Friday, June 24, 2016

KPFK, money matters, audits and none works as it is suppose to... hmmmmm

This is an edited reposting from     

Those are notes - taken from the KPFK LSB meeting of June 19,2016  - and parts herein revealed to the 'rest of us'.


General manager of KPFK, Leslie Radford announced a plan to balance a very hefty amount of the 2017 budget -  by not making any partial payments on KPFK’s 2015 $249,000 debt to its parent foundation. Pacifica,

This radio station, KPFK, has the biggest shared-services-fee of  all the 5 stations in the Pacifica network.  

If there is a refusal to pay enough or anything of the $249,000 debt owed the umbrella network, from June to October of 2015, then the radio network may also be unable to pay for this year’s board elections, for or the 2014 or 2015 financial audits.

More importantly, the failure to file audits will prevent the restoration  of Corporation for Public Broadcasting funding- which has been  worth $750,000 each year.


Also, the Pacifica chief financial officer also reported that  Pacifica’s insurance carriers are demanding the audit report for way-back 2014. Thus the network may also be endangered if they lose insurance coverage - if all management concerned cannot provide, to all recipients, the required audit reports.

Ms. Radford reported that she has been unable to hire a bookkeeper since January 2016. = 6 months ago,  because the latest candidate  she selected has disconnected their phone and disappeared.

[The  concerns of those who hear about this problem is why is there only 1 candidate, and how many have applied or if not, why not more applicants are interested in a paying job at KPFK ? 

The details of these decisions and how they are made are not known or revealed. As the management can work in the 'dark' and silences -- with all KPFK members having to merely trust that the managers are being fair, open, and making known the opening to as many competent bookkeepers / accounts as possible. 

And with the 'job market' being one always complained about on this station,an opportunity like this should be used and appreciated, or so most would assume.]
In response to LSB local board members' questions, Ms. Radford reported that  KPFK owes $25,000 to the "Material World Foundation" for someone having mishandling a grant  before -   the grant provided earlier, for the renovation of the  KPFK station’s “Studio A”.

Music director, Maggie Le Pique, indicated that the funds were
 then taken to be used elsewhere - by Margy Wilkinson [ as PNB or temporary  interim Executive Director of Pacifica ]  - and this being done during her time when she was acted as the "volunteer executive director" - then.

It was also notable that Ms. Wilkinson is from KPFA, not from KPFK.


Ms. Radford indicated a hoped-for-goal of finding 35,000
donation-"sustaining" members for KPFK.  Sustaining members
are those who agree to pay $10 or $20 every month - vs. a larger dollar amount per fund drive - to be paying the station on an ongoing basis.

[The unstated assumption is that payments continue on past a 1 year deadline, go unnoticed, and remains a funding source indefinitely... or until that member realizes their commitment and/or discontinues voluntarily, and informs the station of that decision.]

When asked how many sustaining members KPFK actually had currently,  Ms. Radford claimed that there are 5,000 to 7,000. But a Local board treasurer Fred Blair supplied that the real number is only 250. That is a big discrepancy. Who knows the real income levels ?

 [Apparently no one has asked nor had access to verify the figures  provided, so 'facts' are elusive and statistics are made variable.  Confusing numbers concerns all KPFK members and those who  have been donating voluntarily, as "sustaining" or not, because the goals are 'set' according to KPFK's actual net income, presumably.

Plus, audits to confirm what are actual incoming dollars and what are their required expenses, and what must be paid in a timely way - to all to whom monies that KPFK owes. 

Apparently audits are not being conducted, and certainly not in any up-to-date way, as is required of all non-profit organizations, as is KPFK too. ]

                      VOTING ON THE 'BY-LAWS'

The KPFK LSB- local station board - has passed a resolution declining to vote on any proposed [PNB ?] bylaws amendments. This is  because they say they do not recognize the current board majority as being legitimate and thus lacking the authority to approve any changes to the bylaws.


Chief financial officer of Pacifica has stated directly that management of the umbrella organization does not have a plan for the financial catastrophes that will shortly ensue.

When he was asked about just who the responsible parties are,  the Pacifica CFO clarified and said that the responsible parties are the station managers and the executive director.


 see more details at :

then a commenter responded to the described PNB person wanting to Shriek, who apparently said:  " she then launched into a lengthy monologue, which ended with a loud shriek to   

“pay the audit NOWWWWW" "

with this:

“ A shriek sounds like the appropriate sound when so much is occurring without account-abilities, responsible managements,and the majority of "unknowing-what's-happening"- membership at each radio station.      

All those who do not read what is 'really going on' at these blog sites are assuming that all must be in order... and are listening to radio programs plus paying up some...

and that is all that is necessary.    

Obviously, they are 'ignored-ant' and do not know nor want to become more involved,  probably.  

Thanks to those reporters [as those websites] & willing exposers, andto those  who work hard to Share Actual Information, to the 'rest of us' too.   

Knowing more may also be producing anxieties, fears, and concerns, but some may also become active and assist, however, even in spurts.      

We would like to echo all shrieks that can be heard by any of those  the power and decision-making authority at any Pacifica station. 

n...o...w...... 1, 2, 3.....whaaaaaaaa!!!!!”

(c) portions not quoted from original websites   2016  bt 

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