[ plse also see FU addendum below ]
Because past reviews of great Google stats on this blogspot, we thought to check back and csee what is happening and from where now ?
This cartoon below credited from The Week + (c) Deering 2019 cartoons.com [borrowed here just to question stats on this blog showing Ukraine is a prominent country [tho internally divided politically and with alliances separated within the nation ]. We thank these sources and claim no political connections or any other ties to any sources other than this blog's main focus - as it continues.

this is what 'stats' showed for Nov 20 - Nov 27, 2019 "Pageviews": copied here
Pageviews | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ukraine 30
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United States 27
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
France 4
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Russia 4
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bolivia 1
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canada 1
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Egypt 1
+ more countries with same '1' for this period.
note: that a prior post here too listed Russia as the then, or at times maybe still, if not just now, leading nation tuning in here ? as the same, by the dominating 'pageviews' number [by their the bots] that may continue to view or monitor here-
why ?
...because this is an unofficial & unaffiliated MEDIA affiliated site - to radio station KPFK - as we have been for years discussing that radio broadcast source... before.
Sadly, the same reviews, criticisms and recommendations that were made here = to help & improve & assist in any way possible what had been in long-ago days, like in 1960's + 1970's and some 1980's too, have been stopped, finally
The station, entity that uses OUR free USA TAX PAYER airwaves [as others do too - for no cost to them ? ] KPFK has deteriorated badly, sadly.
When attempting to communicate with anyone at KPFK station, as in via email, leaving voice mail, or even a phone message with KPFK's receptionist-front desk person, NOTHING happens.
That means no one is 'home' ? or no one there even cares a bit.
i.e. An email with questions & suggestions was sent 3x - because of no reply, no acknowledgement of receipt, no nothing back to know how our dedicated, relevant and interested work, efforts and caring mattered to anyone there, we realized we were foolish to wait for any reply.
We did send our communications to the General Manager. + Another to Program Manager. = but nothing.
And same pattern just continues = because KPFK is not 'the people's radio' or a community at all. Mostly because it is a 1-way-out-street = with no in-put wanted.
Only air broadcast Out. Nothing going 'in' from donors, subscribers or stakeholders . And of course, forget those who only dare 'listen for free'.
Apparently maybe not even received ? huh ? Can that be ?
So as many other prior KPFK listeners are sometimes encountered at other activist or cultural venues, they reply with same disappointment and say they no longer listen, nor donate, nor tune in to the 4x-30-day-months or more of what is politely called "fund raising" ..
and otherwise also known as "commercialized promoting dubious products " with obviously exaggerated claims that are enthusiastically shouted, exclaimed and recorded for endless repeat broadcasts by the Staff, not even the product distributors...
and the same is great P.R. and Promotion and Sales with fancy titles and award claims, attempting to validate and inflate status of Guests who SELL their services, books and products.
Check out any of those advertisements that are non-profit-ed-ly = defined as "we are just giving you information you need... and must have !...so buy our stuff now ! " etc.
In same words as "pay us !!! "... because otherwise we are drowning in our debts. This without further explanations of how not just KPFK barely has been able to keep up paying it's maintenance, staff, etc. expenses.... but also that it's allied station in NYC called WBAI has floundered, was off the air due to lack of money to pay it's rent, staff, whatever else, and actual information about the morass the Pacifica system has become is difficult to find, even tid bits of info too.
Sadly, as written here before, a commentators, long invested and loyal to WBAI was Chris Albertson who died and left his blog that remains, where he last left it, with our last comment there in the headline.
A nice connection ....but not as desired to have death and no other blog contributor to His Blog taken over ...to still keep on - providing information about them on other coast.
That NYC radio station then could sometimes be related to the LA version of same problems endemic at all Pacifica for many years - dysfunctions, mis-managements, questionable staff choices and whatever else forced that NY Pacifica radio station to stagger. For all we know it too maybe will also die.
WBAI created a financial crisis and catastrophe for not paying it's landowner the rent and lost a court case that indebted all 5 other Pacifica radio stations to pay for their misdeeds.
See prior posts here and elsewhere for full information on this.
That the same KPFK was before, a valued and unique radio medium - for many years - so very long ago - was a tremendous source of new and alternative information,when it was essential for Anti-Vietnam war events, protests, and activities, and other philosophical teachings that were not common to US cultures yet.... those broadcast then- learnings, from Alan Watts, to Depak Chopra & on to many other programs - before, then, when LA was open, receptive and positive, active and wanting to know more...
all that now may only be heard in old-saved-recordings re-played - on air only in late night hours - on Somethings Happening by Roy Tuckman [12M Tues - Mon night - thru Fri 6am -Thurs night].
That use of all those OLD recordings makes that 1 program unique and relying on what was...rather than what is current and today's worlds....
as most of any other KPFK programs have not been anyhow equal or vital or relevant as 'it was before [that old lament and refrain not by old people, but even by the young seeking relevance and not just political leftist extremists - rants and claims they offer listeners any balance to compare what is shocking and terrifying in other media, but less extreme perhaps.
KPFK doesnt seem to now have even access to more current day revelations - other than Ian Masters = the rare program on KPFK - and who rationally interviews those academics or authors who speak of what is happening now.
Oh, there may be or not: a rare volunteer maybe - that is not so prejudiced, discriminating, and/or pretending that they "know more " than than the listeners do ... while actually only having a-very-left-liberalist-only-sided opinion... with, perhaps [or not ], a few facts inserted ... maybe.
Trust has eroded and KPFK has lost it's value to most and thus is begging for money to continue what obviously is no longer of much value to most. So less funding, $$$$, to pay their bills or improve either.
so the intention today was to reveal that for no understandable logical reason "Ukraine" was our leading page viewer, even with such few posts published here now. Whether it is the Russian dominant section or the independent nation seeking side is not revealed by Google's stats.
That anyone outside of LA or USA even cares about this blog is a sign that AI and bots and anything that lists a media connection may say something to be used in any twisted, spun way. Tho we are sure we are of no use, apparently not even to those we had intended to connect with all along - the listeners, donors, stakeholders, staff and even "influence-rs " at KPFK.
Oh, well, we tried. Ukraine- can you read us or are you listening to KPFK at all ? we doubt it.
(c) BB 2019
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> addendum = later re stats in same location on blog from Google info on 'audiences' . For "Nov 27 - Dec 5, 2019" Note how now those who dominated # of 'pageviews' have disappeared. Why? =
==================== then more =============
Dec 10 - Dec 17 stats 2019 :