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Can what we heard from "Somethings Happening" program be true now ? after being threatened with this radio station's demise, defeat, bankruptcy or general failure for over 60 years, - this may have finally become True ?
as heard on May 13 2021 5:55 am
credit to Alamy stock photos. thank you.
Words uttered on air said : almost 1/3 of any left KPFK paid staff were being soon eliminated - by their Pacifica National Board...... and so these programmers were begging everyone to send Money! in ...again....
but not to subscribe to the general station - instead chose to send $$$$ only thru these programmers instead- as a sign of support to them.
yep ! threats are always vividly included :
cuz only thos then left 'free volunteer programmers' would take over KPFK ... and all would be catastrophe or worse, maybe anarchy? or total crumbling down disruption ?
predictive specifics were not publicly stated, but dire implications were strongly hinted at - as if we listeners could, of course, imagine the worst extreme scenarios by ourselves...... and we would regret the loss of whatever programs we had been listening to before - they would be gone !
ohhhhh ! sad..... unbearable... tragic.... as no alternative media could compare or substitute ! ohhhhhhh ! awful !!!!
message also said : that the prior long-time general manager was gone, as was program director too. Now the few left over paid staff were further threatened or informed they too would soon exit or could maybe stay on for free - but no more salaries.... tho their SAG union contract may say otherwise ?
The music director was also being thrown away / kicked out - as per the on-air comment heard. And tho still listed on KPFK's website: the Sr Programmer Minsky has already been out of there for a long time, but listed as staff there.
So the KPFK website is way out of date
- whether deliberately ? or has that person prior webmaster been long ago fired too? who is to know ?
This website as it exists in place showing current programs featured - that is still the external Presentation that KPFK maintains it is ....
but who is to know what exists 'inside' the station or it's administrative staff & policies ? Where is there any reliable, credible facts & updated information about what-who we are being constantly demanded to "donate !" our hard-earned $$$$$ wages to ?
Is this just another faked & non-profitable corporation - set up with a replica of Dorothy's movie as 'the wizard of OZ' pretends to be - with a hidden man blaring, leading .... a bunch of ... what where they ? monkeys? human crowds? both ?

photo credit: thank you
so looking at KPFK's website today - to see what was finally being explained to the paying / subscribing / donating public ? What is happening ? Where is the transparency claimed & proudly presented as-if-so ? What is going on ? huh ???
see here :
a '2017' info blurb re station's location, how to use rail/ bus travel to KPFK [that has already been on website for many years before - same ]... that is still today listed as the same prior 'general manager'- the 1 that was paid to be there ...before ... huh ? Is he out ? or replaced ? or fired ? or doing a lawsuit ? or a union contesting his/ their removal ? or what ?
who is telling it as '"IT IS"?
what is happening to all that MONEY WE HAVE ALREADY DONATED and sacrificed to KPFK before ? Where did it go?
Who took $$$$ for any other use than what we paid for and we paid-up so expected benefits to happen for us listening donors too ? Were we taken as fools or in a ponzi scheme ? what happened ??????
or what is not being updated on KPFK's website? to then keep secret + silent + quiet + opaque ....vs being transparent -
as KPFK always brags it is and has to be- up front, honest, clear, transparency being a goal & mission too ...also to keep all donations [slipping in under their locked-tight doors?] bank accounts. ...tho maybe not as fancy as this image below, but KPFK doors are as tightly CLOSED as this is.
credit photo : wikipedia thank you
If anyone ever reads this good + dedicated to a prior KPFK radio station - blog -
please fill the rest of us in - us- the exiled donors - those already having given more and more & too much before and againl....
please tell us: what else is actual, or known, or heard or being questioned elsewhere ? - maybe as in their monthly local station board meeting -again happening May 16 on line .
or maybe those who can tolerate all the infighting at Pacifica - as at their national board meetings, group messagings, and external sidelined sources...anyone who may have actual real information of what is occurring or will be soon ...
to OUR RADIO STATION - the one we have already Paid for !
or in any other way of getting those secrets exposed - made known too to those who pay to keep the radio 'on' and help KPFK's property taxes be paid and paying for the remaining staff there employed, too.
KPFK's today's website still lists those who may not be employed, or leaving shortly. Here is what they still seem to claim: see
General Manager
Anyel Zuberi Fields
(818) 985-2711
General station operations, and oversight, Public Relations & Partnerships |
Program Director
Kevin Fleming |
Ext 202 |
On-air programming and content |
Senior Producer
Alan Minsky | |
Music Director
Maggie LePique |
Ext 326 | |
Music programming |
Note also: This posting is intended - as always before -
to inform,+ to update + to warn + to explore + to ask for better facts.
if anyone else cares about this extreme Left, 'progressive', Liberal radio ?
+ also can tolerate KPFK's prejudiced + slanted + exaggerating + hyped + spun + bias + struggling for money to keep 'our doors open' -[ tho their doors are most locked against any strangers [not a programmer or guest or staff ]. Their Heavy steel doors with only an outside plastic push-bell if anyone inside then responds or cares to do so.]
[ b/c the Pacifica National Board's Yahoo closed group is mostly misused by many long-time-clingers-on and are difficult to follow - IF any 'other' person can even be accepted as 'in' to read what is blared there. ]
Any other places that write or care about KPFK's continued existence can share or be linked here too.
KPFK retains & preserves their original 1959 Mission statement - [a statement the locals proudly proclaim they follow and keep , even when they don't..... but anyhow it makes for good imaging -
as if KPFK were so altruistic, fair, balanced {not at all} or relevant in it's information-sharing.]
Criticisms for this long imbalanced radio programming- but occasionally interesting tidbits ...sometimes... as when anyone listening is wanting to be provoked, or to get angrier, or maybe be aligned with the political-social-racial leftest possible views & extreme promoters there.
Compliments are included too :
for some varieties of alternative stories, or groups, or current event viewpoints not found in most other media sources.... tho not knowing WHO & who else - is behind that pgm - even when heard with a good dose of cynical-questioning or questioning of who is behind those views or programmers.
Some of the better quality and unusual-sourced programs we prefer are:
Somethings Happening
Democracy Now
Background Briefing with Ian Masters
Thom Hartman + Ralph Nader + [some other external programmers - that share their words repeated then at KPFK too - for free - without pay.]
but yes - they too - do a trade / barter : by having more good audio exposures here ....& also then if taken up by other Pacifica radio stations nationally too - more exposure elsewhere too.... maybe.. or get followers, clicks, known from here later.
and,of course, the continual various music programs = that may be payola'd - but still do share good music of many varieties & genres.
Altho we had thought to totally stop writing here : because there were No KPFK staff, programmers or other listeners appreciating our sharings before - this new tid-bit was relevant & important enough to elicit more of our [freely done, time spent, efforts given] to write a another posting here again.....
regardless of what we know about any other readers -who will care about these sharings... or may just be shared on faked hacker sites [ like in Ukraine, Russia where prior Google stats showed we were clicked - [algorithm-ed ] more often - in before times. Google owns blogspot and shares this format generously.
see map for our clickings as revealed not by KPFK but by this blog format owner.
photo credit : thank you
(c) BY 2021