Saturday, June 18, 2016

KPFK has LSB elections coming - so nominate by June 30.

The KPFK story remains the same, though parts are falling away or failing without public notice. The few who dare expose what most donors to radio station Do Not Know and yet want to know and help are:

Roy Tuckman in his subscription - weekly listing his upcoming programs for the next week   HTTP://WWW.SOMETHINGSHAPPENING.COM

[[ anyone can go to and click on 'what shall happen' or 'what happened' for easy directions]]


and some re-postings are provided also here, hoping to 'get the real words' OUT, vs. their reverberating inside closed caves of the KPFK station, the LSB meetings [tho public the information is not always explained, intelligible, nor comment-able either- as much is discussed, written by LSB members secretly amongst each other than any public-member has NO access to learn ! ].

information culled from above sources continue here:

re: near-future fund drives - donations continually asked for and regular programming is interrupted constantly...

   June 20 - July 15 (or so - often extended longer) for a hoped for gain of  $560,000.


   Aug 16-31 for a goal of    $275,000.

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"The LSB election has been put on hold nationally due to budget shortfall "   - [whether it is local KPFK budget or national Pacifica's budget is not clear here ]

KPFK is having another local station board election ( a smaller one this year). Elections by the bylaws  should be done 2 out of every 3 years.

We need  any and all listeners, donors, members  with their willingness to work as volunteer [no reimbursement has been ever indicated] with  ideas - especially  if they "have talents, abilities, experiences" to add to the skills of the already elected  LSB  members (Local Station Board).

... nominations close June 30 (you  can nominate yourself). The biggest difficulty is to get the required 15 signatures, to be nominated - but there are and hopefully will still be available - gatherings at the station just for that purpose. That is where a bunch of people will sign your petition. 

[The exact process sounds vague and suspicious, as if knowing 'others' who attend is helpful to get those signatures, or who exactly is qualified to sign your nominating petition.

Further inquiries about the process can possibly be gained from phoning directly to the station and asking receptionist or a staff there :

                       1-818- 985-2711

Should you get elected - it is a crucially important position - but also a difficult one, frustrating, and sometimes gratifying, this puts you into position to make important decisions that are necessary.  New members and fresh alternative views are needed though the old-guard keeps revolving back in.

Now, lately a better local board has emerged and it is crucial to help keep them free from other power-grabbing or manipulative ideologues- as it appears there are those taking power positions who want to destroy or usurp the radio station by letting/ or leading it into bankruptcy. 

There are various people who claim the LSB, with their own agendas, some acting as proxies or agents of other Pacifica groups, and a bunch of  time-wasters too.

For more, please  info go to

Remember, the end time for nominations is June 30. so TAKE ACTION now ! and let others you know about this rare opportunity to be actually Involved [vs. just listening and wondering outside] in the improvement and functioning of KPFK ! ”

(c) 2016  mj


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