check these links out if of interest, they are the station's proprietary.
a new Executive Director of PACIFICA - has been hired a few months ago :
Maxie Jackson [see pix on link below & info too ]
Pacifica, as readers may also know well or more than we do : is the umbrella that KPFK & 4 other radio stations in USA nation seems to be mostly [mis]-run by the Pacifica National Board there [in Berkeley CA ]- "PNB" as noted in other commentaries elsewhere.
These same repeated people with undue influence and repeated 'winning' elections [over decades, not just 1-2x ] have apparently dominated the scene.
This is not to criticize any one person's Intentions or even Skills, abilities, good-will, but this questions why the same names re-appear for so many decades [over 10-20-30 years !] as them main deciders, controllers, repeat-non-effective-solution-finders of KPFK and/or/both Pacifica...
so some easy to find and look at links are here for any readers convenience.
{note prior posts of who looks at this blog - via robots, bots, or hacker / scam / interferers of USA politics & elections.]
Because this blog-spot is owned/run by Google, they provide "stats " and "audience" location by country per a time period. The surprise is that Russians, Ukraine and many others do "page-views" of this simple informative blog, while USA seems to often be 1/2 of less of those interested enough to direct their searchlights here. hmmmm

This link lists some preferred programs and seems to be alphabetical. ... don't know how or who selects these, as THERE HAS NEVER BEEN AND IS NOW NO TRANSPARENCY of who/how/why any actions are taken, done or planned.
Admittedly the KPFK web site pages have greatly IMPROVED and provide a much more visible, informative and format than they had for more thousands of views & decades of time, over which station management was directly requested to improve, notice, update and CARE what was so seldom & poorly presented... their web face was not only dull, unhelpful and blase, but the webmaster apparently didn't seem to notice that. duh....
however, even today [4/16/2019] the listing on above link page for next upcoming LSB meeting is listed as "4/21" - while when clicking on LSB page, it is past already, listed as '4/15' instead. huh ?
so next LSB FYI is = on May 20th with more info at
tho note:
as a "public member" each donor/stakeholder/member may only sit 'in back' of circular tables/chairs where members bicker, shout, ignore rules and make 'motions', some passing, many contested.
There are 2-3 maybe min. for each lined up public person to give their views, suggestions requests to everyone who is in room to hear, but it has been repeatedly observed that most/not -all, LSB members don't appear to listen, care or ever respond.
[whether by their own clever protective 'rules' or because there might be worse fighting or 'words' erupting ? or ? ] ...
so public comments are heard, with a mike, but no one afterwards either, acknowledges or discusses or dissents or confirms or anything like polite feedback occurs...except maybe from another 'public member' only, not from official
[if sparely Selected, vs. 'elected' LSB members are given official power positions' .]
Experience speaks ! many times appearing at long-winded-long-extended LSB meetings, we have observed and been dismayed at how OUTSIDE, excluded, ignored and shunned the public members are while crony like LSB people cozy up to each other. sad scene.
Tho it is difficult to tolerate or exert the stamina needed to stay from beginning to end, and those who walk out as [approved guest speakers] almost always walk Out immediately after their 'say' not waiting/ wanting to hear anything else.. wonder why ?
The pages now seen are greatly improved and worth viewing, as before after a few times of attempting to get info & finding our stakeholder efforts wasted time/work then...but different now.
[note sadly: over decades -almost centuries- of years the local station board = the 'LSB 'of KPFK has consistently, continually, & repetitively ... been mainly = just a place of board member conflicts, seclusion, secrecy and non-availability to KPFK donors, members, stakeholders.
Those who are called "members' and who provide the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ =
funding are excluded [unless befriended as a crony of the elite LSB or PNB apparently ].
main home page of course is [also much improved !]
this page now lists NEW PROGRAMS visibly on front HOME page : [copied here FYI ]
"DEMOCRACY NOW! with Amy Goodman moves to 8 am
Rising Up with Sonali moves to 4pm
Stephanie Miller joins us Mon - Fri at 6 am
Inner Vision with Nita Vallens moves to Wednesdays at 7pm
Transforming Your Consciousness moves to Tuesdays at 1pm"
and surprisingly, the station says [maybe true or not, as alll the 50 yrs of prior experiences of trying to contact, give honest feedback or ask any questions was not only Impossible ....but the staff denied the barriers, blockades, WALLS of no-access, while claiming they wanted comments...then...maybe different and improved now !Rising Up with Sonali moves to 4pm
Stephanie Miller joins us Mon - Fri at 6 am
Inner Vision with Nita Vallens moves to Wednesdays at 7pm
Transforming Your Consciousness moves to Tuesdays at 1pm"
Please Try contacting the radio station you pay to keep on-air - to see what occurs and respond here in our comments - Only with courteous, truthful, non-biased for-or-against feedback if the Contact Them works or what actually factually happens.
So we can share more than 1 promo-line,
or anecdote here too. Thanks !
and found : another new feature - a good one, improvement and a CHANGE ! "
Shepard Fairey Designs KPFK's New 60th Anniversary Logo from KPFK on Vimeo
NOTICING THE CHANGES - differences now, when the same old same old same old was forever dully shown as a stuck-in-mud mindset Before...and shifted into gear, motion, change, now. finally. So glad to see a bit a revival so any KPFK web visitors can maybe 'like' or actually want to see what is 'there' ...NOW...
OK admitted: for all the years since 1960 that we have contributed: our ongoing idealistic devotion + our continuous loyalty + our regularly volunteering PLUS also donating our hard-earned MONEY... to KPFK. But finding the very same stuck-system...
....and guarded-self-protective & mostly paranoid staff & associates... but worst were the LSB selected repeaters.
[the LSB who could barely ever have enough voters to form a Quorum to make elections valid and nominees with very very few friends who voted for them so they 'got in' even tho they were unknown to the 89% of KPFK stakeholders. strange ways continued... maybe still does ? ]
[while LSB 'claiming power & position repeaters ' also continually denied their acting with excessive being guarded boundaries - even when they were NOT endangered at all actually, factually -
and LSB were claimed/ supposed to REPRESENT the rest of all members of radio station ,
but were Not.] ]
then there are OTHER SOURCES OF FEEDBACK, INFO too , as in YELP :
too which any reader here can add a post too, hopefully one that is true, experiential and informative to all, not just venting anger or negativity, of course !
Notice there KPFK has only 3* of 5 in the listed there o 63 reviews. wonder why ?
check out the radio station and what is being said elsewhere, not just self-serving promotional applause. Please.
more importantly is who is INSIDE, staying place with their special jobs/ unionized, for pay and INFLUENCING anyone who might listen ... as radio is an important MEDIA ...perhaps more outside of huge urban cities like LA tho that info has not been searched yet....
as a source of supposed 'factual' or spun, slanted, biased versions of events, of descriptions that can be viewed/interpreted in more than "Only 1 way" = ours ! or "just 1 truth Only exists" claims made, at KPFK, as elsewhere too.
and noted on link above are the same old-same-forever-holding-their-place..... same clinging-on to their same elite positions of control folk there - ask them how long they have continued to earn and influence what happens at KPFKwhile holding-on there :
General Manager Anyel Zuberi Fields |
(818) 985-2711 |
General station operations, and oversight, Public Relations & Partnerships |
Interim Program Director Alan Minsky |
Ext 202 |
On-air programming and content |
Music Director Maggie LePique |
Ext 326 |
Music programming |
Chief Engineer Stuart Landau |
Ext 217 | Transmitter and studio maintenance |
Website, Online Archives Ali Lexa | | website, online archives, |
including the listed "on air hosts" and "news" and "spanish" pgms there... same people never leave so never have new voices, new thinking, more creative expressions of what it is to be KPFK ! not there.
stuck. or shall it be better described as : tenaciously grabbing exclusive opportunities for themselves alone
as holding on tightly to all official or effective positions is mostly - grasping or seizing for themselves repeatedly, by obviously some secretive means, to not allow new or other folk that same opportunity to do same job for same pay with similar know-how too.....
& it is same as clutching, gripping, holding on as if stuck /glued ....and worse
just like those that kPFK media criticizes of other Governments or Corporation executives, staff, power-position-holders .
...because if same is done elsewhere then that is "bad" but when done at this "good" and honorable [we wish ! ] station, that is taken for granted - as OK. huh?
[[[[ yes, we realize we sound so "negative and critical" as if that were also a "bad" thing to do...instead of EXPRESSING OUR OBSERVATIONS & EXPERIENCES over many long years and different times, same story happening at what we hoped, & assumed, &
we all thought that it too was "our station" ...]]]]
[NOT any prior president but instead:] "Fairey's adaptation for the Occupy movement"
but - obviously it is not ours at all. after all.
(c) mjj 2019
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