If another interested KPFK affiliated-interested person wishes to add a comment, plse do. But only if it is NOT SPAM, nor an ADVERTISEMENT disguised as a comment, nor ANY DISCOURTEOUS OR MANIPULATIVE USE of this site. All, any of those comments will be Instantly deleted and reported to the Google parent of blogspot for further investigation
For so long we have all been waiting for the promised stability, changes, honesty and relief from the continual misnamed "fund drive" that more often drives listeners away from listening to what were assumed... mis-taken-ly again...
for informative, provocative, out-of-the-usual-USA-boxes.... for dissident alternatives to ponder, wonder, consider... if true? if real ? if relevant ? or just another free-styled venting by a puffer = claiming OUR airwaves [ these are all owned by all taxpayers, not corporations - check Ralph Nader's continually reminding us of reality ].
Again there is 1 other online site that provides good substantial stats, data, & info about the turmoils, conflicts, 'facts', finances et allllllll that is otherwise never heard on radio or elsewhere either. ...
re Pacifica - the head 'umbrella' over a few still-struggling-old- original-radio guys angry-ranters & anyone wanting to be a celebrity-star-famous "Hero"....
or pretend to be heroic - when insisting they are The Only Right 1 and the only few who KNOW "The 1-Only Truth" -
with everyone else being discarded & dismissed & rejected, of course. No one else is allowed that privilege unless obedient, agreeing and allied.
Heard these called "programmers" who 'own' a slot on KPFK radio that refuse to ever leave or give up their prime [free-no pay, no fee] airtime.... to claim they are "free" and their speech is "free speech" w/o telling 'the rest of us' what that legally means.
It cannot be the freedom to say anything at all anywhere or at any time ... check this 'fact's' real-ity plse. Those in 'official' &"authority" & higher ranked positions immediately & quickly remove that mis-applied word ...
that is so common that 'free' has become not a benefit - but a weapon with which to hurt others / to reject / & to take-over anyone else's freedom... with a of their own few strong-backers, of course, This is noticed in all coups, revolutions, changes of presidents & dictators, too.

credit: Chris Madden cartoons. thanx
The subtle, hidden to ‘the rest of the world : of listeners/ donors/ subscribers of KPFK & the rest of limping along Pacifica stations is revealed again: as copied from -see below :
https://pacificainexile.org/archives/9997#more-9997 of July 27, 2021 =
who Wrote:
"Since there are only about 90 paid staff, and about 1/2 of them vote, a bylaws amendment under Jan Goodman and Sharon Kyle’s proposed “New Day” bylaws, could have been “vetoed” by as little as 24 paid-staff voting in their own little class....
lots of angry emails and posts...
....language in the Pacifica bylaws about members voting in classes wasn’t invented by Pacifica. It’s in the California Corporations Code Section 5033-5034. The literal meaning of “class of members” in not for profit law is the ability to vote on matters as a separate class.
the New Day Bylaws were defeated in the just-completed referendum with a rejection by the staff member class of 58% (No) to 44% (Yes). 76% of the listener members did not vote in the referendum, but of those who did, 56% supported the proposed new bylaws.”
the LA Progressive, which competes in the same market with Pacifica’s KPFK-FM. “
“that worksheet describes KPFK as the leading source of financial distress in the network, and identifies KPFA as the unit with the largest downward profit trend over the past 18 months.
The losses at KPFK have been alarming....“
+ “....a current proposal to remove accrued severance pay beyond 4 weeks for long-term employees at KPFK....”
+ “Roy of Hollywood’s long standing monetization of the overnight hours as a unique accomplishment within Pacifica....”
+ “....hope the PNB and SAG-AFTRA can work together to make reasonable expense cuts at KPFK.....”
[ A key player at board meetings: uses “trigger words,... blames “democratization” & “the magic words were referring to the $80,000 KPFA secretly transferred to the attorneys trying to shut down WBAI in 2019. “ ///////
credit: Chris Madden cartoons. thanx
Next subsequent article: Aug 1 2021 =
“On Friday, July 30 [2021], Judge Michael Stern dismissed the Pacifica Safety Net lawsuit for the failure to make a viable complaint after four tries. A demurrer filed by defendants Grace Aaron and Alex Steinberg was upheld without leave to amend and the plaintiff’s case dismissed with prejudice. The court order can be seen here.
The lawsuit began on Dec 8, 2020 with a demand for the court to take all of Pacifica’s assets, including its station licenses and real estate properties as well as all cash in bank and place them under the control of a San Bernardino attorney named Matthew Taylor under the supervision of the court. After that demand was rejected by the court...”
“...After the plaintiffs revised the complaint two more times, the court has now dispensed of it for inadequacy. .... KPFA, Pacifica’s Berkeley station, has been bearing the cost of the litigation iniated by the chair of their LSB....”
Next article there : “,,,The appeal is unlikely to succeed in anything other than wasting more money, as the dismissal was based on the faulty construction of the lawsuit, including the lack of a clear demand, a misunderstanding of the business judgment rule and as the judge stated: “a lack of facts to substantiate the bald conclusions”,,,
Re voters of listeners & staff -“ Pacifica’s members” - where more than 80% did not vote for/ in that attempted lawsuit [coup? Steal? Maneuver? ]:
credit" Chris Madden cartoons" - thanx
“Hopefully, the remaining 20% will align their priorities with the 80% going forward.” “They want radio news, information and entertainment, not bylaws”s
[END of excerpts from informative essential other site] [Plse see original article for fuller understanding of conflicts forever ongoing & repeated still....
[ Note: only the font emphases here were added & a bit of editorializing to make excerpts here clearer, easier to read has been done to basic holding to essential info there.]
credit= Chris Madden Cartoons - thanx
Re repeated pleas, threats, harangues, long demands for MORE MONEY –no other input wanted/ requested, unless a vote is needed to engage in internal conflicts...
“KPFK always has a fund drive in May and that fund drive always has a goal between $500,000 and $750,000. Every single year. Along with similar fund drives that generally occur in February, August and October.”
“The goal of each fund drive is to raise all or most of the station’s expenses of around $240,000 a month or $720,000 a quarter. If that money isn’t raised during the fundraising marathon, then the station will not have enough money to pay its bills”
“... allocation of the first PPP [fed funds] grant -which has been fully forgiven- ....
“KPFK received $322, 200.86 in Jan 2021, while KPFA received $365,434.51, KPFT received $35,142.78, WBAI received $93,946.23, WPFW received $111, 422.54, the Pacifica National office received $282,380.41 and the Pacifica Archives received $46,755.67 for a total of $1,257,284.00 - for the round of PPP funding.
According to those same financial statements, KPFK’s monthly payroll and benefits before recent layoffs averaged about $165,000 a month”
“...so $1.2 million in payroll protection funds would cover about 9 weeks of payroll and benefits....”
“...the profit and loss statement as of 2/28/2021 here. “
+ “KPFK, pays less than $100,000 a year to broadcast from Mt. Wilson or approximately $8,500 a month)”
+ “...the people who have “control of the national board” are the listener members and the staff. They vote for the delegates and the delegates chosen by the members vote for the national board members.....”
+”... Pacifica’s [2003] “democratization” process ......assigning 1 member, 1 vote. No matter whether you donate $25 a year, $2,500 a year or $25,000 a year, that still buys exactly 1 vote in the delegate elections...”
+ “...in addition to the annual financial audits (which are finally caught up on after a painful delay that began with the 2014 management coup by Margy Wilkinson), Pacifica has already been audited by the CPB (2011), and by the California Attorney General (2014-2015). Pacifica’s financial audits are posted as well on pacifica.org. All you have to do is look at them,...”
+”... in 2020, the wheels fell off and listener support dollars from the fundraising marathons declined to $2.1 million, a drop of $400,000 in a single year. And no listener died and left the station hundreds of thousands of dollars in their will in 2020...”
+ “KPFK posted a huge divisional deficit of -($697,000) in 2020.”
+”... KPFK was completely unable to pay for joint Pacifica expenses including auditor fees for the annual financial audits, legal fees, FCC compliance services, payroll administration, insurance, Audioport (the system that distributes Pacifica programs to the 200+ affiliated stations) and satellite fees – the parcel of expenses that are paid jointly as central services. KPFK had no money left...”
+” The station is out of money because its expenses are as high or higher than the revenue it has been able to raise.”
+ ” Lew Hill , founder, said that noncommercial radio was an interactive dance between broadcaster and audience, not just an exchange of currency, but a participatory dialogue between the broadcasting organization and the audience that supports it. That participatory dialogue should take place on-air – and off-air via governance.”
From https://pacificainexile.org/archives/9946#more-9946 May 2021
please give the radio station your own personal feedback -
about the ways they are stuck in place with same 'USERS" of all-our-air-waves and our $$$$ supporting the staff, expenses and whatever else goes into keeping KPFK on air....
as their boards are repeat-offenders & cronies keeping the illusion of POWER to be media and heard on net or radio - beyond what most who grab-stay-stuck-OWNING-their-spots on air...
there are a few standards, oldies, goodies, valuable who repeat and update their info... but the majority are clearly niche, fringe, very minority-supported and on KPFK just to prove "we do not skip or ignore any VICTIMS - self-defined or socially PC'd.
see KPFK's grid schedule to see how much: improvement / changes / new voices are there !
and do not use this site for those fake-comments that are adverts/ promos/ garbage please !
(c) mj - 2020 [1 of a few who care to provide this work, shared with no agenda/schemes ]