Monday, January 13, 2014

KPFK Mission, as findable online

Searching online, as dedicated educators also love to do, the finding of the KPFK Mission  -with other related references for further elucidation - is below for the sharing of information. Here is what was found  - FOR YOU TOO:  lists other KPFK his-story too      

the mission written here:
[Note: emphasis not in the one written on website]   

this site says:

“a) To establish a Foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation…..

to gather and disseminate information on the causes of conflict between any and all of such groups ….

to gather and disseminate information on the causes of conflict between any and all of such groups…. 

and to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community….”

this site about Pacifica Network...excerpts are here :

 “…Pacifica's mission is to promote peace and justice through communication between all races, nationalities and cultures. We strive to contribute to the democratic process through public discourse and promotion of culture. Unbeholden to commercial or governmental interests, we recognize that use of the airwaves is a public trust……" /94-lewhillthetheory behindpublicradio.html     
[cut and paste this link plse] says: 
Lew Hill wrote this and it is posted on KPFK website 
[NOTE: not his emphasis is noted below here ]  

It taken From "The Exacting Ear: The Story of Listener-Sponsored Radio, and an Anthology of Programs from KPFA, KPFK, and WBAI", edited by Eleanor McKinney with a preface by Erich Fromm, published by Pantheon Books. Copyright 1966 by Pacifica Foundation. :  

“…The theory I want to discuss rests on two particular assumptions: first, that radio can and should be used for significant communication and art; and second, that since broadcasting is an act of communication, it ought to be subject to the same aesthetic and ethical principles as we apply to any communicative act....         

 It may be clearer why I indicated at the outset that listener sponsorship involves some basic concerns. …, we are compelled to account for some conscious flow of influences, some creative tension between broadcaster and audience that constantly reaffirms their mutual relevance. Listener sponsorship will require this mutual stimulus if it is to exist at all… Anyone can understand the rationale of listener sponsorship--that unless the station is supported by those who value it, no one can listen to it including those who value it……          

When we have a radio station fully supported by subscribers who have not responded to a special gift offer, who are not participating in a lottery, who have not ventured an investment at 3 per cent, but who use this means of supporting values that seem to them of basic and lasting importance--then we will have more than a subscription roster.

It will amount, I think, to a new focus of action or a new shaping influence that can hardly fail to strengthen all of us.  We are concerned, of course, with a supplemental form of radio. Listener sponsorship is not a substitute for the commercial industry….”
                                               # # # 

Wanting to better understand the whole of why KPFK is not functioning as the station management and staff want to project, and have the public believe, here is more information of the original intentions.  

And since the people who control the station say they are abiding by the intent of the Mission statement they so often refer to as their holy script, the above is here attempting to provide more guidance, information, as well as provocations to elicit further searches and sharings -  gathered from those also  who care to BE IN THE KNOW - to know of at least a little of the 'inner workings' of the radio station that "the Public" stakeholders hold so dear

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