that says:
“ Program Comment Corner 'Have a reaction to what you heard on KPFK?'
Email address – [says]
Please provide us with your feedback. If you have a general comment or question, like “WHAT WAS THAT ???.....”,
please use the Comments Line at
or call (818) 985-2711 ext. 504……”
or Go to radio station in person [directions are on website too ] and insist on being heard by someone with authority, not just the receptionist !
[ Also see what else is on website and where else to also: Inform, Demand, Request, all retractions, restitutions, replacements, etc. etc. ]
If they pretend to Want Feedback, let’s all and others give it to them !!!
Go to See the KPFK home page *[see addendums below] and notice that 3 top big huge banners ask for more $$$ as usual, and then only 1 -in bright red colored old KPFK logo- has embedded therein 1 newly played program.
Who is responsible for this special Promotional Selection ? Why 1 only? What is this program that has bumped out of the time slot programs others have long enjoyed and paid for too?
and if anyone else also wants to - please- write their opinions, views and comments, and directing them to any and every source at KPFK that is called ‘management’ – GM, iPD, plus new LSB chair and ask it be distributed to all LSB new members , and other local internet or print sources that may be interested … at KPFK and Pacifica too …..
plus there are - a very few- other comment-available websites where opinions can also be placed.
or telephone or go to radio station in No Hollywood in person is also effective.
To COMMUNICATE their / your choices and reactions to what is being done not only in programs cut, removed, presented but about the total lack of Listener-Sponsor Input. Plus the lack of any transparency or any opportunity for participation -after they take the $$$ and run with it...elsewhere than where donor intended or expected.
and also do more too: proliferate at this limited media with what is wanted emphasized by ‘the many’ who have not and do not bother to activate their views and interests, as have those many emailers printed in -
those who support Roy's"Something's Happening" shows and who wrote the GM & program director about their distress.over time cuts and changes.
and then more - similar - comments can be added there too.
Plus writing to KPFK & Pacifica [PNB] national board members and website.
Just to show More than 1x – continuous flow of objections that need management attention: that there is not just silent + passive+ agreement with how the programs are being scrambled, cut, mutilated, etc.
* * * * * * * * * *
Not "safe" nor a "harbor" but a raucous program -
difficult for normal listeners to enjoy or even tolerate, as very old outdated now comedian's material does not substitute for the intelligent, educational, and interesting speakers played by Something's Happening programs, of the past......
Is there some cronyism or biases or secret agendas now at play [on air] .....
by the KPFK management with the front page website banner
only advertising only 1 program....
while allllll the rest are lost in the old schedule lists ?
why ? how can this be 'unbiased and fair to all'....
at the radio station that Claims to be so politically 'correct'?

(c) 2016 - a Venice
mural which shows the same selfie-self-centered version of what KPFK seems to be
seeing and doing -- with the listener-sponsored non-profit entity - the one
that owes it's stakeholders more than just whatever current- management-alone
decides what they want on-our-air !
then also this: KPFK’s website “Program schedule”, is still past due, listing “Fall 2015” and list of programs does NOT list “safe harbor” — so who and what is that ?????
It is not on here – check it out :
However on ‘home’ page the top banner in bright red and 2 words embedded in the older, recognized, KPFK logo that says “1959” are also now words “safe” and “harbor”.
Are these somehow Implying Falsely that they have been part of KPFK’s long history or embedded at this radio station – and not a recent new arrival to these air waves ?
How long they have broadcast is not findable as that latecomer programmer is not listed by name, nor under ‘Programs’ , nor under ‘Contacts’ on KPFK website now.
But the prominent promo/ advertising done on Top of KPFK’s Home page with only 2 other banners requesting donations as sustainers or for a legacy… more demanding of those visiting website to [yet again] give some more $$$$ and more.... – and as 1 of these 3 top banners, the new experiment is put in a a notable preferential ‘special’ PR promotional placement -just for 1: for the previously unknown “Safe Harbor” program.
What is the mission, or intentions, or history of those programmers ? As it cannot be located on KPFK website, anywhere?
Where did they program before ?
Are these Secret programmers?
Are they Hiding behind a program name?
Why is that ?
Do sponsors and stakeholders have to actually listen to those broadcast on-air programs to dis-cover this surprise inclusion ? – and that has thus excluded prior “Something’s Happening” programs?
*[addendum re website changes ] - we are amazed to note that next evening on , Jan 18, 2016 the KPFK Home front page was totally different, changed, & without the previous 3 top banners that were there - for at least a few days when the above was written. And similar info was found on an Indymedia article about new programs intercepting prior late night ones.
A snapshot of that prior KPFK webpage has been saved anyhow.
Now, No one knows who saw those images & words or who/ why these were changed for other reasons on Home page.
Then ** on Jan 19,2016 noon, yet another version appears, that includes the banner but now is 1 of 4 prominently on top of website.
Then ** later Jan 20 afternoon the front Home page banners re-emerged as 1 with 4, instead of 3 before and the logo with 'safe' & 'harbor' embedded therein re-appeared. But now - not before - there is more promotional info below about this new program....copied for FYI below.
Do they change and take in-and-out special preferences and who is "they" anyhow?
Who + why + how often these changes are made is totally confusing and not transparent. And there is no one to ask - as management nor staff respond or reply to emails or can be reached by phone.
Can there be hidden agendas taking over ? Or is there randomness and chaos only displayed there ?
Confusing place of business,- as inconsistencies continue on website, while the updating of important information [ i.e. programs, program schedules, how to reach or contact programers, et al ] just remains inaccurate and out of date.
- - - -- - - - - - -
copied info from website home page on ** Jan 21 noon - their promoting a new program, now noting programmers and topics, FYI. Not listening to what is out-of-lifestyle of many if not most KPFK sponsors, we can't confirm the value of the changes in programming 12M - 3 am.
Then the Spanish programming with images take up a large portion of home page too, as do playlists of a few recent programs, not all, nor how these are selected is also not mentioned.
If there are continual changes made there it does not provide all equal treatment of programs, nor updated Schedule of Programs, nor filling in Staff information either.
Then end of page has 4 programs' 'newsfeeds' are also listed, which is helpful for links to be searched further.
- - - - - - - - - - [
[only partial info here copied from website: ]
" The first 13 week season of KPFK Safe Harbor premiers Monday at Midnight!! The newest project from your KPFK features the the hottest uncensored music and comedy from yesterday and today, and much more!!! Followed by Something's Happening with Roy of Hollywood at 3 AM.
"Week 1 Schedule Monday 12 AM KPFK Comedy Showcase Classic and contemporary comedy for the masses. This Week: Jr Francis brings us his favorite routines from George Carlin 2 AM Music To Resist By An interracial, intergenerational, and intercultural dialogue through concious revolutionary music, and open conversation. This weeks guests: Thandisizwe Chimurenga and Dr. Toussaint Losier
"Tuesday 12 AM In Session A live call in therapy show, just for you, let it all hang outThis week's guest therapist Greg Davin 1 AM Moxy Poetic The best in spoken word poetry! This week's guests: Chairman Fred Hampton Jr.and Sanam Shariff 1:30 AM KPFK New DJ Set Break This week: DJ Foist 2 AM Calafia Zulu Radio Lastman and Junebug bring you the hottest underground Hip Hop, soul and rock! "[plus more Weds & Thurs pgm info not further copied here]
then more promo says : "safe harbor, where it's safe to be dangerous" - which is a brag that may be dangerous if FCC or listeners do not agree or like them.
- - -end of the noted promos copied from KPFK website- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
Then further checking, there are added-on changes in KPFK Home page website :
then as of : ** jan 30 2016 7pm we are still finding the
same old KPFK program schedule that continues to say same OLD and
OUTDATED “Fall 2015” - only with wrong info contained therein
- BUT their previously so prominently promoted ‘safe harbor'
red logo banner on top is NOW, is NOT on home page,
anywhere at all.
Yet almost ½ of Jan 30th
home page is about Espanol programs w/many photos… then plus 3-4 other
programs are now highlighted and then yet anther Spanish one, more, with
their art pix also, thus making the front page now more than 50% Spanish
promotions !!!! This emphases may be slanted but not for any
clearly stated, transparent reasons or explanation of why the radio
station is doing this more for some programmers than most others.
Plus there are 4 news programs' ‘newsfeeds’ with their
links on bottom of page.
Strange changes and corrections: NOW the previously
prominent and promoted “safe harbor” pgm is not found at all on home
page, which is the initial source page where most visit first and most often.
Nor is this program listed in the old outdated
"program schedule' - that is an now-antiquated graph of the prior
programs, many probably in same time slot as 6 months ago, we presume...
But who can follow or find a program or know what it contains
or where it is directed ? We never know because
it seems all changes are made without regard to consistency, reliability, nor
consideration - for prior-paid-up or even new listeners or website
**February 11 a further search of KPFK's home page shows No mention of the conflicted program that used "obscenities" that are not FCC allowed, tho they apparently did not realize that when such words were played on the 'Safe Harbor' program.
Now, a search on "Programs", "program schedule" and in "categories" did not reveal that this program is listed anywhere, or is it still played on air? Tho maybe the name was deleted from first-seen-most-relied-upon KPFK HOME web page.
First, there are Strange promotions when they are prominently displayed and then are totally removed ? by whom ? why ?
With no obvious sponsor-informed reasons or explanations given, of course.
Who knows what is going with our donations and where the money, or the decisions, obligations or responsibilities lie or are lied about.
Who knows ?
**February 11 a further search of KPFK's home page shows No mention of the conflicted program that used "obscenities" that are not FCC allowed, tho they apparently did not realize that when such words were played on the 'Safe Harbor' program.
Now, a search on "Programs", "program schedule" and in "categories" did not reveal that this program is listed anywhere, or is it still played on air? Tho maybe the name was deleted from first-seen-most-relied-upon KPFK HOME web page.
First, there are Strange promotions when they are prominently displayed and then are totally removed ? by whom ? why ?
With no obvious sponsor-informed reasons or explanations given, of course.
Who knows what is going with our donations and where the money, or the decisions, obligations or responsibilities lie or are lied about.
Who knows ?
(c) 2016 bt
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