Friday, August 19, 2016

“KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ ! huh ? How come?

   "“KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ !!  Can this be true?

Alan Watts said in 1950’s :   “the future of KPFA [and KPFK] is in danger ..”     So then and still now.  So KPFK is in financial danger and turmoil, and it has been said barely able to survive and avoid banktrupcy.

It has been revealed that : “KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ !!  what ? How can this be ? Who is going to rescue Our Radio Station ?

Who or How has this  organization been run into the ground – to be killed off and then maybe stolen by others waiting in the shadows – wanting to take over any or all of Pacifica’s valuable stations and FCC licenses ???? 

Why have audits not been completed since 2014 and the actual numbers revealed ?

A non-profit organization does not mean no one involved does not profit. There are valuable advantages and benefits therein, everywhere else an NGO or do-gooder organization plays their cards.

But they pay staff, buy properties, manage monies and then set a false image of being ‘poorer than any other corporations’ and ‘only helping their benefactors’ and not themselves or their owners. False images, at KPFK and Pacifica and also at other such organizations, hiding their accesses to Power, politicians, wealthy donors and government fundings too.

Alan Watts said in 1950’s :   “the future of KPFA [and KPFK] is in danger ..”     So then and still now.  So KPFK is in financial danger and turmoil, and it has been said barely able to survive and avoid banktrupcy.

It has been revealed that : “KPFK has a $500,000 deficit “ !!  what ? How can this be ? Who is going to rescue Our Radio Station ?

Who or How has this  organization been run into the ground – to be killed off and then maybe stolen by others waiting in the shadows – wanting to take over any or all of Pacifica’s valuable stations and FCC licenses ???? 

Why have audits not been completed since 2014 and the actual numbers revealed ?

A non-profit organization does not mean no one involved does not profit. There are valuable advantages and benefits therein, everywhere else an NGO or do-gooder organization plays their cards.

But they pay staff, buy properties, manage monies and then set a false image of being ‘poorer than any other corporations’ and ‘only helping their benefactors’ and not themselves or their owners. False images, at KPFK and Pacifica and also at other such organizations, hiding their accesses to Power, politicians, wealthy donors and government fundings too.


                               Alan Watts
But then it was more Asian ‘eastern’ spiritual translations for the ‘western mind’ which Watts did so well when America was curious but not  yet understanding Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and other mind opening understandings.

Opening minds to more than western religious views thus emerged.     

Alan Watts in 1973 shortly before he died had 2 good
spiritual lectures – called “changes” and “hidden belief systems” that sound now like he was describing KPFK !

But then it was more Asian ‘eastern’ spiritual translations for the ‘western mind’ which Watts did so well when America was curious but not  yet understanding Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and other mind opening understandings.

Opening minds to more than western religious views thus emerged.

[Alan Watts’ words = excerptions of a talk = is here below,  and with a bit of editing, & expanding are also included here]:

“…the wind is blowing, trees are waving…the curious thing is very few people are aware of it…. we recluse ourselves in our personalities – not something that is inside our skin but it is also everything around us too...

(C) 2014

When you look “outside” your eyes you are looking at the “real you” , as nature happening out there, the you that is the [context you exist within].

Nature is wiggling all ways and all the time. Everything in nature depends on everything being in nature.

When you see nature “out” there it is YOU, in your fullness and all that is necessary instead of the ‘acting’, ‘doing’ and even ‘accepting’ …”  

What I really want    the kinship between I and thou…so what do I want ? I don’t know ?  or “who are you “ and Bodidharma said “I know not”…. there is a beginning stage of not-knowing and an ending stage of not-knowing…   but there is also a middle-stage. It changes, what satisfies for a little while…. then it changes to not being satisfied.

Note: Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China….

The basic story here is this:

1. You have it –  [satisfaction is here  =you already have all you need and are ]

2.  You don’t know yourself, you never can  [there is so much inside, deeper called ‘unconscious’ that is You of which you get glimpses but do not ‘know’ consciously, nor can you … so try meditating and notice what ‘happens’ ….]

3.  The godhead [also called God, by various names and labels, that changes descriptions in different religions and traditions ]  is never an object of it’s own knowledge  - just as the knife edge doesn’t cut itself – nor does the light illuminate itself -

4.  It is same as “I love “ and “I let go”… so don’t try to force or control…

Upanishads say if you think you understand Dharma, you don’t understand and need to be instructed further…. and if you don’t understand Dharma, then you do understand …

The  principle is:  any time you voluntarily let go of Control, then you have ACCESS to power….because you are wasting energy all the time in self defense…

[and we know – that all humans are constantly seeking and desiring Control and Power in any form and everywhere, because humans are also ‘insecure’ and feel unsafe of their bodies, minds and possessions they ‘own’ …we too are vulnerable and surprised by how little we actually do control

…we cannot ‘hold on’ for long because change is continual and constant any how….]

When you stop defending, then you find that the energy is available –it is  then you are One with the divine energy [ also defined as Life Forces, God’s will, etc.]

When you act as if you were God or some ‘superior’ being, then you lose the divine energy …as you are merely trying to defend yourself, once again.

“The more you give it away the more it comes back “
[cuz it is you- the energy, the power, the constant being in motion, et al ]

There is no way of holding on to it = the control / energy – that we always seek and want and attempt to capture for ourselves.

Why ?  because we are all falling apart

This earth is constantly dying …[it is called entropy] …and reviving –regrowing [notice what nature is growing even in Chernobyl radiation  areas in Ukraine right now !]

So that everything is in decay means you don’t have to “let go” because THERE IS NO-THING TO HOLD ON TO....

When you see you don’t have a ‘prayer’ and you are already washed up, then… suddenly find you have Power – the enormous access to energy "

[and energy elicits what we call ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’ and all the feel-good emotions of being Alive !]

And….there is much more in his talks not transcribed here   

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

                              SECRETIVE KPFK 
KPFK is slowly falling apart ?   The "somethings happening" show that previously began at 12am to 6 am = and was heard nationally [on line too] by those who could access their learnings not available in their locale = has been reduced to 1/2 of the time to EDUCATIONAL programming, and the 3 hours have not been regained nor returned, to all the dedicated KPFK paid-up Members and listeners.

Another begging-drive for $$$$ has been now scheduled.. Yet again and again and apparently never-ending scheduled every other month for a month or longer !  

But ...there are no volunteer or phone-pledge answering people - who dedicate their work for FREE and no other benefits - available from 12am to 5 am !   So from 3am to 6am Tuesdays-Fridays  there is only the broadcaster staff and his girlfriend there to 'answer phones' and take care of all the other work required to broadcast on-air.

How can it be that management at KPFK has been unable to provide assistance while demanding the program elicit monies and loyalties with no 'help' ? 

How can there be no security/staff/volunteers allowed during night hours when the program-originator is expected to raise his share of MONEY while alone in broadcast studio ?

Another bit of 'what happens inside KPFK' that is seldom or hardly ever known in the NON-Transparency that hides difficulties behind Iron Walls of Silence and gag orders and fake-images of what is 'only heard on-air].

Notice that there are only 2-3 websites, blogs that even discuss and reveal any of the dangers/ the machinations/ the inner conflicts & factions / the financial concerns / the lapses and neglected requirements, as are audits, complying with CBC for getting funding, and much more !  huh ?

Pam Burton was head of the Archives in 1973 = when Alan  Watts made his last recordings sharing his knowledge, the deep learnings and associations with eastern teachers that most people did not know nor meet …then. But he was a scholar, a spiritual seeker and an “entertainer” with an excellent sense of humor too. 

One enlightening easy-to-read-book was “The Book, the taboo against knowing who you are” that we recommend.   You don’t have to read every page but find gems of awakening lightness in Watts easy words and deep thoughts.

 [If you, reader, have not heard his talks before, or read his few books, even today the ‘reminders’ are awakeners and needed to slip out of the mesmerizing political/corrupting propaganda of so much of our media/ news stories.]

(c) 2016   mj

Monday, August 15, 2016

KPFK pgrm is criticized in LA Indymedia. Of course.

It is part of Pacifica's attitude to always be oppositional, to be Righter-than-thou and  wanting to be "oh so Righteous" too. Almost religiously.... or at least fervently.

So other than contentious exhortations on-air.... and very slanted, limited view points....any 'other' opinions or knowledge is quickly dismissed, demeaned and denied.

Just noticed now that on a local Indy media site, a person who at every possible occasion tries to remove and get rid of a program she doesnt like has written an article about Ian Masters.

with other comments therein included too.

What is interesting is this sheer conviction that each person's views and wants are indisputably RIGHT -- and thus all others are wrong, mistaken, stoopid or at least, to be eliminated anywhere else as fast as possible.

an image of the view of KPFK & it's occupants from outside, listeners

This strict & exclusive attitude also denies being elitist and non-inclusive of any 'others'. 

In fact, the usual repeated motto and pledges, [which is written in the station's mission too] the same words repeat instead that being all-inclusive is what is intended. 

But those are just words, even if  heard 'over this radio' station, repeatedly.

But no. It is merely an ideal,  tho repeated dogmatically.  But then not put into practice. Not even by those most-well-meaning & loyal to KPFK and Pacifica. Ideals are Ideas, not deeds, not actions, but thoughts and words. Often to sound erudite, elite and uttered by those claiming to be 'oh so good !'

Fault-finding, even on petty issues, and viscious criticisms prevail at all Pacifica's doings.

Conflicts surge within the station and it's boards - 
different wants are the main form of communication - 
all keep trying to be "Most Best Right!" -- 
and thus each person tries to be more powerful than any others -- any people of any other view.

Pouncing on any misspoken words,  are mis-interpreted immediately ... so as to prove the oppositionist's being more-Right = "see ! after all ! I said so ! I knew it ! "

Tho They may also be Wrong. And in that article, Ian Masters should leave the station ! - This is also demanded of any other non-agreed-with program at any Pacifica ltd. station.  To then have "only OUR ways/ people/ views remain".  

No hidden agendas. Just obviously claiming to know "what is best" , to know-it-all,  to know the holiest truths -- and wanting the powers to prove it all, too.

sure... not as open-minded as each KPFK person claimed they are - that is the actual story there.

sure... not is at all transparent -- in  managerial / operations, 
in KPFK programming, in financial conditions and decisions made --  not at all as is continually claimed and pretended.    

Secretly there are friends & cronies... who ally or oppose vehemently those 'others'...who also want to participate in KPFK programming and other affairs, even the LSB....

Also in-denial are the 'volunteer' programmers [the majority] who ALSO have rewards and benefits - tho never admitted - like 'Payola' - while they constantly are promoting their own guests,  chosen products, special events and themselves too.

With almost no visible sources of actual information, except at 1  = that covers all 5 stations, Pacifica's Board and all the shenanigans that occur every-anywhere. No one has to agree with those revelations, but no where else is there any such detailed & current reporting either.

Search out KPFK and programmers proliferate and hardly any other comment blogs, sources of revealed news and changes, reports on financial conditions or mismanagement, etc. etc. are not visible. Try it !   See for yourself. 

While the KPFK listener only 'hears' a limited & ultra-leftist-versions of this unweildy world we all live in together anyhow, there is so much more and interesting stories. 

Why be limited to hearing the same opinions and slanted views instead of broadening and expanding our visions/ hearings ? 

No one must agree to anyone else, but to hear another version or lifestyle may reveal interesting differences, needing to be admitted, at least. 

Commercials are not allowed on KPFK, but people there promoting their own agendas, friends, guests and slanted sides are constant, anyhow.   'Promoting' is the same as in products-selling "promotions" and in "public relations/ advertising"  -- even if without $$$ cash changing hands. Exchange of favors will do.

These are the same political games that are everywhere else also used -- to gain audiences, to expand access to create images and public visibility.... and elsewhere also to get official government positions, jobs, contracts, etc. 

Like any ofo those disliked 'politicians'  -these at Our Radio Station even at these comparatively & lower/inexpensive levels are doing the very same moves and unethical trades. Gains are not admitted, competitive cuts are denied, infighting is hidden, and gotten benefits slipped secretly into... whatever....

To pretend is to lie and decieve. 

To claim honesty and still do the same acts of mainly-self-service must be revealed. Even with  KPFK folk's claims they "only want to help others"  is cliched & repeated. That  is mere HYPOCRISY.  and Denied, of course.

To hear diversity means including the mainstream people and views too.  Not just focusing on  minorities and those perceived wanting

Literally, all people who do not have:  programs...or power within the KPFK radio world ...or access to be heard on-air... are "wanting... to have those benefits too" !

To be Dissident seems to be the main focus at Pacifica radio stations and programming...with only a limited definiton. To dissent to what is governmental, elsewhere financial, official, or established or corporate == to Disagree... plus, to pretend to be superior in 'holier than thou[s] are'  -- 

...all the while still clinging to images of popularity and populism. Not real.  A presentation & poor imitation of equality for all, while also holding on to their own whatevers. For themselves and theirs only. Of course. Doesn't everyone ?

Critics of a program still listen to different KPFK programs they chose. Listeners, sponsors ignore the rest and many won't pay up for the whole shebang either. 

Then the contiual begging for more and more $$$$ pledges/ money has become so constant and repetitious that those who were loyal and paying in prior times no longer do so, or barely.

One commenter to this Indy article added "

"...covering real issues is sacrificed on the altar of popularity."  

while another one wrote "
...but then, the KPFK crowd is a bit strange and odd and dissident and will never agree to much -- because that is also it's motto - "YOU gotta be wrong because 

and another Indy media article was similar in story :

why is there a dearth of stories and revealed information about what runs or runs-down KPFK ?  

How anyone can get a foot into the station's programs and why some programmers remain there clinging to their air-time for decades [10's and 20's of years] ?    

Why is KPFK always broke and needy ?  Why are audiences departing en masse or dribbling away to better 'fields of dreams' ? 

How dysfunctional or bankrupt is KPFK or Pacifica right now ?

Who would ever tell the loyal sponsors/stakeholders the Truth?
as they know it now ? 

Ever ? 

(c) 2016   bt


Sunday, August 14, 2016

KPFK info- audits, program pledges, SAG arbitration...more

This is a Re-Post w/o  barely any edits or changes, just to provide more KPFK related information from the website here below:    writes:

"The 2014 audit, almost two years after the end of that fiscal year, threatens to make an appearance after $35,000  was removed from KPFK’s bank account to pay for it following the station’s last month-long fund drive.

Preliminary financial statements last seen over a year ago, had Pacifica losing a million dollars in 2014, even after jettisoning 70% of WBAI’s payroll and the $650,000/year Democracy Now contract from the previous year.

A statement of the audit charges can be seen here, including close to $12,000 in finance charges. In order to soften the blow, the national board told KPFK the payment would waive future shared services payments, despite KPFK’s unpaid $250,000 default on national office loans in 2015. [snip]

KPFK faces an unknown amount of financial restitution to employees after arbitration with the SAG-AFTRA union did not go well. The union was upheld on all grievances brought to arbitration including inadequate notification prior to layoffs, contract violations and illegal withholding of severance pay.

KPFK's General Manager Radford and unofficial corporate counsel Dan Siegel have not been able to settle with the bargaining unit, so the arbitrator will likely determine the amount of restitution to be paid. Both Radford and Siegel as well as [iExecutive of Pacifica Nat'l Bd] Brazon were warned multiple times Radford’s actions were in violation of the union contract, but did not heed the warnings and Pacifica members will now have to pay for their mistakes.


GM Radford continues to ignore a recommendation from the station’s local board to reverse two prominent program changes that have been big money-losers: cutting three overnight hours from Something’s Happening [pgm] and using host Sonali Kolhatkar only two days a week at 8:00am.

The ...Something’s Happening [show], formerly one of the  most listened-to overnight radio programs in the country and one of the few Pacifica programs to ever put up numbers competitive with commercial radio, brought in over  $100,000 a year in the almost completely non-monetized overnight hours.

4 years of numbers from 2012-2015 are  available here, 

 []  with a nostalgic comparison with the salad  days of 2006, where the program raised the same numbers  in a mere 3 fund drives a year, rather than the recent 5-6 per year.

In its debut 8 months, replacement program Safe Harbor has yet to raise $20,000 in on-air pledges over three and a half fund drives and some 144 hours of pitching.

KPFK recently announced they would “close their fund drive room” from midnight to 5am as they start yet another drive. In the June/July fund drive, Something’s Happening raised $21,789 to Safe Harbor’s $2,530."

please view other website for more info on Pacifica and other stations and their plights. 

re-posting : august 13, 2016