We all hear and understand the basic 'facts' - yep, the repeated daily - and weekly - and more than 18+ times during long, dreary "fund drives" -that then drive regular listeners away, to listen elsewhere...
All exclaimed with dire implications and with constant pleas and claims: that " KPFK NEEDS MONEY " now & always ... staff and programmers each claiming KPFK is on brink of dissolution... or going broke.... or sumptin ...
"the sky is always falling..." fast and furiously... dangerously... unless... yep, listeners must send them more & more & more & more money. NOW! and later again, another 'now' sounds off loudly, repetitively...
Maybe true. That their finances are either in dis-order - OR the management may be not so professional nor well functioning - OR that their expenses are budgeted to be higher than actual income [ as $$$$ previously given is never enough.]
So was any money given by [many of the same old repeat-stakeholders] donors, was any invested ? Was any $$$ saved ? Was there also any $$$ emergency-funds ?
OR was every dollar gained already spent - and now KPFK is in dire debt ? again ?
Maybe some listeners cant tolerate the barrage of pleadings and pre-recorded-promos and demands for money and then don't hear any on-air actual info or data given to explain why the same story so tragically repeats, every season, every years, for decades, back to....1959 when KPFK emerged? ?
The premium providers are on-air SELLING their stuff, with proddings and compliments from the iGM saying the "VALUE" is "thousands of dollars" and KPFK is only requesting a $250 or more investment to get the 'gift' - traded item sent electronically to email now.
And who questions Values when like stocks or store sales "50% off " of some made-up price raised to then discount to make-a-sale seem real ?
Of course, the open internet provides better info that was perhaps less available in olden days when anything in writing or uttered on radio waves had to be believed because the Library was far or closed for the evening/ weekend.
And even then the librarian was busy with "there are 3 ahead of you, can you wait? "
Now ? easy. Profits created big info sites and sales warehoused businesses. Selling most of the same items, if they are legit and not [self-made only for Pacifica duped customers] .
NYC radio station [WBAI] still uses [and promotes] such a promo-man and his health-claimed-items at high prices to try to survive past it's past-due-bills and debts...barely.
1 simple search for an items just heard on KPFK :
Is this the same premium KPFK advertises to raise funds ? It may also be sold on
Amazon - $15 for 1 DVD or $62 for 3 DVDs in a series, that looks like the same cover as what KPFK offers for much more cash.
[Tho since KPFK doesn't charge for shipping or tax, then those are discounts ? ]
While the Premium Price at KPFK for 1 DVD is $100 at KPFK or 5 for $250 ?
Do the people at station strangely assume that their dedicated listeners do not know how to research and find stuff ?
Well, some people understand better than most others, who do not buy a premium at the station, even though the on-air trailer [like movies and TV series do all the time, repeatedly too ] ...
that they are 'really paying KPFK" to maintain it's business, and to stay on air, even when money is the not the main theme, just a side-issue repeated too.
Of course, the radio station needs to earn it's keep and keep it's audience, but the same-old-same-old method has worn thin and bare and the complaints also arise that there are not many "new listeners" who sign up to pay up.
And the old & older loyalists who devote their left-liberal-progressive-political-stands to whoever can repeat their confirmatory-biases best...and KPFK does that ...repeatedly.
So the old repeat-payors are taken for granted, tho thanked ...anyhow.
And these regulars are still not the ones the staff wants most to pay money - to show their interest - in the [same-themes same-biases, same-programmers -- and remain stuck in slot from many years on air - while holding tight to their own pgm access...so, there is no room for changes or improvements - any 'new' or 'different' or varied programs.]
Interesting to look further than what anyone in any media now claims - as 'fake news' and 'alt-rt or alt-left or antifacist or pro-anything-else-other is shouting and claiming:
"let me tell you what is real"....
"believe me" ....
"trust me"..
"The Facts are...."
"The Facts of this matter are..."
and so on claiming they must be the ones believed....
even if not trusted.
So all the money pleas lead to doubt and further searches and more questions about all that is claimed or heard, on-air, by the same slot-holders.
"Believe ! " hmmmmm? "Give ! " hmmmm?
Of course, why fix it if it ain't broke ? Because KPFK keeps on claiming on air that they are broke ! duh......
* see all the '14 reviews' on Amazon,as all but 1 was from before 2015 and few claps heard online. Interesting how different the KPFK promo- interviews are than what else is on a huge business sales website.
and a really EXPENSIVE premium for Only $250 - that has recepies and more goodies-beauty stuff in pak ???? How can those high premium prices be really honest values and not promotional/ infomercial/ commercial / glib sales & advertising ? see or listen to on-air titillating exciting chit chats....
* see all the '14 reviews' on Amazon,as all but 1 was from before 2015 and few claps heard online. Interesting how different the KPFK promo- interviews are than what else is on a huge business sales website.
and a really EXPENSIVE premium for Only $250 - that has recepies and more goodies-beauty stuff in pak ???? How can those high premium prices be really honest values and not promotional/ infomercial/ commercial / glib sales & advertising ? see or listen to on-air titillating exciting chit chats....
(c) btt 2017
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