Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What is "committee of inclusion" at KPFK ?

"The Commitees of Inclusion are an additional layer of governance added
to a draft of the Pacifica Bylaws when the Court's deadline for finalization of the Pacifica Settlement Agreement had passed.

About half of the interim Pacifica National Board were of the opinion that
the proposed method of democratic governance was a form of Euro-centric institutionalized racism and some in the other half hoped that this proposal from Houston would break the deadlock and enable bylaws adoption by a balanced majority of the iPNB. 

The token gesture was accepted, but the deadlock remained."


"In addition, there shall be established, in each of the Foundation's
radio station areas, standing committees of the Board to monitor the
under-representation of communities in their respective radio station
areas. These "Committees of Inclusion" shall include one Director and
three LSB members from each radio station area who shall be elected by
their respective LSBs, and such additional individuals as those four
shall choose by majority vote. 

The Committees of Inclusion will monitor both station programming and staffing in consultation with the LSBs. They will also monitor the diversity of election candidates and work with the LSBs' appropriate committees to improve the diversity of election candidates at the local and national level.

These Committees of Inclusion shall monitor diversity participation in consultation with the general manager, local committees and the Board, the status of which will be published and maintained in each respective radio
station area.     Communities deemed to be under-represented by the
Committees of Inclusion will be identified and the extent of their under-representation shall be communicated to the Board, the respective LSBs and any local outreach committees. 

Station managers and appropriate LSB committees will be expected to consider these communities in their future decisions about staffing, programming, and candidate outreach, subject to any applicable state and federal laws and regulations. 

All station managers and Committees of Inclusion will report to the Board and their respective LSBs quarterly on the status of diversity within their radio station areas. The Board shall query and monitor radio station areas with identified under-represented communities and any plans for addressing these under-represented communities' increased participation. 

Where necessary with due notice, the Board will suggest and/or direct managers and committees to implement specific measures to improve the status of under-represented communities in their respective radio station areas.   

The Board will assist and encourage station managers and Committees of Inclusion in finding new ways to improve recruitment efforts in their respective
radio station areas."  [Pacifica Bylaws, Article Eight, Sec. 4]

The COI membership changes each year.  Some years it never meets locally.  One year it met nationally via teleconference.

The KPFK Committee of Inclusion is organizing itself for the current term, ......  The COI is rather unique in two ways.  First, it has authority to add public members of its choosing.  

Second, each local COI is technically either a committee of the National Board or a subcommittee of a National COI which is a committee of the PNB. 

The local Committee of Inclusion is not a committee of the Local Station Board, so its membership is not restricted by the KPFK LSB rule that non-LSB Members cannot outnumber LSB Members on local committees.  "

[note: all italics or emphasis is this blogger's and not Terry Goodman's info.] 

the above is information provided by KPFK's parliamentarian, Terry Goodman, who has always provided accurate and findable information when asked about the organizations that are involved as in Pacifica, KPFK, and their affiliates. His long term loyalty and excellent memory for history and facts makes him a unique resource and reliable researcher also. 

His contributions to making LSB meetings function in a more orderly, legal, and by-laws-following-fashion have been noted by everyone present there. Terry Goodman is the source of audio recordings of KPFK meetings on line as well as putting up announcements of meetings on the station's web page in events, and elsewhere. 

He works diligently and is commendable and appreciated too.

(c) al 2014

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