Notice how much and how frequent programs and even 'news' on KPFK promotes FEAR and anger !
Mass media has another version of 'how to promote Fear' to get attention, ratings, listeners, donors, funding, et al.
And also notice how Pacifica's style emphasizes the worst that can [maybe] happen or declare that those with more power/wealth are ready to obliterate everyone & all else.
Be Aware: how much all media of any side/ spin/ bias/ prejudice/ selective-view-point USES FEAR for it's own purposes and benefit !
To create OBEDIENCE because of created-insecurities.
To elicit attention and create an audience, like media and advertising always keep doing.
To play into people's less & already held : serious insecurities, worries, concerns and to then escalate the Fear Factor is a trick often used politically and in any arena.
To then USE any emotional distress as a tool - to get adherence, agreement, obedience is to also reduce any questions or doubts people may have otherwise have had.
To use normal human emotions for other political or power-pulling purposes - it is an easy tactic & ploy - to exaggerate normal fears or denied paranoid thoughts.
And then use their own fears to seduce a crowd/ mob/ group/ or individual alienated folks into being [blind] Followers - instead of thinking for themselves!
Fear is animal-human-normal when in moderation and appropriate to those circumstances.
But humans do it worse and cruelly- humans use ordinary fears for clever power-plays. And that is used in games to dominate others. And also to steal, cover-up, spin, divert & to easily deny anything, et al ...
As FEAR often dominates and over-rides other emotions and any reasonable thinking.
Then Unconscious reactive acts that have bad/ negative consequences come from fearing excessively and frequently. As Moderation can instantly turn into addictions and that [enjoyed] Adrenaline Arousal.
Yes, fear is also addictive, because it is a stimulus and easily chemically turned-on in body.
BBC stories often relate to more than the main topic addressed. A story about US federal government wanting to stop "leaks" [ exposures of what is reality and happening ] is again being attempted.
But at KPFK & Pacifica it is the OPPOSITE problem - few involved people there are 'leaking' realities that are 'need-to-know' for all donors.
And most hold and express strong opinions and put their personal spins on any-everything. Or they repeat ego-blasts of their own fears. KPFK programmers also often use irrelevant diversions to any current serious topics to turn those topics into danger stories.
Reality Leakers are actually needed ! To hopefully then make this 'non-profit corporation' be actually ACCOUNTABLE. Maybe help Our Radio Station even trusted - by anyone who 'thinks independently' and donates $$$$, or who volunteers = and to all who are stakeholders / investors.
When the social rule is to deny, ignore, & pretend that 'FEAR is not happening', nor felt, especially taught to men, the denial of admitting reality happens, repeatedly.
It is not just masculine training. Fear is claimed to mean that men are 'weak', & not strong-enough. Men should never ever show or admit fear or fearing. How else could all those needed military exist?
Fear means that emotion can spread like fire - and cause havoc & chaos. So the social standards say:
"do not 'fear' -- but just "BELIEVE US -only we can save you - save all -- because only We own the '1 and Only Truth'...Everyone must give us their faith, and their life too...and then we all can pretend we do not fear, no more...ha ha"
[BBC world news image]

While there is more militarization of uniformed 'workers' of any employ,in any nation/tribe, there is also a similar pattern emerging in 'talk' and visual materials used by those who tell 'the rest of us' what is happening [any all media, propaganda, news, story-tellers].
Only They 'know' what is important, and what to focus on, and what to ignore.
[a BBC article quote: ] "...Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who issued a stark warning to leakers ... "Anyone who engages in these criminal acts is betraying the intelligence community and the American people," he said.
"We feel the pain of those betrayals intensely and I can assure you that I will do everything in my power as director of national intelligence to hold those people accountable....."
[does that mean 'punish them' or 'get rid of them' or intimidate/eliminate them ?]
While USA's federal government wants to stop any / all leaks and truth-telling, because of fearing their power may be undermined and their corruptions revealed- so too... corporations are also as angry and scared about real-revelations being leaked to their public, those who fund them, buy their stuff, & are investors.
And this includes KPFK and Pacifica radio stations that are also "corporations" - while pretending they are a 'public service' and unbiased. Or that they are not manipulating & not deliberately instilling fear to sell their stuff.
Just observe & listen carefully to just HOW MUCH FEAR IS CONTINUALLY ENCOURAGED and SPARKED on-air, and -oh so easily, so often.
The new wording being recently emphasized is "weaponized"
-- to say that anything that is used 'as a weapon' instead for other purposes is thus being weaponized.
The action-verb vs. noun is now conveniently turned into defining anything as "a hammer" & then used for any-all-perceived-nails-and-any-other-standing-objects.
Hit them all down.
It is a trick, to turn minds, off.
Pulling and exaggerating FEARS into becoming the main & major emotion is bad for everyone, and hurtful. Also manipulative.
Also dangerous. Also seductively attracting adherence and coercing selective actions [ i.e. "give us money !" ] and selling fake stories ["listen to us only, as we are ones who own The One and Only Truth"...or else].
Too many factions are using FEAR as their main way of stealing attention & getting undeserved benefits. A way to attract alliances and playing on human frailties.
But only Humans are more vulnerable to fears than is healthy or safe - so much more than other animals, insects, all 2-4-legged creatures, water wild-life, and all else that lives / exists on this-their-our earth.
Take notes.
Count the number of times the same fearful effect emerges.
Note which words are chosen to describe anything -
what could be neutral vs. words chosen to be fearful or scary.
Catch the tricky ways we [together] are being turned into quivering, helpless, cowering beings. Un-free. Un-deciding. Unthinking. Just agreeing, to be scared, more ...and more.
Instead of feeling empowered and strong and trusting. Instead of being activated, and generous. The pull is to dis-empower. Through staying in states of fearing.
Ignore the process at our peril: for each person who falls into the fear becomes more contagious... and sends that limiting version of reality out to others too...with or without awareness or intent.
Dare to call anyone, anywhere on their slants and the harmful effects of their style - their ways of communicating.
Please !
Don't accept the ' fear-virus' passively, stupidly, politely, and fearfully.
Be brave. Stay Aware of the 'games people prefer to negatively play'.
Become all we together were born here to be. Fully humane.
(c) mmj 2017
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