repeats and reflects what has been written here -for quite a while now.
some quotes below were found at and elsewhere.
Because 'Our Radio Stations' in NY and LA have too many similarities in how Pacifica operate or dysfunctionally try to, many clever ways of saying what IS HAPPENING needs repetition here.
Some editing to make clear what is said and some emphases-added are here too. And some Quotes are not being placed in "quotes" - deliberately for easier reading :
WBAI in NY, is just 1 of 5 stations of the Pacifica Radio Fdtn, and is only 1 now in dire distress ...they have just lost a legal case and a judged ruled about high rent there - that was not paid in time and thus accumulated extreme $$$$ amounts in a debt that now due !
That means the entire group of 5 will together have to find legal ways to pay or sell or perhaps swap signals with outside radio stations .. or mortgage properties...
[as KPFK's bldg may be included - in desperate attempts to gain $$$ to pay WBAI's neglects]. OWCH !
[the above blog posted some here-selected quotes in nov, 2017 :
....."It was my hope that this [above] blog would help inspire a desire for recovery - but that was obviously naïve thinking on my part.
It is true that WBAI does not carry commercials or receive financial corporate support, but individual producers have their own hustles going on the air and one could say that the many months of thinly disguised fundraising is equivalent to running infomercials —
in fact, arguably worse, for the products ("premiums") are usually junk, always overpriced, and many times downright fraudulent"...
- - - - - -
"(a disclaimer ) : As we were for decades been devotedly loyal, and in trust listened -and donated $$$ = often generously, listened intently & regularly, we heard a lot and stayed tuned.
In those previous times - then without questioning the internals ... there were heard at times, if not regularly, a "Reports to the Listener" by the General Mgr.
That was a 15 min only - but included live-call-ins with brief questions & concerns voiced - program done democratically, openly.
Some managers discontinued or avoided these limited sessions for actual open-air feedbacks. Others dared and provided some connection to KPFK management, and if lucky, our call got in !
But with everyone rushing to try to speak so directly to those - otherwise hidden inside radio's darkened caverns of power. and
What was actually inside the station was not ever revealed, not by staff, never on-air, and not even at board meetings.
If a "gag order" was in contracts or required was also not mentioned, tho it definitely appeared to be in place, for years or forever.
Public members can/ could then, attend LSB meetings and mostly listen for 4-5+ hrs with a 1-2 min maybe "public comment".
That was directed to LSB [Local Station Board] who never responded a word of affirmation or question and seemed at times to not even attend to those who were not elite-selected-elected to be on LSB, but "just the public, listeners, maybe or not donors" visiting.
Tho Words offered, suggestions or criticisms were never answered, at LSB meeting nor afterwards either. We were there many times.
We experienced the silent treatment. And felt like 'like outsiders' vs. part of the whole that we supported ... until years later, we finally 'got the message' and stopped attending, and stopped listening too.
But because of all the spinning, slanting, 'fund-$$$-begging' and limited realistic information available on this 'non- educational' radio station, many of us have listened less, or tried to listen and be 'turned off' promptly by the propaganda and extreme viewpoints slyly or openly declared on-air.
To turn-off and away means some tidbits or value are lost or unknown to many who have gone elsewhere for a long while now.
News is barely heard on KPFK, and what is falsely represented as "news" is opinion, is reiterated slogans and extreme leftist viewpoints ONLY with their assurance that the programmer/ KPFK is "Right ! must be! gotta be ! " and no one else can tell them otherwise.
That limited info or slant gets boring quickly. Unless those who want reassurance they too are "right" need reconfirmation repeated, to know they belong to a larger group or org. and are safe in their extreme beliefs.
Beliefs are not 'news" , not balanced or varied, and are more fanatical and stringent, stuck to 1-story-line
[ now called a "narrative" ,or called a "conversation" amongst pre-agreed spokesperson, or called "exposing Them" while doing similar acts and hypocrisies at this radio station, and more ] "
someone on the WBAI blog above also wrote:
"They have aired a couple of live discussions for the stated purpose of giving listeners an inside look and an opportunity to voice their opinion, make suggestions, etc.
We used to have a two-way "Report to the Listener " pgm every week—it was in keeping with the station being in a partnership with its listening sponsors and it proved to be very helpful to us, as well.
Many excellent ideas came to our producers from hearing criticism as well as praise. Callers were not screened and, unlike today, neither were they cut off for expressing negative feelings. It's all about communicating and that can only be accomplished if everybody listens as well as speaks. "
another comment at that site included this info:
..."The judge has set 13 November [2017] as the point at which ESRT [Empire State....= owner / renter ] can begin attaching and seizing Pacifica bank accounts and assets, and authorization was given by the PNB a few weeks back allowing the iED [interim Exe Director] to immediately file for Chapter 11 [bankruptcy] if necessary to avoid seizures...."
"...No matter what occurs, Pacifica must pay the ESRT [Empire state ..] $2.2 million and a monthly payment for the ESRT tower that is a minimum of $55,000 per month..."
and another:
"..Tell it like it is, put the blame where it really belongs and strongly demonstrate that it's clean-up time. have former listener-supporters speak freely and not just via phone call....."
and another:
"....They're too busy fighting the revolution. In their self-righteous indignation, they insist they have the answers. They know better. After all, they've been running the place since at least the eighties....."
"....letting WBAI out of a bad contract 12 years after signing it....."
"....Pesky little issues like judgments, liens, bylaws and contracts are not important. What matter is its their station. It belongs to them..."
"...Don't forget that they—in their own limited minds—are lifelong "victims". One does not have to listen long before realizing that they are stuck in an electronic groove with no imagination..."
"...I had [KPFK's] Blosdale's Pacifica archives premium on for a few minutes and got a laugh. The guy on with her (archive manager or whatever his title is) called Franco "The first fascist."
I guess he never heard of Mussolini......Anyway, it's funny how they mention various people as being on the USB sticks, but just focus on MLK [ Martin L King] . I guess we know what target market they are after...."
and both WBAI & KPFK slant towards showing an obvious preference toward one racial group over others, & frequently emphasize that minority vs. many other minorities [ per USA or even CA census numbers, as any regular listener will confirm.]
"...I have heard much mis-information coming from the Pacifica Archives management.
"As for MLK on a stick, he gets disproportionate mention (along with Robeson and Malcolm X, because WBAI's ignorant hucksters are not promoting radio as much as they are trying to sell product. They also underestimate the perception and intelligence of the casual or tuned-out listener...."
"...1300 hundred hours of archives , and yet you hear the same 8 blacks played over and over .But no, these idiots aren't racists . ..."
"...which is what they come off as to me, are obsessed with racial divide, which they promote by professing to be colorblind. ..The few decent people aboard rarely, if ever, speak up against the abuse of WBAI's listener-ship (not to mention Lew Hill's legacy), so the game just goes on
and on....
"...If anyone reads a dash of racism into some of these [on WBAI site[ comments, I hope they recognize it as a reaction to the steady flow of race-based, often venomous bile that gushes from 99.5 [NY] in these years of occupancy by opportunistic individuals.
.....They are in large measure driven by their own ignorance, abetted by loosely unified factions and individuals whose agenda is a wholly self-serving grab of the reins.
......Racism in any form is abhorrent, so I am not excusing it here, whether it comes from me or anyone else, but asking only that we bear in mind that it can manifest itself in the form of mockery.
....Present day WBAI assaults intelligence, which was the main ingredient in Lew Hill’s Pacifica concept, a rare prerequisite that attracted listeners of all ethnic origins.
.....The near total abandonment of honesty and the focus-shift from pursuit of truth to steady huckstering of agenda-compliant racial fantasy has not only prompted a mass exodus of non-black listener-supporters, it has discouraged all people of intellect -
......independent black thinkers are equally appalled by the crap they hear on the station, the hateful propaganda, the gross distortion of human history that matches or exceeds that which was drilled into our own developing minds in less enlightened times....."
"...It's hard to parody racists without sounding racist. Parody is to mock in the style of something for ironic effect...."
"....It was a tale told by idiots, [all of whom] know nothing..." &
"...Yes. They fall in one of two groups. The first group truly believe their rhetoric. When the bubble bursts around them, they will have a difficult time of it.
The second group are the ones who have been scheming and conniving all this time. All they have to show for it is a station drowning in debt and far removed from the original Pacifica mission...."
"... a quote from Pacifica in Exile = "The legal bill from Silverman and Silverman, the NY law firm retained by Dan Siegel to defend him from the Cohen vs. Pacifica lawsuit filed in 2008, was collected via bank seizure warrant from the operating account of LA station KPFK last month."...."
[ & no one tells Us, the Public, The Listeners, The Stakeholders :
"who that pays, donates to KPFK knew about this ? and where their honestly-earned money goes to ?. pay for whom, what, or how ? "]
(c) bn 2017
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