Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Programmer cut to 1/2 time pleads, not for input to Gen'l Mgr but for more $$$, only ? huh?


the death of KPFK coming soon to this stn near you ?

                                  KPFK.sonali.pleads.4.$$$$$ only:

                                       on 8-19-2015  8:40am-8:53 am 
[=13 min of threat- bit of info- & money demands =more of same on-air exhorts ]

These are the words from Sonali Kohatkar this morning, who is 1 of 4 paid programmers -- who ea have 5-6x /week programs on KPFK = who has made a plea for again, yes, always the very same demand only - saying:  'send MORE MORE MORE $$$MONEY' - only ... 

but without  showing any more transparency as to why the financial deterioration has been permanent and unrelenting at KPFK and what turmoils & goings-on are happening now aside from her selective disclosure of how she is being affected.... 

and without taking any responsibility for her - or  any of the programmers' part  - in not being able to increase their listenership -  and their monetary contributions - with the listeners' then loyalty and their wanting to maintain these programs - and the whole radio station as-is too .

Notice  that Sonali did not ask for any listener/ stakeholder / payer INPUT or feedback or participation in any discussions

No  public meetings have been called or announced. 

No  outside KPFK websites can be discovered  - other than this one -                         with writings, questions, or recommendations of concerned-stakeholders-listeners is to be found....
so only KPFK-programmers have websites to promote their own privileged views & sounds. Those who have grabbed or been selected for a slot and on-air access promote themselves incessantly on air and on internet.

Everyone else who is IN at KPFK is easy to find on internet, and there are the central other Pacifica stn websites  --but KPFK supporters are apparently very silent, or scared away. 

There is no where else to Post, Comment or Inform Our Station of our Needs, give genuine Feedback,  ask Questions, offer Suggestions or even to ask for accountability from those already-set in power/ in-charge. Check this out. Find any sites anywhere ?

Besides THIS SITE here , where else are KPFK happenings in trouble to be found ??????

No democracy or audience-participation is anywhere to be found.

No free-speech from outside to inside the opaque secretive KPFK hallways and exclusive staffers and management.   

The hypocrisy of what is said and announced is not their actual reality Only 1 way is allowed : from inside stn to OUT on-air, but nothing back to provide assistance, but cash.

Only when the station NEEDS something more - as are volunteers  needed to answer phones  - when not excluded for an external cash-paid calling system - that earlier turned out to be more costly after all, so then the volunteers were re-allowed entry to bldg again -- to work for free !  Then free-working-for-long-hours help is allowed inside certains areas and very limited contact with staff is allowed.     

Even as in this August there were hours when no one was 'home' because no calls were being answered by anyone, no volunteers let in, no paid service, no one there to get those precious $ pledges directly.

The secrecy and manipulations by both Pacifica Nat'l Bd  [PNB} members and some at KPFA in Berkeley are playing power-tactics with the entire Pacifica legal structures, looping sideways with the by-laws and with some audits being illegally avoided too.

Strange hidden moves are even being currently done by some people at KPFK and some on the PNB -  and many are part of the hidden-strategy & tactics too. Undue Influencers. Those Unnamed.  Unapproachable.    Buying similar legal names to confuse the public. 

Diverting funds sent to maintain fragile stations.   Audits are not completed for years. Intentional disregard of required business practices to buy the properties cheaper after they fully fail and default ? 

All the while listeners are asked to trust ?? and pay up for these dysfunctional systems ?  really ? 

All is done with NO TRANSPARENCY or honest accountability.  But then the guilt-tripping, the "poor-me-us"-Help-save-us ! -begging continues 24/7 for a month now 
[July-Aug 2015 as well as in other fund drives before that have been as long as this too ].
- - - - - -

So here below are most of Sonali's words  - as she again blamed only the KPFK Local Stn Bd  [LSB} for all the station's problems and woes... which is  a too slim ltd view, a poor analysis and easy-blame-the-power-less group - as the LSB that cannot help or change what KPFK management with it's staff's cooperation does daily -  to keep the station broadcasting - or failing furiously, as it is now. 

And Sonali claims to be a thinking, critical, fair reporter while limiting her blame to only 1 selected group ? why is this her stand?

[ NOTE: a few words were missed transcribed below - but mostly this  just the plea for $$ --- with No Mention of any political, social or any feedback actions were uttered today -

the colored inserts were our reactions and critical thoughts - not hers  - but ours that were inserted in the transcription at the time of typing... = spontaneous reactions of what was being Not Said also were thus inserted there too ]  

Sonali in her  "Uprising" program said on air: 
"we were handed letters yesterday, 3 people laid off entirely,...
others for 4 mo salaries slashed by ½ …all paid programmers
how to live on slashed salaries is unknown....

 LSB bd & management wants all volunteer programming, none paid.
only if working full time elsewhere for ½ or 1 hr can maybe afford it.
not doing program 5x/wk ....
only 2 weeks notice ....

if call 818 985 5735 call mgr flood ....

[but no mention to call or write  to discuss with management or staff,
 just give them more  $$$- the repeated demand and plea - with no other participation wanted or requested, ever ! ]

we don’t have managers that stick around longer than maybe 1 yr at a time…

[she BLAMES LSB – not managers !  they chase away anyone who is ‘good’ mgr.....

she likes just prior mgr ]
the mgr need to write grants, vs  we are in "walmartisation is in full force"....
announced reductions are really PARTIAL LAYoffS – told to work ½ for ½ time pay but who
can afford to live and do as much with less ?....
what has worked in past – hybrid full time staffers and others volunteer 1-2 hrs /wk....

dont you wonder how and if that works out, for how long ? the attitude based on a classist anti-union philosophy ....

you can flood station with DONATIONS right now.....

.... our cherished, precious independent  media …dismantle system of governance …that sabotage the station – the beginning of the end of KPFK ..unless you contribute…in long term…undermine the governance of this stn that has prevented it’s potential. 
Make contributions, large, fast.....

starting Sept 1 anyone working more than ½ time is being cut to ½ time and those with families, children to come there 5 days/ wk and put heart & soul ….until last few months …stn is eating itself alive...

the elections the Bd are also eating up the station as well….$$$ that should be going to paying off our debt. if people don’t call..we are being told…we are being cut.
if you show them our listeners don’t want staff cut or be laid off, stn being eaten alive…

[so increase donations will prove this ????? from her plea ?  not saying listeners have any say to management or anyone, LSB, but only send $$$$$ …here is proof of how poor we are, vs. emphasizing the CHANGE OF POLICY AND EMPHASIS and types of programmers – volunteer vs paid staff programmers ]

how will KPFK survive, unravel before your eyes and ears…no one asked me to say this…lots of people at stn may be cringing but what haave I got to loose ?  you’ve heard it on Ian Masters’ show and my previous shows....

it will take wind out of layoff sails..this is what they want to see happen – no money so then no paid staff and only a only volunteer station – I cannot work for free and will not, lose my dignity..could do a 1x/wk program maybe …maybe a role for me in future, but not 5x/wk....

especially those who donated before…please donate ! imploring you to consider cost of your not giving is… make a contribution…"

(c) 2015   mmb 

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