NOTE: This is a copy w/o permission of a letter written by a dedicated Pacifica insider. It is being reproduced to emphasize what is often ignored, denied and not Done by any Local Station Board & their members, nor the super duper Nat'l board - PNB.
It is not intended to plagiarize nor criticize but to explain and reproduce information that may also be interest to any and all KPFK stakeholders, donors, listeners, and those loyal, still and all, to Our Local Radio Station - which we have and maybe, maybe, still PAY FOR.
Note: A bit of editing and excising has also been necessary to stay relevant to topic of "WHAT BOARDS ARE"... to do ! And extra words of insertions are in [brackets] to stay sorta close to writer's intent and proposals.
here it is :
"Boards are directly RESPONSIBLE for the financial well being of their organizations.
" It's basic leadership and the example to set so donors are encouraged to give and keep giving. Those duties have dwindled under the Pacifica's processes.
" It's basic leadership and the example to set so donors are encouraged to give and keep giving. Those duties have dwindled under the Pacifica's processes.
[But the duties and obligations of Boards are still similar, even if ignored, denied, and passed on to someone else instead .]
" Our
Bylaws back up California
law and nonprofit best practices, which all indicate that they are to
help raise money, a group and as individuals, along with
their other common board duties and responsibilities.
" Here's
a simple document on best practices, where finances are concerned. all will read it and then will begin to move in this proper direction
rapidly, since Pacifica's finances are in dire straits.... and are nowhere near ended.... and likely there will be the acceptance of further debt in the form of more loans.
Since, yet again, "There
are upcoming fund drives
at every station - and each of the Boards ought to come in to their station - as groups, and in shifts. EAch board member should be there to help to
answer phones and demonstrate their actual support for their stations. [instead of leaving it to pubic volunteers who have no power, no say, no benefits other than giving their time, work, away, cheaply and for free ]
" It is now time to see that change and while it is here offered as a suggestion, for listeners to know that here is some visible, positive, tangible
involvement by our LSBs in the endless fundraising, [it is also necessary for board members to stop isolating into their private meetings and selective groups instead of 'mingling' with the actual volunteer listener members & donors ].
That would finally show some real
leadership and a willingness
to actually work FOR KPFK, vs. [pretend to be ruling, dis-cussing from afar at LSB or PNB meetings or other secret, closed meetings that are not listed anywhere for public to participate or learn from . ]
Listeners/callers would then be aware of the LSB when they call in to donate ! and be maybe ? then seen or known in a more positive light than the LSB, PNB have been - for the first time in years.
" ...better yet, it would be good to see LSB members represent the actual wishes of
listeners and staff, as they were 'elected' to do.
" ...while many were
not elected, but rather, ascended to their seats, [or selected, or once again used cronies and friends to get to that Board position,] but they all agreed to
same duties and responsibilities - and that is the process as written in our established bylaws.
" All board members ought to be doing these things regularly. And going
back to their constituencies for guidance, regularly. ....That's
what representatives are supposed to do. ...
[writer : " I can say this because I speak
with scores of listeners every month and have for years and they dislike
the LSB as a body and cannot point to anything they like beyond a single person, perhaps. Never the work of the group. And the station's Staff feels
very much the same, as I speak with many and they are even more off put
by the LSB and it's actions, as staff are more directly involved with....[that station].
" Every LSB member needs to be an
active volunteer at the station, or they simply cannot know the many things they
surely need to know.
" The idea of showing up in a group to answer
listeners calls during fund drive would could begin
that process and give members at least a very small exposure to their local station and it's actual fundraising, in reality, and the station's needs.
"..... I hope will spur the LSB to this positive action
FOR every radio station. It would certainly represent an improvement for the LSB [image, reputation and participation in the station's daily life & operation...] and help the station and it's listener/members/donors and stakeholders.
" Please .... act on this
in each and every upcoming fund drive.
Each radio station needs the physical involvement and help - as well as each LSB needs to
do it's real part. That might be finally an act of good faith
toward listeners and staff [instead of the isolation, aloofness, non-contact-non-availability to the many listener-donors that the station has and needs to actually CONNECT with, regularly. ]
Thank you.
[end of edited, letter by another station's dedicated member ]
If any reader here actually knows a KPFK LSB member and wants to help them be 'actually representational' in occasional times, like fund drives are the opportunity to perform that duty, then this can be copied or referred to to encourage them to do their DUTY properly.
So far, very few LSB members have ever come to do real work, or to help answer phones, and to meet those volunteers who do work for free at the station during fund drives.
Talking directly to those who are donating their hard earnings to the station and identifying as being a REPRESENTATIVE, for them, as an LSB member would promote a better reputation of both the station and the board that claims to be 'helpful'...when most of the help that is done by LSB is :
in talking, and dis-cussing, and arguing, and fighting, and passing some motions and some more talking: to each other on board only - but not donor/listener members - and not revealing about what they are actually doing at LSB or for the station.
If LSB members give donations, that should be mentioned as well. If they provide other pro-bono, needed helpful services, that too should be acknowledged.
So far, no one OUTSIDE the select, the ones who claim to hold the "power" to decide for KPFK , are heard or visible to 'the rest of us'... who fund.