Tuesday, December 22, 2015

KPFK: program changes ? Eliminations ? Financial discrepancies? Archives failing? more….

                                                        KPFK  Program changes …… 

Are program changes made by unilaterally made by a few cronies running KPFK now, with less stability of regular favorites available and experimentation may help or wreck listenership…
and how long will it take to find out if KPFK can ‘maintain’ = survive=continue on       ….in any/ all ways ? 

It was heard that KPFK’s general Manager announced [some, how many ?] undefined program changes for January. such ambiguities and lack of specifics is wholly unhelpful and uninformative, and sounds more like a warning than a managerial announcement. 

That is less than 1 month from this date and advance notices to employees, staff and volunteers is also “good business practices” as seen/ heard at other corporations. 

              FINANCES…..   hmmmm... not looking good or self-sustaining ....

$$$$ does not seem to be either coming “in” nor are long begging sessions keeping listeners listening any more. Plus the books look like they have been cooking and overboiled and spoiled already too….Bank reconciliations do not prove honesty prevails or numbers can be validated…hmmm

And…then let’s us as members, donors also look at what is happening to Finances at KPFK:
It’s bank reconciliations are still not done and have been transferred to the national office for completion and further adjustments…” 

while the 2014 audit has not yet been completed either. 

Ms. Radford instead encouraged f.t. employees to quit. She instead was offering them buyouts - on a 6-month installment plan. Then she conveniently blamed the National Finance Committee instead, for her broken promises to her staff. This is done after that same committee was disbelieving that KPFK could even produce what they need to $ raise:  $550,000 annually in “silent drives”. 

[ if ‘silent’ means not the same as when louder on-air fund drives are perpetually on air ?    or are these another  kind of donation solicitation – a different effective version ? Like the KPFK website that has been neglected and not updated, that resource is suppose to elicit more $$$ by it’s silent self ?  huh ? 

Especially when  KPFK “has already said it intends to default on past-due premium gifts for subscribers unless compelled by “legal actionto provide what was paid for and promised at various prior fund $ drives? 

Is this how KPFK management solves it’s problems by reneging on promises ? 

By ignoring debts owed ? By cheating pledge-paid-donors from their promised premiums, for which they donated generously ? 

What is this new management style ?

Or  to get $$$  from the richer folks to give of their wealth maybe?   How are ‘silent’ solicitations done and why do they not produce enough $$$  to prevent the long, exhausting, irritating, begging that is repeated so, so frequently on air. Just what is that ‘silent drive’ and does it produce much? ].   

Ms. Radford  then proposed to run a donation request drive for 95 days and hope, maybe, to raise $6,000 a day via the website.  But the KPFK website [KPFK.org] apparently has no one updating it, nor staff dedicated to serving and uploading on it. 

Plus the website was also broken and “out” for much of the prior 2 months. Who is watching the store ? Anyone ?  

Then the serious problem of prior promises that full time staff’s work hour reductions at  KPFK would end in December. This sounds like it may not be so. Just a week about 24 grievances with SAG-AFTRA  will go into arbitration on December 13th.  Mgr. Radford now  told the station’s staff they would not be restored to full time work in January as previously promised. What ? Why the delay or change of plans ?  

Note also that SAG-AFTRA union staffers, who were previously informed that their involuntary cuts to 1/2 status would end at the end of 2015, after which they would resume their full duties. But now the PNB-finance committee changed the story: now the message is that “ the restoration of staff hours will be contingent upon, and proportional to, the achievement of fundraising goals in the budget”. 

Good luck, if any can be found, in achieving “GOALS” set at any high level, but hardly ever, ever being reached …ever reached?   How clever a ploy to insure that the delayed re-hiring can be avoided, especially with the regular donations & listeners going down…down…down………and almost ‘out’ now….

and then….the Pacifica Finance committee [ = KPFK’s national umbrella org]  voted to go on vacation and let the holidays keep the debt collectors away, maybe….  by taking a month long vacation between December 15, 2015  thru  January 19, 2016.   
Enjoy yourselves, dearies !!

Maybe these authorized PNB folk hope for some magic to erase the oversights, the errors and  all the $$$-questions of 2015 ? 

Plus forget that the audits were not done for 2014 and 2015, so are now way overdue too?   Well, Hawaii may not be their main vacation choice, but why not take a nice trip away from the Pacifica turmoils that they will be leaving left unresolved- the 5 station + affiliates can well fend for themselves meanwhile, right  ? No, no sunshine here

   Audio Archives are hardly available anymore. What gives or doesn’t any more ? 

KPFK’s infrastructural breakdowns  continue and even to worsen, with the Archives uploader, which has been broken since Dec 6 and because of that lack of maintenance the station has  prevented all website after-broadcasted listening for most of the station’s programs. 

This lack of maintenance will be blamed on ‘look, no money, ma !” but is probably more that the staff attempting to replace those fired/reduced paid staffers are unable and not knowledgeable enough to do proper Upkeep.

And so current staff cant keep the Promises made for years about programs being available for Afterwards Listening too,  for those who can’t listen ‘on time’. Archival access is an important way to retain listeners and donors, as more limited program access means less interest and trust in KPFK’s stability &, reliability.

     Debts need to be paid and arbitration completed satisfactorily. But not done yet.

While KPFK still  struggles for cash needed to run the heavy radio station, and it prepared for the  difficult December 13,2015 arbitration with SAG-AFTRA, GM L. Radford and one faction continued meanwhile to pursue replacing of  many profitable-programs with even less-profitable programs.  

The station’s unionized  staff already has made some $150,000 in concessions before,   but it appears that station’s debts were not fully or mostly paid down, not yet. 

So it appears that the both the broadcast and website digital infrastructures  may just continue on to deteriorate.  And there seems to be no fail-safe plans or strategies in effect. What can or will save KPFK?

[ NOTE: some information has been culled and learned from : http://pacificainexile.org/archives/    and more details and information can be found there. ]

(c) 2015    bt   on  commentary above

KPFK- where is the money ? How are nominations conducted ?

                                       Pacifica Elections, includes KPFK elections too

The troubled  Pacifica and local [LSB]  board elections continue to delay and lack Quorum, the # needed to be a valid election. So…the elections have been extended until January 4 , 2016

This current election is and has been, a chaos and a mess.  There have been many Complaints from paid-up-subscribers, who  have who say they can’t get their ballots at all, or they have not been sent ballots, even while they are fully eligible. 

Some have even received 2-3 ballots !? . This is showing the election process being poorly run  and may even be mishandled because of  ‘conflicts of interests’.

The Election Supervisor’s direct supervisor [ who is Ms. Brazon, who is now  Also the iED of Pacifica]  AND is currently also a nominated candidate – at the very same time. hOW IS THIS POSSIBLE ? Legal or good business practices even at a non-profit corporation ?  Does this double-entry have an explanation ? Or is there a "mistake" to be revealed or apologized for ?

Does that double-named-entry in functions then imply that the candidate has an unfair advantage:  being boss of election supervisor at same election in which they are running too 
Are there are other ‘irregularities’ yet undiscovered?

Doesn’t this lead to questions of who and how is running what ?
And is corruption not then possible ?    

 Hoping for honesty may never be enough. CeRtainly not at Pacifica’s doing and undoings so far.

And yet another conflictual relationship is the Elections Committee Chair [Bob Lederer] and his 5 other election committee members relationships that  are not free from other commitments too- those with workers who  also have election responsibilities. 

How can any election be trusted when in-group influences are denied but obviously there and probable, like some other nation’s elections that monitored are called “invalid” whatever the results. This is not much different here.

In prior Pacifica elections both candidates and interested parties could [and should]  observe vote counts  that were held at local community centers or at the radio stations themselves. But this year is different and it is said it might be in Canada   

Note: Pacifica and all  it’s radio stations are all in USA. …

Neither the election supervisor nor the company paid to conduct the voting has to date revealed where the ballot count will be held. Nor has anyone been willing to admit needed to validate and confirm practices observers. Aside from the question if anyone can be found to do the “observing” as voting at many national polling is regularly done for good reasons…and maybe it would be difficult to ask volunteers to be willing to travel to some remote location, probably on their own “dime” .
KPFK radio station’s decline or demise ?

Internal absolutely-needed structures have  broken-down at KPFK as this radio station [of 55 years duration so far]  continues declining in many aspects and  at a surprising rapid-decay pace.

 After the station in Sept reduced its entire paid-staff work force to 50% time and laid off its webmaster. Many essential staff needed for efficiency and on-air-consistency are gone. 

We have not been given information as to who has ‘volunteered’ their un-paid time or when the full-time employment may be reinstated. 

  The station’s December fund drive was scheduled to begin on Dec 7, but it could not because the station’s phones and internal WiFi  had broken down ! Imagine that happening anywhere in a business, non-profit, or corporation.  

 It should be hardly possible to have major assets dysfunctioning this way, even temporarily, without a pre-planned backup in place - to revive elections quickly into operation.   

That would be Good Business Practices ? But where are they  at Pacifica or individual stations, like KPFK ???

Where is the money ? 

Then, receipts on the 1st day  of the delayed begging-session was on Tuesday and that came in at $17,000, which sounds like a lot to you and me, but results in  less received.    In the previous fund drive which resulted in  $19,000 as a daily average.

And then,  KPFK averaged $30,000 a day two years ago. What is so different with the station or it’s donors, listeners, stakeholders now ? , with several programs have become  permanently unavailable on Archives or to listen to after original presentation,  and others may or not be uploaded manually, maybe not  ……

...the website still features the pledge thermometer from the *last* in November fund drive which is over while another one is on air now, again and yet again and again……

Premiums are not easy or even findable on website, so to check out further what it was that was advertised on air difficult if not impossible. Websites are intended to INFORM and provide more DATA and yet KPFK has somehow lost it’s relevance..

The technical mess is exacerbating subscriber losses in LA, ……a subscriber signed off and is no longer listening or paying up either…..”

note: information and some stats are culled from http://pacificainexile.org  and comments added herein as well separately but inserted in that information located on web.

(c) 2015     mj 

Pacifica Nat'l Board trickery noted..plus more

(c) 2016 K-blogger    somewhere... far far away... from Pacifica's troubles
and the PNB members have chosen to leave their duties now to go elsewhere, where difficulties may disappear ? of course, holy days are times of vacation for everyone but usually someone remains behind to take care of timely duties that need to be DONE, right?

The regular selection of 2 Pacifica National Board [PNB] affiliate members  from EACH radio station  for 2016  -  to be selected from the  entire 200-station network of Pacifica’s nationwide programming affiliates -  has been Avoided ! 

By the suspiciously serious ‘error’ [or a clever neglect or  ‘ deliberate-forgetting’ ?] by the PNB board majority - which has thereby  failed to openly announce to all the PNB-nominating affiliate members,  that  their PNB nominations were now open for new members’ seating from each and every radio station.

Then, that same blind PNB board majority only appointed the 1-only applicant, the only one  who knew to then apply.   

And  apparently  as no one else even knew the application period was then open to them too. the result is almost no changes to PNB members and majority-  so the same old PNB can continue to exert full Control and Influence to maintain and pursue their own personal interests and station-grabs [as stations fail, sell assets, go bankrupt, are indebted and become ‘servants’ to be bought by any other ‘outside’ foundation.]

This neglect or “mistake” of informing and holding OPEN nominating periods to all who are eligible to then join the old-stuck-PNB is an act that  looks very smelly, fishy and suspicious - as there could have been at least 200-400 nominations for PNB, but is not now.

This neglect of duties is more than suspicious and questionable. Avoiding any disrupting the power-grabbing-retaining-forever PNB of now, that currently stone-facedly hold on tightly to their positions, that PNB are thus excluding any other views or improved agendas.

It has also been noticed that “The new board member who was then appointed does not meet the bylaws requirements” so that may be unlawful and contested. Then no new PNB members have been allowed into the ‘old-grasped-&-held and the already-established-exclusive-elite PNB club’.  

That 1-only nominated PNB person belongs to a affiliate station that has  not yet been put    on the air, nor signed a Pacifica affiliates agreement, both required first,  in order to then also be eligible to nominate an affiliate ‘director’ for PNB, as others too must be. [PNB are also called ‘directors’ of the national umbrella Pacifica board  often overriding  the [LSB] local station boards.]

information above culled from pacificainexile.org = the only internet source of updates of what is happening in Pacifica and it's individual 5+ radio stations.... 

parts of above commentary are (c) 2015   rt  BB  

KPFK FINANCES - premiums denied payors, lack of sponsor support noted.

Information culled & some excerpted from the only online resource available: pacificainexile.org

A preliminary financial statement issued last week by the Pacifica national office showed a massive loss of listener support dollars (i.e fund drive pledges) of $1.6 million from fiscal 2014 to fiscal 2015.  

The drop from $10.54 million in 2014 to $8.93 million in 2015 is nine times larger than any loss of listener support in the preceding 4 years. Listener support was at $10.39 million in 2011.

At KPFK, the listener support numbers are $3.15 million in 2011, $2.99 million in 2012, $3.06 million in 2013, $3.23 million in 2014 and $2.96 million in 2015…………on December 14th, 

Meanwhile, KPFA reported $6,300 in pledges for Uprising. KPFK reported $370. On December 15th, KPFA reported $3,250 in pledges for Letters and Politics. 
KPFK reported $0.

Meanwhile, the new Gen'l Mgr Leslie Radford ….is apparently the breaking of her promise to restore union staff  [from 50% time paid ]  to full schedules by January 2016……….and then Radford stuck to her guns about not paying past due premium bills either.  

She described the unpaid bills as totalling $70,000, which loosely represents about half a million dollars in pledges from 3,000 people. Whopping big numbers to disregard and create bad will both inside with staff and with listener-stakeholders.

Radford then disclosed an offer for KPFK to sell its building and then lease it back from the buyer, purchasing the same piece of property twice. 

(c) 2015 K-blogger -- move from KPFK  bldg on Cahuenga move to another home ? ...like here ? purty, cheaper too.

Selling the building is akin to saying the radio station cannot afford to work within there and moving elsewhere is not only disruptive but may signal the clear END OF WHAT WAS KPFK for so many broadcasting years. 

Can the Manager undermine the whole radio station by herself or even with some cronies on the local board ? 

Is the chop-off-at-the-knees that easy to do ? legally ?   

How is it possible to play property ownership games with a non-profit's land ownership ?

Pacifica: the organization, has already been under CA Attorney General investigation for a year,,,,

NOTE for Activists:   For readers who may wish to do more, any donor to a California-based not for profit organization like Pacifica may file a complaint to the open file at the Registry of Charitable Trusts at the Office of the CA Attorney General. Pacifica’s case number is CT011303. The form and instructions for filing may be downloaded here.

KPFK  management has already said it intends to default on past-due premium gifts for subscribers unless compelled by “legal action”. Radford described the unpaid bills as totalling $70,000, which loosely represents about half a million dollars in pledges from 3,000 people……. 

whereas the New York station -  WBAI  - has already seen revenues collapse by close to a million dollars in 2015  due to 4,000 premiums not being sent to subscribers who ordered them

A preliminary financial statement issued recently by th umbrella org: Pacifica national office , showed a massive loss of listener support dollars  in their  fund drive pledges) of $1.6 million from fiscal 2014 to fiscal 2015. …… 

Listener support was at $10.39 million in 2011.”  that is just 4 years ago. 

Thus the current support is 1/10 of  what  $ came in support just a few years before this infighting chaos occurring and the  pre-emptive  coming-capture of a self-destructive Pacifica -  with KPFK being one of it’s 2 prime radio stations that is obviously FAILING fast, even now.

some parts above are (c) 2015     rt 

Repeat: KPFK NEEDS ALL VOTES - now please !

The deadline is Jan 4th - coming soon - or KPFK gets stuck with Old-Past-Due board-members -- those who have let the station Down this perilous financial loss path to now... VOTE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE

[ this a repost of information of how to access YOUR KPFK ballot now] - - - - - -- --- - - - - - ----
IMPORTANT ADVICE (even if you only vote for one person, your ballot will help make quorum)
Our Board of Directors Election is ongoing until Jan. 4th, 2016. If enough voters don’t vote, the election will “fail” and KPFK will not have any duly elected Board Members at all! (just the same ones again and we will continue the same way we are headed, from "Pacifica Powerhouse" to "Need more fund drives")
There are 2 opposing groups of 20-25 candidates each - one slate and one faction. They slates the “Committee to Strengthen KPFK” http://CandidateSlate.org/ and the “Grassroots Community Radio Coalition” http://GCRC-SoCal.org/.
Unfortunately, a lot of eligible voters have not received their ballots.
First, check for an email from “Pacifica Foundation”. Pacifica has many voter e-addresses & sent links to online voting October 22ndwhich some voters discarded.
If you find no online ballot, go to http://Elections.Pacifica.org/ and click the button titled “MISSING BALLOT?” which takes you to a ballot application form.
The form allows for online or paper ballots. With Jan 4 looming, I suggest online...Unless you have no computer, then ask for a Paper ballot.
BUT include the following information in the “Additional Notes” section.
1.The check or credit card date AND the amount of your donation of $25 or more, BETWEEN Aug. 18, 2014 and Aug. 17, 2015. Only donations of $25 or more WITHIN THIS TIME PERIOD qualify a person to vote in the current election. A donation for a premium DOES qualify you.
2. If $50 or more was donated jointly with a 2nd household member during this time period, that person is eligible to vote. Fill in the application with the 2nd household member’s information from their First Name to their Email Address.

On the “Additional Notes” section of the application, state that the contribution was a joint donation from both of you, both your names, the date and the amount of your $50 or greater donation. If neither voter got a ballot, send an application for each person, again stating the joint donation nature for each person.
3. If you think you donated during this period, but find no report of the donation date or amount, state that in the “Additional Notes” section and send in the application anyway.
Please ! ~ Tell & call your friends & inform whom you wonder if they too are KPFK listeners or know of others= tell those at every event you attend - thru Jan. 4th.

Call or write King Reilly, for any questions, 323-839-0985, kingreilly@roadrunner.com

More info at article https://www.laprogressive.com/kpfk-board-election/

- - -- - - - [end of repost section] - - - - - - -

                             and the radio station info is :
          http://KPFK.org        Tel. 818 987 2711 x 0          work hours 9 am - 5 pm

                                             or email anytime

or go to No Hollywood location and demand your ballot and file a complaint if necessary [address & directions are all on website, including management named there too.

Before it is Too Late and all regret inaction and neglect , these attempts to resurrect and correct and follow the prior  ignored bylaws [with unverifiable excuses by those who want to stay stuck in Board status power positions ] .....

the deadline coming Jan 4, 2016 may decide if the slide down into being taken over by a few for the many can maybe be averted.
(c) 2015      rt - BB

Sunday, December 20, 2015

It is now time: to VOTE on KPFK or else it may be a lost cause or sold away.

The urgency of to have a full QUORUM of voters before Jan 4, 2016 is being announced on Radio Station KPFK, 90.7 Fm in L.A. that has a broadcast reach past this county into San Diego, and Santa Barbara and is also sponsored by listeners on it’s website at http://KPFK.org.   

There is a threat and signs of bankruptcy or assets being sold for maintainance money and some KPFA board and atty connivers set to take away-over all of Pacifica’s Foundation, by replicating similarly it’s name.
this is a repost from a warning received from someone who knows more than any ‘outside’ listener-sponsor or donor who has no access to what is actually HAPPENING inside the bowels of Our PAID FOR radio station. Those who have been sustainers, payers and volunteers are given very little direct information of the turmoil, dangers, financial audit and Pacifica meeting it’s financial obligations [i.e. it’s loss of prior CPB $1,000,000/ per yr – not rec’d last 2 years due to not having audited Pacifica’s books in time ! and more ] :

         ------------  reposts from a staff email is “quoted” below  -------------


IMPORTANT ADVICE (even if you only vote for one person, your ballot will help make quorum)

Our Board of Directors Election is ongoing until Jan. 4th, 2016. If enough voters don’t vote, the election will “fail” and KPFK will not have any duly elected Board Members at all! (just the same ones again and we will continue the same way we are headed, from "Pacifica Powerhouse" to "Need more fund drives")

There are 2 opposing groups of 20-25 candidates each - one slate and one faction. They slates the “Committee to Strengthen KPFK” http://CandidateSlate.org/ and the “Grassroots Community Radio Coalition” http://GCRC-SoCal.org/.

Unfortunately, a lot of eligible voters have not received their ballots.
First, check for an email from “Pacifica Foundation”. Pacifica has many voter e-addresses & sent links to online voting October 22ndwhich some voters discarded.

If you find no online ballot, go to http://Elections.Pacifica.org/ and click the button titled “MISSING BALLOT?” which takes you to a ballot application form.

The form allows for online or paper ballots. With Jan 4 looming, I suggest online.
Unless you have no computer, then ask for a paper ballot.

BUT include the following information in the “Additional Notes” section.

1.The check or credit card date AND the amount of your donation of $25 or more, BETWEEN Aug. 18, 2014 and Aug. 17, 2015. Only donations of $25 or more WITHIN THIS TIME PERIOD qualify a person to vote in the current election. A donation for a premium DOES qualify you.

2. If $50 or more was donated jointly with a 2nd household member during this time period, that person is eligible to vote. Fill in the application with the 2nd household member’s information from their First Name to their Email Address. 

On the “Additional Notes” section of the application, state that the contribution was a joint donation from both of you, both your names, the date and the amount of your $50 or greater donation. If neither voter got a ballot, send an application for each person, again stating the joint donation nature for each person.

3. If you think you donated during this period, but find no report of the donation date or amount, state that in the “Additional Notes” section and send in the application anyway.

Tell & call your friends & inform those at every event you attend until Jan. 4th.

LIVE PERSON TO CONTACT VIA PHONE OR EMAIL:    King Reilly, for any questions, 323-839-0985, kingreilly@roadrunner.com More info at article https://www.laprogressive.com/kpfk-board-election/”

 - - - - - -- - - - - - -- Program Scheduling and Website - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - -

“SOMETHING’S HAPPENING!” program is available to be heard after broadcast times, but only on the website:    KPFK can be heard streaming live online at http://www.kpfk.org/ and click on ‘Listen Live.’ Times are Pacific Time “

 WHAT HAPPENED : at the Mon-Thur Midnight-6am show by Roy Tuckman ?

“Any program information not included in the program guide – guests, websites, contact information, music and comedy breaks, etc. can be found later at http://www.somethingshappening.com and click on ‘what happened?’ ”


KPFK’s Winter mini-drive with a hoped for goal of $500k will be held December 7 - (about) 22nd. The February fund drive will be held Feb 2 to  Feb 23rd with a possible goal of $750k. Then the Spring fund drive will be held May 2- May 22 with a goal of $630k and then July will have the Summer mini drive for $500 k for 18 days.”

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -[end of reposts]-------------------

(c) 2015 K-blogger --   

yes.  Xmas means giving by those 'watching'.... or if anyone or radio station has been "bad" or "worse" then  they may get stones instead of $$$ cash ? This giving season is not unconditional, not to 'little children', nor to non-profited big organizations either...hmmmmmm

About the prior “AUDIO ARCHIVES” that have deteriorated in last few months:

Unfortunately  KPFK has  lost  it’s paid-staff webmaster and the archives is now limited to a few pre set programs, not including “Something’s Happening!”  - that plays many self-help, spiritual, meditation, and earlier years Old Radio programs that many listeners also home-record for later listening. The only way to hear the program is to listen during broadcast hours on the radio or the web.

See more re website problems noted here in prior posts.

And there have been web black out days due to lack of paying important bills and other discrepancies that were noted when attempting to search KPFK’s website recently.

The listener fall-out has reduced the audiences and the difficulties at Pacifica stations with factions in-fighting fiercely has further alienated those previously loyal to KPFK too.

The lack of  KPFK voters interested or involved in this election brings the danger that all those whose prior positions on Boards remain long after their time has actually expired. Which means that some of those retaining Power Positions and Influencing only their version of what is best for everyone else is being exploited and allowed. 

That is not fair, just or as any rules or bylaws intend. Thus the spirit of any laws are to allow Updated Voting and changes, corrections and new members to help improve all that has gone awry.

One unusual problem that has not been elsewhere addressed is when a donor gives a large amount at one ‘fund $ drive’ request. That is counted by KPFK as a 1-time ‘gift’  that counts only for that 1 year. While that donor may not be able or willing to make further donations and counts that amount to cover ‘future years as well’ and not just 1 of many donations made. 

The ability to vote is lost or discounted after that 1 same year that this donation was given. Unfair ? yes.

 I.e. One tithing donation was given for $6,000 a few years ago. At the usual $50/yr membership to KPFK rate, that would extend the membership and thus voting rights for many years forward. But no. 

That membership is cleverly eliminated after the 1 yr and more is always demanded and expected again and again. That weariness and ‘compassion-exhaustion’ or even losing-loyalty takes place of wanting to contribute any more. Unfair calculations also lead to alienation.

But, those who have either volunteered at the radio station for 3 hrs/ this year or contributed $25 in donations should be eligible to VOTE NOW…for there may not be as many future elections if things continue to decay and diminish as they seem to be now. 

Don’t let this radio outlet down or it will go ‘out’ and alternative views, voices, opinions and even strange/weird exhortations and attitudes will be silenced and hidden. To learn about all possible versions of what is ‘reality’, or wanted politically, or is produced media but not well distributed, KPFK still remains the local source for a broad, fuller  expositional & educational media.       

(c) 2015  mj                             

Friday, December 11, 2015

More troubles? KPFK's got 'em.

OUR radio station must become more functional to have donors pay up ...to maintain the station. However, some signs of deterioration and neglect keep appearing. Sad. Scary. Can it die away ?     


a desolate scene, like KPFK has become, one of dying lands and radio stations that are almost sun-setted back into earth, having been unable to keep up with what is needed to Grow, to Thrive, to Function Competently....sadly going into desert sands  
* foto credit [photosbyalexandria.com] 
                                             KPFK website problems: 
“the increasing dysfunctional KPFK website was losing its vital Internet stream from November 25 to December 2015.

And then the station had its program archives break down again on December 2, which was the 2nd time in 3 weeks !

KPFK had fired its union-member webmaster back in September. It seems that KPFK has since then been unable to keep its website, online, essential presence via Internet since then.

Various disorders have appeared and no updated is being presented for anyone interested in vesting or investing in the radio station via a donation.

Yes. everyone knows all well that the website is an vital and important way to connect -- to far-away from LA listeners, like many truck drivers on the road who listen especially during 24 hr nite hours, and those who have ‘subscribed’ and paid up but live and listen On Line, their being out of reach to local signal.

One man subscribed to KPFK because he could still hear his favorite program when being transferred to China. The Internet is essential. So why the neglect ? The lack of attention to a vital asset ?

Media must be attentive, up-to-date and trustworthy.
According to KPFK employees who attended the meeting, they were also told that they could not work from home for “liability reasons”, plus, of course, the station’s “gag rule was fully in effect” as before to reduce transparency and avoid criticisms.

And the station was said it needed “better programs” [what is “better” and who defines that ? ] and the programmers also Need to Make More Money ! …especially between 7 PM and 7 AM. The night hours.

While Spanish programming [5 hrs a day] lack of ability to raise much sustaining cash is seldom address, a hidden shame tho unadmitted.

Roy of Hollywood’s, whose programs cover 4 all night hours [12M to 6 am Mon-Thurs] are overnight programming that he produces. His programs result in the highest overnight revenues in the 5-station network. most of which usually raise almost no $$$ in the midnight to 4 am hours.

Meanwhile, KPFK’s lowest fund drive totals are generally seen on the weekends. That is when daily revenues plunge by more than 50% during the repeated fund drives. So weekends must be reviewed as to programming selections and old-timers that refuse to give up their decades long clinging to on-air spots, not sharing with alternative, experimental, ‘other’ voices, not all of an angry shout or complaining version either.

The emphasis to bias towards racial minorities may be addressed elsewhere but never admitted nor acknowledged by anyone in KPFK, as it has been and continues more to be the prevailing slant of Pacifica’s managers and program directors.

Some listeners have ‘tuned out’ due to the biases, prejudices, slants and limited versions of what is called ‘history’, ‘news’, current events, and revelations from ‘other voices’. When angry accusations sound loud and disturbing, many listeners have moved their money and sounds elsewhere instead but not dared to complain or be accused of being bad people.

But some have carefully indicated their freedom to shift away, from being blamed or by implication accused of being ‘bad’ and ‘part of the problem’ by some angry, virulent or bold programmers. 

To experiment with a variety of topics, voices, dissenters and programs, and then after a PROBATIONARY period set and not-extended, a different set of voices, opinions, viewpoints and concerns can be heard, even on KFPK, without “selling out” to anyone. There is little experimentation or exploration being done at KPFK, as can be noted, and if so, the old-timers holders-on-to-their-entitlements would not be complaining about being moved, [they are not, only paid programmers are being reduced or eliminated... is it to save money ? but not 'volunteer' unpaid programmers who remain to death, in place].

The fear and danger is that some programs may ‘turn off and out’ many listeners and less $$$ will be returned for station maintenance.

But no one seems to admit that the repetition-factor is just as un-listenable-to as dullness of the same themes, same repeated programmers just repeat their memes and views, and nothing creative nor innovative has a space to enter and revive KPFK.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

KPFK Website in error, difficult to search and find and what does this mean about functionality ? huh ?

We went to see KPFK.org website on Dec 8 2015
This is what  KPFK website says or doesn't:

1.    We cant find list of premiums for fund-drive, like the begging for credit $$$  that just started AGAIN today Tues Dec 8 !!!!   

The Premiums promoted on air were not on website, or ...may be hard to find, other than the KPFK logo  items themselves. But not  those sold as LISA’s premiums that were announced on air 11AM today  - but website has just LOGO items that can be found. 
Why is this happening?  Has the webmaster been fired ? 

or someone else hacked the KPFK website to make the management/staff look more incompetent ? 

or is no one now in charge of the internet info and access ? 

dunno...  strange happenings there...unexplained.

we got to KPFK from google search: [so must be a fresh link ] 

1.   Then, Listed as today at 11am : website shows a  Beto Arcos pgrm on now, when it actually is heard on air as a promo with Christine and Lisa instead…== website shows wrong INFo !!   This is BAD for public relations – creates an untrustworthy organization !!! If  info on web is outdated or wrong, what does that say about what is occurring at KPFK inside ? in management ? in staffing duties ? in oversight ? in functionality ? what is going on ?????

2.   Also on website, noted that LSB meetings for December has 2 listings, as if ...twi meetings were scheduled, or happening 2x  in Dec 2015 ? If so, why ? If not, why ?

One was  posted "Feb" 2015 for Dec 20 meeting  and one posted on "Nov" 2015 for Dec 27.
So what is to be believed ?       Why does anyone need to do more searching or contacting ?
Is this a deliberate or accidental disguising of actual LSB meeting date now ? Or totally unrealized error and neglect to inform the KPFK paying public when their Board meets ? 

3.                   re elections: Website reads exactly as below [copied]:
- - - - - - -
"Elections Extension     
Parent Category: Front Page        Created on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 14:11
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 14:11
 Written by Leslie Radford               Hits: 674
M E M O R A N D U M     TO: Lydia Brazon, Interim Executive Director
Bob Lederer, Pacifica National Board, Elections Committee Chair
FROM: L. Joy Williams, National Election Supervisor
DATENovember 23, 2015
RE: Extension of Voting at KPFK

 Please be advised that the ballot return deadline has been extended for the Listener and Staff elections at KPFK until Monday, January 4th, 2016.
 The unexpected resignation of the Local Election Supervisor delayed the scheduling of the Listener candidate on-air forums, Fair Campaign Provision complaint decisions and the management of the candidate cart schedule. Additionally, there have been delivery delays in voters receiving their ballots.

Based on these collective issues, I do not believe the station would meet the required quorum by December 4th and therefore it is my opinion that an extension is necessary.
Article 4: Section 5 of the Pacifica Bylaws allow me to extend the election by up to four weeks. Extending the election 4 weeks would put the Election Close Date on New Year’s Day, a federal holiday. To avoid the holiday, the election will be extended to the next business day.
This memo has also been posted on the elections website here http://elections.pacifica.org/wordpress/?p=2280
 L. Joy Williams   National Election Supervisor Pacifica Foundation
(347) 699-2914        nes@pacifica.org     http://elections.pacifica.org
Moving on up!    Parent Category: Front Page    Created on Tuesday, 06 October 2015 17:29         Last Updated on Monday, 30 November 2015 15:50   
Written by Leslie Radford          Hits: 1235"
- - - - --

It appears that there are again 2 listings that do not conjoin or coordinate with different dates. How confusing !   Who is to believed and when ?

4.  Next. Problem. Copied from KPFK website: 

 “Main phone: (818) 985-2711 - Fax: (818) 763-7526 - Studio phone: (818) 985-5735
Copyright © 2016 KPFK. All Rights Reserved.”

Really. Can anything be  copywritten be ahead of year we are in now ?  How far ahead can we copyright things, assuming we/ the entity will still be the same 0ne
and stay in charge of that right ?   

5.        Apparently, KPFK  now ha Ebay as their on line purchasing agreement for an “auction” …. huh ? Siince when do we have to enter into contract with Ebay ?  to purchase stuff from KPFK, even if all proceeds go to radio station, so they say.

6.  http://www.kpfk.org/index.php/program-comments#.VmdMUzfJZn4   This is the  online feedback for programs link… but Question remains from many many years : do they answer these  ?    or how do we know our writings are read ?  By whom ? Staff or volunteer ? 

While previously we  could never even get a confirmation of receipt or be assured that our time spent on composed email  had been read, so is it different now ? 

web says: " message will be read by a member of the Local Station Board Programming Oversight Committee. A response will be sent back to you if you provided your email above"….but that group may not be an actual voting LSB member [have power to discuss anything with other LSB members, vs. public members that speak for 2 min and are not valued, heard, or responded to at LSB meetings ] 

 -- but perhaps....it would be answered by  someone who goes to that committee’s meetings only and has no influence,power,say-so about anything they write ? who is to know and there is no real way to find out except by going thru all the motions to "try" and "experiment" and waste more time finding out that there is a 'live wire' there and helpful.?.

7.             We did a website search for “premiums Dec 2015” and 5 results showed, But none of these  listed the premiums NOW being sold ON AIR  = ON DEC 8 2015… what gives or doesn't at our paid-for radio station?   Dysfunctional website ?  
Not updated ? 
No one cares ? 
or are these many signs of decay and deterioration already ? 

nor can any current premium-list be found on website NOW ! 
so anyone, e.g. today,  hearing a premium being offered, “for $125” that was  said [maybe in a prior recording > but that was  not so acknowledged either ] by Lisa Garr.  

And to find out who is else is speaking, & being interviewed, [as names are often muttered or not spelled out and often inaudible or not easily identifiable ] and whose product was being used to elicit donations to KPFK... and who may be PAID for such premiums [or not, sponsors do not know which are or not, as this is not exposed or revealed], ...the WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION … 

Result:  thus the premium is not purchased after all.

8.   The KPFK website no longer has a way of seeing all items to find a separate page of such areas, such as program “schedule” , as the link when clicked shows up in small box  [ sized about 1/8 page]” at top of page, and is not a full page for easy reading or copying. 

This poor presentation may leave some donors frustrated and disappointed, at not finding even basic KPFK program information !!!    So then only when more searching is needed, and tab on top that says “PROGRAMS” is investigated, ahhh, then what appears a list subset -  that  also lists word “schedule” -  which finally does provide a page of what has been changing a lot lately. We "should have known ? Where to look to find an important aspect of radio : it's program schedule ? 

We should know better, the staff surely claim, blame the customer vs. the website displayer, of course !   

We must spend more time searching There vs. doing and going elsewhere ? huh ?

The frequent changes of programs, times, staff and programmers leaving their prime access times to search for elsewhere -[ and  using KPFK on their resumes too to raise their expertise too , maybe ? ] the schedule is a vital part of any media website as this info is used frequently, especially when things are falling humpty-dumpty-styled.

For example, Today -  Dec. 8 2015 –at the 11 am, Tues, listed is: a “Global Village” time slot on KPFK  “schedule” page - but it does NOT show who is programming  or what is being presented. Nor what is currently substituted in instead of usual program for fund drive.  For a surprise ? For lack of time to update or help any listener interested in knowing if they ever want to listen to KPFK again ? 

So, with the many frequent changes being made recently in schedule times or programmers [as with various long-time -some have held on for 14-yr-long-as-programmers - and these having had recently had  paid-time reductions  - and some having exited this scene as no-money-means-no-more-volunteering often also ] ...so  there needs to be continual and correct UPDATES on website.

Do they have staff proficient and available to be a business in the business of soliciting even More Money ?  dunno .

For anyone, loyal stakeholder or new listener to have to SEARCH FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME to find what is most important  --and have only 1 way to find it  -- means the website is NOT USER FRIENDLY. Nor is it sufficiently responsive to us ordinary, as the many, and the most common folks - that come to visit or inquire. 

Once anyone experiences such difficulties, time frustrations and lack of available info, they may surely just assume rest of organization is also on the brink of collapse...maybe. 

9.   Then even worse is this, found quite by accident:                        * foto credit below


 If searching "schedule" for a  program and clicking on it to see what is being played today, or this week, or last week, and instead:   being  immediately directed to their own personal/business websites when clicking on them from KPFK website, That means they, as separate business, as financial entities, as volunteer-programmers too - they  are being PROMOTED, and  given free publicity and PR free from the station…which is somehow never ever mentioned on air or elsewhere !!!   

For example, clicking on the “Lisa Garr” show on KPFK”s schedule page, goes straight direct to her  personal business - the “Awareshow” page, and  that  not a KPFK listing, yet goes to link to her  separate business.   

Does this direct access not constitute a reimbursement as a trade-in-kind ? vs. a cash salary or monetary payment ? Are programmers given these services elsewhere costly and solicited as "sponsors" or "paid publicity" contracts, etc. - are all programmers getting these freebies?  

And why is the "payola" story always ignored, never admitted, never acknowledged in any form it may take and be heard [or seen] on KPFK too ? while the station repeats it's innocent mantra of being free from commercial influences ? huh ? dunno.

How much does advertising and promotion cost otherwise, at this radio station or any Pacifica ones or other non-profit organizations ? 

Why are such practices never ever dis-closed or admitted …even tho this has been openly and often asked at many of the LSB  meetings. Yet no one, ever, has replied and just pretended to ignore an ‘irrelevant’ question.

Strange doings at what is a radio station listeners and donors are suppose to “trust” and pay for too.

 (c) 2015 rr       [yes, this is still 2015 year ]

 * foto credit comes from  " photosbyalexandria.com"