While new conflicts just emerge and capture board members diverted attention. What ever did happen to complete the action of the Executive Director of Pacifica = Summer Reese - who was ejected when a contract for her employment was enforce ?
Or was it legal at all ?
Or was a lawsuit settled ?
Or where and who knows ?
Because of the continual LACK OF TRANSPARENCY that is 'normal' in all corporations [secrets and shame kept out of investors or shareholders / stake holders/ donors sight continues.] And suddenly a later day the question re-emerges, what ever did happen to......???
for example the issue of an Executive Director of 5 radio stations nationwide being forced out of her position, maligned, and publicly shamed [as was possible by passing stories to other media, tho not well balanced info was ever heard on the radio stations, nor KPFK here. ...
WHAT EVER DID HAPPEN to Summer Reese ? or her contract ? or a lawsuit ? or how are legal differences and changes resolved ? Fairly ?
Or secretly ?
Does all remains in hiding and not found by internet search?
Does one have to be an 'insider' crony to even have access to ask ?
Or not even then as the 'games played by radio staff & programmers' are brutal, divisive, dramatic and weird ?
this good graphic image: ILLUSTRATION BY IAN KELTIE

And all in spite of all the "Pacifica Mission's" written "good intentions"... those that may not always be put into actual actions, or barely. Great theory, but a hard act to perform,
is it ? Lots of words but little effect in factual life ?
written by Hillel Aron on Friday, March 21, 2014
A description of events 3 years ago that sent Pacifica into another turmoil and divided in-fighting series [not a mini-series but major ones] is in this well informed article.
and some comments came in to the LA Weekly also, but all were fighting for one side vs. any others, of course. And afterwards...little actual facts emerged as all went under the ocean waters to be dealt with accusations, nasty words, alliances and eneminities and then......blankness only was left.
The article quotes words by : Summer Reese, and Ian Masters, Gary Null [a salesman with health-political opinions promoting his products on KPFK then] , Marc Cooper, Amy Goodman, Tracy Rosenberg, Sonali Kolhatkar, Lydia Brazon, and Christine Blosdale.
So many had their 'say' and some Pacifica past history was included in that informative article, now apparently long forgotten...or ignored ?
Others wrote their views too in 2014,2 weeks later, getting their voices heard outside from the corporate halls of KPFK too.
see more here :
That briefer article in same magazine referred to the many
[they are linked there] comments made by non-staff or even some of the employees of KPFK again, too.
Stranger still, a current search reveals so little that those who are ' $$$ paid-up' or otherwise still involved with KPFK and Pacifica can not find ...what else happened since 2014 ?
see: https://www.google.com/search?biw=800&bih=432&q=summer+reese+pacifica&oq=Summer+Reese+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.2.0j0i22i30k1l3.3327.3327.0.6665.
other articles, still way back in 2014 are included, such as :
and on page 3 still more [ now old ] information was made public.
searching further for updates to 2014=2015 reveals...NOTHING !
why are end stories so hidden or neglected ? Or is that 'old' information labeled as 'not relevant' when all that happened in Pacifica's problematic his-her-stories continue on to influence much of what continues on....heredity continues as genes do...
And the same old influencers still abound in each radio station's hierarchy, demanding to be Right and Heard and bowed-to-also by others who always seem to be disagreeing...still and now, as then.
The question arises:
How do all those who remain active and vocal and feisty on all Local Station Boards [LSB] and then some elected to the main Pacifica National Board [PNB] continue to be 'voted in' again and again and while always claiming to be there to help, to change, to improve the impoverished and conflictual conditions in all the organizations of Pacifica....?
The same stories - just like sequel movies or TV series or novels - continue on in similar ways.
Improvements are claimed, but hardly factually proven. The very same people who argued way before 2014, back in 1980's and even further back to then, are still acting as-if they had the Answers ...but cannot seem to actually effect IMPROVEMENTS or create a different atmosphere...
Even with all the attempts at heroic ousters, winning seats of power, or moving on into another position within Pacific's spheres of radio-station-influence. results are not yet better.
What is not publicly admitted there ? Denied, avoided,ignored.
Who are the repeat-offenders-staying-stuck-in-power-positions?
Like so many who are playing at 'non-musical' chairs and persevering to keep their own.
Why is there no centrifugal or universal forces that eject the same-old same-olds who insist on keeping their prime spots [ that are obviously dysfunctional, or change would improve Pacifica's style of governance and financial failures ] ?
HOW is it possible - for so many years - to have different versions of the same stories repeat with many of the same actors ...acting. and... pretending roles of importance... all the while apparently not achieving their stated good-intention-goals ?
Or are such unwanted questions dismissed as " just more complaints.".and " you just don't understand"...
and 'go away already !' = as in the more vulgar, direct 'shut up' or as more often heard: "just Pay UP MORE $$$"....?
maybe it is useless...to keep repeated asking for :
TRANSPARENCY - in management, all affairs
ACCOUNTABILITY- to all who 'own' a piece of Pacifica
DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY -from each person there
PROFESSIONAL interpersonal skills, communications, management, financial affairs, and all behaviors therein
FINANCIAL STABILITY and real audits made public
HONESTY in feedback to all donors & stakeholders, at least
Non-HYPOCRISY, between what is said vs. done.
and so much more...
is needed to make Pacifica, and KPFK ever Trust-worthy and worth spending any of our hard-won-earnings to sustain them ...ever...again.
(c) mj 2017
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