Though that New York's failing radio station is not the same as LA's KPFK, the 'sisterhood' connection means financial failings in any 1 of the 5 Pacifica stations can then seriously hurt or cripple any or all of the others too. WBAI can sink KPFK as easily or hurt this station badly.
Comments selected from the many at that site re WBAI:
“The Pacifica National Board is no help—it spent its entire public meeting this evening (1 hour and 21 minutes) arguing about what to argue about…
"We laugh, but it isn't the least bit funny...
“It is clear that the PNB does not have a majority of members who want to conduct business in an orderly way. If such a majority existed, the "disrupters" would have been shut down and Ignored long ago. As long as the rest of the PNB tolerates them, the "disrupters" will always win, regardless of technology…
"They are choosing *not* use the tools they are paying for.”….
"the loonie left is so similar to the retarded right…..
"Today's technology helps people stay in their little safe spaces by confirming their beliefs and evaluating events from their perspective….
"In the case of Pacifica, its actually worse. They truly believe they're free speech advocates but they're too invested in their ideology to tolerate other points of view...
"Amy Goodman freely admits she does not have and will not have conservatives on her show…..
"Another part of the problem is the unwillingness to take chances in programming….
"they need to be reminded that "criticism" does fall in the category of free speech….
"Wouldn't the absence of a personal consultation be a more valuable premium….
"These people are so dysfunctional they would mess up a coffee order….
Sometimes all that happens inside the dark halls of KPFK radio station are so well hidden, kept secret, tightly-held-close-to-'only-insiders'-chests that all that can be gleaned are biased 'leaks' from board members, if that.
Secrets. A sign of a healthy organization or one that needs more sunshine and honesty ?
While always complaining and criticizing all government and corporate secrecies, KPFK acts exactly the same, whenever they can, while meanwhile claiming to be "special", "free", always telling "truth to power" ... Not.
And all the while, all those who know-anything of "what is going on ?" are keeping the secrets so secret that the POWER of knowing is secreted, carefully ltd & kept by the station's management ?
Any public revelations for subscribers to even try to understand: the stability, the viability, the operational activities - of what we pay for. These are left only to the stake-holders'/ donors' imagination. If that.
Because the good-functioning-radio-station imagery is not holding up but fast sinking into financial and internecine battles & morass.
Of course, shame runs the shows. Embarrassment is to always be avoided. "Bad Publicity" means being negatively criticized... or questioned. And that is surely Not Allowed ! Never ! Anywhere, not just at KPFK, of course !
But the fake idea sold daily, hourly, every word put on air steams with the opposite version of being so Open, so Honest, so truthful and factual, "not like those others !", and altruistic only, of course.
The Mission is worded as to do Good, just like Google also prefers to claim it is, it does.... Do No Harm, except when necessary, i.e. for profit, monopoly, image-framing, et al.
There are very few [ maybe 2? ] places where any commentaries and revelations of what occurs within the Pacifica radio stations is shared. Does anyone else know?
Just like the USA governments, the careful 'containment' of all information is kept guarded, hidden, kept Secret, and not given to 'The American People'.
To those whose individual lives are deeply connected to those agencies... and whose taxes pay for all that maintain any government actions/ properties/ personnel/ officials, etc . Same story with KPFK.
Information to be made PUBLIC, as "freedom of information" at KPFK needs to be given freely. The listeners/ subscribers do Not have any intention to harm.
But We want to KNOW, what is happening Inside, where it counts, not only an on-air-simulated-version-of Our Radio Station.
But for KPFK management & staff & programmers to REPORT. To share information with the people who give them their $$$ earnings -who need to know what happens to those precious monies. And if they agree to the policies & plans of what will be happening to KPFK too.
Is it not Fair to want to know the reality of how KPFK operates or dysfunctions?
What problems are solved or faced or denied?
Why transparency is claimed but hardly ever shown, not even a bit ?
(c) Bt 2017
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